module Cat.Abelian.Endo {o â„“} {C : Precategory o â„“} (A : Ab-category C) where
private module A = Ab-category A
Endomorphism rings🔗
Fix an It can be the category of abelian groups itself, for example, or for your favourite ring1. Because composition in distributes over addition, the collection of endomorphisms of any particular object is not only a monoid, but a ring: the endomorphism ring of
: A.Ob → Ring ℓ
Endo = to-ring mr where
Endo x open make-ring
: make-ring (A.Hom x x)
mr .ring-is-set = A.Hom-set x x
mr .0R = A.0m
mr .1R =
mr .make-ring._+_ = A._+_
mr .make-ring.-_ = A.Hom.inverse
mr .make-ring._*_ = A._∘_
mr .+-idl _ = A.Hom.idl
mr .+-invr _ = A.Hom.inverser
mr .+-assoc _ _ _ = A.Hom.associative
mr .+-comm _ _ = A.Hom.commutes
mr .*-idl _ = A.idl _
mr .*-idr _ = A.idr _
mr .*-assoc _ _ _ = A.assoc _ _ _
mr .*-distribl _ _ _ = sym (A.∘-linear-r _ _ _)
mr .*-distribr _ _ _ = sym (A.∘-linear-l _ _ _) mr
This is a fantastic source of non-commutative rings, and indeed the justification for allowing them at all. Even for the relatively simple case of it is an open problem to characterise the abelian groups with commutative endomorphism rings.
We tacitly assume the reader has a favourite ring.↩︎