module Cat.Abelian.Base where

Abelian categoriesπŸ”—

This module defines the sequence of properties which β€œwork up to” abelian categories: Ab-enriched categories, pre-additive categories, pre-abelian categories, and abelian categories. Each concept builds on the last by adding a new categorical property on top of a precategory.

Ab-enriched categoriesπŸ”—

An Ab\mathbf{Ab}-enriched category is one where each Hom\mathbf{Hom} set carries the structure of an Abelian group, such that the composition map is bilinear, hence extending to an Abelian group homomorphism

Hom(b,c)βŠ—Hom(a,b)β†’Hom(a,c), \mathbf{Hom}(b, c) \otimes \mathbf{Hom}(a, b) \to \mathbf{Hom}(a, c)\text{,}

where the term on the left is the tensor product of the corresponding Hom\mathbf{Hom}-groups. As the name implies, every such category has a canonical Ab\mathbf{Ab}-enrichment (made monoidal using βˆ’βŠ—βˆ’- \otimes -), but we do not use the language of enriched category theory in our development of Abelian categories.

record Ab-category {o β„“} (C : Precategory o β„“) : Type (o βŠ” lsuc β„“) where
  open Cat C public
    Abelian-group-on-hom : βˆ€ A B β†’ Abelian-group-on (Hom A B)

  _+_ : βˆ€ {A B} (f g : Hom A B) β†’ Hom A B
  f + g = Abelian-group-on-hom _ _ .Abelian-group-on._*_ f g

  0m : βˆ€ {A B} β†’ Hom A B
  0m = Abelian-group-on-hom _ _ .Abelian-group-on.1g

  Hom-grp : βˆ€ A B β†’ Abelian-group β„“
  Hom-grp A B = (el (Hom A B) (Hom-set A B)) , Abelian-group-on-hom A B

    -- Composition is multilinear:
      : βˆ€ {A B C} (f g : Hom B C) (h : Hom A B)
      β†’ (f ∘ h) + (g ∘ h) ≑ (f + g) ∘ h
      : βˆ€ {A B C} (f : Hom B C) (g h : Hom A B)
      β†’ (f ∘ g) + (f ∘ h) ≑ f ∘ (g + h)

  ∘map : βˆ€ {A B C} β†’ Ab.Hom (Hom-grp B C βŠ— Hom-grp A B) (Hom-grp A C)
  ∘map {A} {B} {C} =
    from-bilinear-map (Hom-grp B C) (Hom-grp A B) (Hom-grp A C)
      (record { map     = _∘_
              ; pres-*l = Ξ» x y z β†’ sym (∘-linear-l x y z)
              ; pres-*r = Ξ» x y z β†’ sym (∘-linear-r x y z)

  module Hom {A B} = Abelian-group-on (Abelian-group-on-hom A B) renaming (_⁻¹ to inverse)
  open Hom
    using (zero-diff)
    renaming (_β€”_ to _-_)
Note that from multilinearity of composition, it follows that the addition of Hom\mathbf{Hom}-groups and composition1 operations satisfy familiar algebraic identities, e.g.Β 0f=f0=00f = f0 = 0, βˆ’ab=(βˆ’a)b=a(βˆ’b)-ab = (-a)b = a(-b), etc.
  ∘-zero-r : βˆ€ {A B C} {f : Hom B C} β†’ f ∘ 0m {A} {B} ≑ 0m
  ∘-zero-r {f = f} =
    f ∘ 0m                     β‰‘βŸ¨ Hom.intror Hom.inverser ⟩
    f ∘ 0m + (f ∘ 0m - f ∘ 0m) β‰‘βŸ¨ Hom.associative ⟩
    (f ∘ 0m + f ∘ 0m) - f ∘ 0m β‰‘βŸ¨ ap (_- f ∘ 0m) (∘-linear-r _ _ _) ⟩
    (f ∘ (0m + 0m)) - f ∘ 0m   β‰‘βŸ¨ ap ((_- f ∘ 0m) βŠ™ (f ∘_)) Hom.idl ⟩
    (f ∘ 0m) - f ∘ 0m          β‰‘βŸ¨ Hom.inverser ⟩
    0m                         ∎

  ∘-zero-l : βˆ€ {A B C} {f : Hom A B} β†’ 0m ∘ f ≑ 0m {A} {C}
  ∘-zero-l {f = f} =
    0m ∘ f                                   β‰‘βŸ¨ Hom.introl Hom.inversel ⟩
    (Hom.inverse (0m ∘ f) + 0m ∘ f) + 0m ∘ f β‰‘βŸ¨ sym Hom.associative ⟩
    Hom.inverse (0m ∘ f) + (0m ∘ f + 0m ∘ f) β‰‘βŸ¨ ap (Hom.inverse (0m ∘ f) +_) (∘-linear-l _ _ _) ⟩
    Hom.inverse (0m ∘ f) + ((0m + 0m) ∘ f)   β‰‘βŸ¨ ap ((Hom.inverse (0m ∘ f) +_) βŠ™ (_∘ f)) Hom.idl ⟩
    Hom.inverse (0m ∘ f) + (0m ∘ f)          β‰‘βŸ¨ Hom.inversel ⟩
    0m                                       ∎

    : βˆ€ {A B C} {g : Hom B C} {h : Hom A B}
    β†’ Hom.inverse (g ∘ h) ≑ Hom.inverse g ∘ h
  neg-∘-l {g = g} {h} = monoid-inverse-unique Hom.has-is-monoid (g ∘ h) _ _
    (∘-linear-l _ _ _ βˆ™ ap (_∘ h) Hom.inverser βˆ™ ∘-zero-l)

    : βˆ€ {A B C} {g : Hom B C} {h : Hom A B}
    β†’ Hom.inverse (g ∘ h) ≑ g ∘ Hom.inverse h
  neg-∘-r {g = g} {h} = monoid-inverse-unique Hom.has-is-monoid (g ∘ h) _ _
    (∘-linear-r _ _ _ βˆ™ ap (g ∘_) Hom.inverser βˆ™ ∘-zero-r)

    : βˆ€ {A B C} (f g : Hom B C) (h : Hom A B)
    β†’ (f ∘ h) - (g ∘ h) ≑ (f - g) ∘ h
  ∘-minus-l f g h =
    f ∘ h - g ∘ h               β‰‘βŸ¨ ap (f ∘ h +_) neg-∘-l ⟩
    f ∘ h + (Hom.inverse g ∘ h) β‰‘βŸ¨ ∘-linear-l _ _ _ ⟩
    (f - g) ∘ h                 ∎

    : βˆ€ {A B C} (f : Hom B C) (g h : Hom A B)
    β†’ (f ∘ g) - (f ∘ h) ≑ f ∘ (g - h)
  ∘-minus-r f g h =
    f ∘ g - f ∘ h               β‰‘βŸ¨ ap (f ∘ g +_) neg-∘-r ⟩
    f ∘ g + (f ∘ Hom.inverse h) β‰‘βŸ¨ ∘-linear-r _ _ _ ⟩
    f ∘ (g - h)                 ∎

Before moving on, we note the following property of Ab\mathbf{Ab}-categories: If AA is an object s.t. id⁑A=0\operatorname{id}_{A} = 0, then AA is a zero object.

module _ {o β„“} {C : Precategory o β„“} (A : Ab-category C) where
  private module A = Ab-category A

  id-zeroβ†’zero : βˆ€ {A} β†’ {A} ≑ A.0m β†’ A
  id-zero→zero idm B = contr A.0m λ h → sym $
    h                                β‰‘βŸ¨ A.intror refl ⟩
    h A.∘                       β‰‘βŸ¨ A.refl⟩∘⟨ idm ⟩
    h A.∘ A.0m                       β‰‘βŸ¨ A.∘-zero-r ⟩
    A.0m                             ∎
  id-zero→zero idm x = contr A.0m λ h → sym $
    h                              β‰‘βŸ¨ A.introl refl ⟩ A.∘ h                     β‰‘βŸ¨ idm A.⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
    A.0m A.∘ h                     β‰‘βŸ¨ A.∘-zero-l ⟩
    A.0m                           ∎

Perhaps the simplest example of an Ab\mathbf{Ab}-category is.. any ring! In the same way that a monoid is a category with one object, and a group is a groupoid with one object, a ring is a ringoid with one object; Ringoid being another word for Ab\mathbf{Ab}-category, rather than a horizontal categorification of the drummer for the Beatles. The next simplest example is Ab\mathbf{Ab} itself:

module _ where
  open Ab-category
  Ab-ab-category : βˆ€ {β„“} β†’ Ab-category (Ab β„“)
  Ab-ab-category .Abelian-group-on-hom A B = Ab.Abelian-group-on-hom A B
  Ab-ab-category .∘-linear-l f g h = trivial!
  Ab-ab-category .∘-linear-r f g h =
    Homomorphism-path (Ξ» _ β†’ sym (f .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ _ _))

Additive categoriesπŸ”—

An Ab\mathbf{Ab}-category is additive when its underlying category has a terminal object and finite products; By the yoga above, this implies that the terminal object is also a zero object, and the finite products coincide with finite coproducts.

record is-additive {o β„“} (C : Precategory o β„“) : Type (o βŠ” lsuc β„“) where
  field has-ab : Ab-category C
  open Ab-category has-ab public

    has-terminal : Terminal
    has-prods    : βˆ€ A B β†’ Product A B

  βˆ… : Zero
  βˆ… .Zero.βˆ… = has-terminal
  βˆ… .Zero.has-is-zero = id-zeroβ†’zero has-ab $
    is-contrβ†’is-prop (has-terminal .Terminal.has⊀ _) _ _
  module βˆ… = Zero βˆ…

  0m-unique : βˆ€ {A B} β†’ βˆ….zeroβ†’ {A} {B} ≑ 0m
  0m-unique = apβ‚‚ _∘_ (βˆ….hasβŠ₯ _ .paths _) refl βˆ™ ∘-zero-l

Coincidence of finite products and finite coproducts leads to an object commonly called a (finite) biproduct. The coproduct coprojections are given by the pair of maps

(id⁑×0):Aβ†’AΓ—B(0Γ—id⁑):Bβ†’AΓ—B, \begin{align*} &(\operatorname{id}_{} \times 0) : A \to A \times B \\ &(0 \times \operatorname{id}_{}) : B \to A \times B\text{,} \end{align*}

respectively, and the comultiplication of ff and gg is given by fΟ€1+gΟ€2f\pi_1 + g\pi_2. We can calculate, for the first coprojection followed by comultiplication,

(fΟ€1+gΟ€2)(id⁑×0)=fΟ€1(id⁑×0)+gΟ€2(id⁑×0)=fid⁑+g0=f, \begin{align*} & (f\pi_1+g\pi_2)(\operatorname{id}_{}\times 0) \\ =& f\pi_1(\operatorname{id}_{}\times 0) + g\pi_2(\operatorname{id}_{}\times 0) \\ =& f\operatorname{id}_{} + g0 \\ =& f\text{,} \end{align*}

and analogously for the second coprojection followed by comultiplication.

  has-coprods : βˆ€ A B β†’ Coproduct A B
  has-coprods A B = coprod where
    open Coproduct
    open is-coproduct
    module Prod = Product (has-prods A B)
    coprod : Coproduct A B
    coprod .coapex = Prod.apex
    coprod .inβ‚€ = Prod.⟨ id , 0m ⟩
    coprod .in₁ = Prod.⟨ 0m , id ⟩
    coprod .has-is-coproduct .[_,_] f g = f ∘ Prod.π₁ + g ∘ Prod.Ο€β‚‚
    coprod .has-is-coproduct .inβ‚€βˆ˜factor {inj0 = inj0} {inj1} =
      (inj0 ∘ Prod.π₁ + inj1 ∘ Prod.Ο€β‚‚) ∘ Prod.⟨ id , 0m ⟩ β‰‘βŸ¨ sym (∘-linear-l _ _ _) ⟩
      ((inj0 ∘ Prod.π₁) ∘ Prod.⟨ id , 0m ⟩ + _)            β‰‘βŸ¨ Hom.elimr (pullr Prod.Ο€β‚‚βˆ˜factor βˆ™ ∘-zero-r) ⟩
      (inj0 ∘ Prod.π₁) ∘ Prod.⟨ id , 0m ⟩                  β‰‘βŸ¨ cancelr Prod.Ο€β‚βˆ˜factor ⟩
      inj0                                                ∎
    coprod .has-is-coproduct .inβ‚βˆ˜factor {inj0 = inj0} {inj1} =
      (inj0 ∘ Prod.π₁ + inj1 ∘ Prod.Ο€β‚‚) ∘ Prod.⟨ 0m , id ⟩ β‰‘βŸ¨ sym (∘-linear-l _ _ _) ⟩
      (_ + (inj1 ∘ Prod.Ο€β‚‚) ∘ Prod.⟨ 0m , id ⟩)            β‰‘βŸ¨ Hom.eliml (pullr Prod.Ο€β‚βˆ˜factor βˆ™ ∘-zero-r) ⟩
      (inj1 ∘ Prod.Ο€β‚‚) ∘ Prod.⟨ 0m , id ⟩                  β‰‘βŸ¨ cancelr Prod.Ο€β‚‚βˆ˜factor ⟩
      inj1                                                 ∎

For uniqueness, we use distributivity of composition over addition of morphisms and the universal property of the product to establish the desired equation. Check it out:

    coprod .has-is-coproduct .unique {inj0 = inj0} {inj1} other p q = sym $
      inj0 ∘ Prod.π₁ + inj1 ∘ Prod.Ο€β‚‚                                             β‰‘βŸ¨ apβ‚‚ _+_ (pushl (sym p)) (pushl (sym q)) ⟩
      (other ∘ Prod.⟨ id , 0m ⟩ ∘ Prod.π₁) + (other ∘ Prod.⟨ 0m , id ⟩ ∘ Prod.Ο€β‚‚) β‰‘βŸ¨ ∘-linear-r _ _ _ ⟩
      other ∘ (Prod.⟨ id , 0m ⟩ ∘ Prod.π₁ + Prod.⟨ 0m , id ⟩ ∘ Prod.Ο€β‚‚)           β‰‘βŸ¨ elimr lemma ⟩
      other                                                                       ∎
        lemma : Prod.⟨ id , 0m ⟩ ∘ Prod.π₁ + Prod.⟨ 0m , id ⟩ ∘ Prod.Ο€β‚‚
              ≑ id
        lemma = Prod.uniqueβ‚‚ {pr1 = Prod.π₁} {pr2 = Prod.Ο€β‚‚}
          (sym (∘-linear-r _ _ _) βˆ™ apβ‚‚ _+_ (cancell Prod.Ο€β‚βˆ˜factor) (pulll Prod.Ο€β‚βˆ˜factor βˆ™ ∘-zero-l) βˆ™ Hom.elimr refl)
          (sym (∘-linear-r _ _ _) βˆ™ apβ‚‚ _+_ (pulll Prod.Ο€β‚‚βˆ˜factor βˆ™ ∘-zero-l) (cancell Prod.Ο€β‚‚βˆ˜factor) βˆ™ Hom.eliml refl)
          (elimr refl)
          (elimr refl)

Pre-abelian & abelian categoriesπŸ”—

An additive category is pre-abelian when it additionally has kernels and cokernels, hence binary equalisers and coequalisers where one of the maps is zero.

record is-pre-abelian {o β„“} (C : Precategory o β„“) : Type (o βŠ” lsuc β„“) where
  field has-additive : is-additive C
  open is-additive has-additive public
    kernel   : βˆ€ {A B} (f : Hom A B) β†’ Kernel C βˆ… f
    cokernel : βˆ€ {A B} (f : Hom A B) β†’ Coequaliser 0m f

  module Ker {A B} (f : Hom A B) = Kernel (kernel f)
  module Coker {A B} (f : Hom A B) = Coequaliser (cokernel f)

Every morphism A→fBA \xrightarrow{f} B in a preabelian category admits a canonical decomposition as

Aβ† pcoker⁑(ker⁑f)β†’fβ€²ker⁑(coker⁑f)β†ͺiB, A \xtwoheadrightarrow{p} \operatorname{coker}(\ker f) \xrightarrow{f'} \ker (\operatorname{coker}f) \xhookrightarrow{i} B\text{,}

where, as indicated, the map pp is an epimorphism (indeed a regular epimorphism, since it is a cokernel) and the map ii is a regular monomorphism.

    : βˆ€ {A B} (f : Hom A B)
    β†’ Ξ£[ f' ∈ Hom (Coker.coapex (Ker.kernel f)) (Ker.ker (Coker.coeq f)) ]
       (f ≑ Ker.kernel (Coker.coeq f) ∘ f' ∘ Coker.coeq (Ker.kernel f))
  decompose {A} {B} f = map , sym path
      proj' : Hom (Coker.coapex (Ker.kernel f)) B
      proj' = Coker.universal (Ker.kernel f) {e' = f} $ sym path
      map : Hom (Coker.coapex (Ker.kernel f)) (Ker.ker (Coker.coeq f))
      map = Ker.universal (Coker.coeq f) {e' = proj'} $ sym path

The existence of the map fβ€²f', and indeed of the maps pp and ii, follow from the universal properties of kernels and cokernels. The map pp is the canonical quotient map Aβ†’coker⁑(f)A \to \operatorname{coker}(f), and the map ii is the canonical subobject inclusion ker⁑(f)β†’B\ker(f) \to B.

A pre-abelian category is abelian when the map fβ€²f' in the above decomposition is an isomorphism.

record is-abelian {o β„“} (C : Precategory o β„“) : Type (o βŠ” lsuc β„“) where
  field has-is-preab : is-pre-abelian C
  open is-pre-abelian has-is-preab public
      : βˆ€ {A B} (f : Hom A B) β†’ is-invertible (decompose f .fst)

This implies in particular that any monomorphism is a kernel, and every epimorphism is a cokernel. Let’s investigate the case for β€œevery mono is a kernel” first: Suppose that f:Aβ†ͺBf : A \hookrightarrow B is some monomorphism; We’ll show that it’s isomorphic to ker⁑(coker⁑f)\ker (\operatorname{coker}f) in the slice category A/B\mathcal{A}/B.

  module _ {A B} (f : Hom A B) (monic : is-monic f) where
      module m = Cat (Slice C B)

The map Aβ†’ker⁑(coker⁑f)A \to \ker (\operatorname{coker}f) is obtained as the composite

Aβ† pcoker⁑(ker⁑f)β‰…ker⁑(coker⁑f), A \xtwoheadrightarrow{p} \operatorname{coker}(\ker f) \cong \ker (\operatorname{coker}f)\text{,}

where the isomorphism is our canonical map from before.

      f→kercoker : m.Hom (cut f) (cut (Ker.kernel (Coker.coeq f)))
      fβ†’kercoker ./ = decompose f .fst ∘ Coker.coeq (Ker.kernel f)
      f→kercoker ./-Hom.commutes = sym (decompose f .snd)

Conversely, map ker⁑(coker⁑f)β†’A\ker (\operatorname{coker}f) \to A is the composite

ker⁑(coker⁑f)β‰…coker⁑(ker⁑f)β†’A, \ker (\operatorname{coker}f) \cong \operatorname{coker}(\ker f) \to A\text{,}

where the second map arises from the universal property of the cokernel: We can map out of it with the map ker⁑fβ†ͺA\ker f \hookrightarrow A, since (using that ff is mono), we have 0=ker⁑f0 = \ker f from f0=fker⁑ff0 = f\ker f.

      kercoker→f : m.Hom (cut (Ker.kernel (Coker.coeq f))) (cut f)
      kercoker→f ./ =
        Coker.universal (Ker.kernel f) {e' = id} (monic _ _ path) ∘
          coker-ker≃ker-coker f .is-invertible.inv
        where abstract
          path : f ∘ id ∘ 0m ≑ f ∘ id ∘ Ker.kernel f
          path =
            f ∘ id ∘ 0m              β‰‘βŸ¨ ap (f ∘_) (eliml refl) βˆ™ ∘-zero-r ⟩
            0m                       β‰‘Λ˜βŸ¨ βˆ….zero-∘r _ βˆ™ 0m-unique ⟩
            (βˆ….zeroβ†’ ∘ Ker.kernel f) β‰‘Λ˜βŸ¨ Ker.equal f ⟩
            f ∘ Ker.kernel f         β‰‘βŸ¨ ap (f ∘_) (introl refl) ⟩
            f ∘ id ∘ Ker.kernel f    ∎

This is indeed a map in the slice using that both isomorphisms and coequalisers are epic to make progress.

      kercoker→f ./-Hom.commutes = path where
        lemma =
          is-coequaliser→is-epic (Coker.coeq _) (Coker.has-is-coeq _) _ _ $
               pullr (Coker.factors _)
            Β·Β· elimr refl
            Β·Β· (decompose f .snd βˆ™ assoc _ _ _)

        path =
          invertibleβ†’epic (coker-ker≃ker-coker _) _ _ $
            (f ∘ Coker.universal _ _ ∘ _) ∘ decompose f .fst   β‰‘βŸ¨ apβ‚‚ _∘_ (assoc _ _ _) refl ⟩
            ((f ∘ Coker.universal _ _) ∘ _) ∘ decompose f .fst β‰‘βŸ¨ cancelr (coker-ker≃ker-coker _ .is-invertible.invr) ⟩
            f ∘ Coker.universal _ _                            β‰‘βŸ¨ lemma ⟩
            Ker.kernel _ ∘ decompose f .fst                     ∎

Using the universal property of the cokernel (both uniqueness and universality), we establish that the maps defined above are inverses in A\mathcal{A}, thus assemble into an isomorphism in the slice.

    mono→kernel : cut f m.≅ cut (Ker.kernel (Coker.coeq f))
    mono→kernel = m.make-iso f→kercoker kercoker→f f→kc→f kc→f→kc where
      fβ†’kcβ†’f : fβ†’kercoker m.∘ kercokerβ†’f ≑
      f→kc→f = ext $
        (decompose f .fst ∘ Coker.coeq _) ∘ Coker.universal _ _ ∘ _  β‰‘βŸ¨ cancel-inner lemma ⟩
        decompose f .fst ∘ _                                         β‰‘βŸ¨ coker-ker≃ker-coker f .is-invertible.invl ⟩
        id                                                           ∎
          lemma = Coker.uniqueβ‚‚ _
            {e' = Coker.coeq (Ker.kernel f)}
            (∘-zero-r βˆ™ sym (sym (Coker.coequal _) βˆ™ ∘-zero-r))
            (pullr (Coker.factors (Ker.kernel f)) βˆ™ elimr refl)
            (eliml refl)

      kcβ†’fβ†’kc : kercokerβ†’f m.∘ fβ†’kercoker ≑
      kc→f→kc = ext $
        (Coker.universal _ _ ∘ _) ∘ decompose f .fst ∘ Coker.coeq _ β‰‘βŸ¨ cancel-inner (coker-ker≃ker-coker f .is-invertible.invr) ⟩
        Coker.universal _ _ ∘ Coker.coeq _                          β‰‘βŸ¨ Coker.factors _ ⟩
        id                                                          ∎

  1. β€œmultiplicationβ€β†©οΈŽ