module Cat.Abelian.Base where

Abelian categoriesπŸ”—

This module defines the sequence of properties which β€œwork up to” abelian categories: Ab-enriched categories, pre-additive categories, pre-abelian categories, and abelian categories. Each concept builds on the last by adding a new categorical property on top of a precategory.

Ab-enriched categoriesπŸ”—

An category is one where each set carries the structure of an Abelian group, such that the composition map is bilinear, hence extending to an Abelian group homomorphism

where the term on the left is the tensor product of the corresponding As the name implies, every such category has a canonical (made monoidal using but we do not use the language of enriched category theory in our development of Abelian categories.

record Ab-category {o β„“} (C : Precategory o β„“) : Type (o βŠ” lsuc β„“) where
  open Cat C public
    Abelian-group-on-hom : βˆ€ A B β†’ Abelian-group-on (Hom A B)

  _+_ : βˆ€ {A B} (f g : Hom A B) β†’ Hom A B
  f + g = Abelian-group-on-hom _ _ .Abelian-group-on._*_ f g

  0m : βˆ€ {A B} β†’ Hom A B
  0m = Abelian-group-on-hom _ _ .Abelian-group-on.1g

  Hom-grp : βˆ€ A B β†’ Abelian-group β„“
  Hom-grp A B = (el (Hom A B) (Hom-set A B)) , Abelian-group-on-hom A B

    -- Composition is multilinear:
      : βˆ€ {A B C} (f g : Hom B C) (h : Hom A B)
      β†’ (f ∘ h) + (g ∘ h) ≑ (f + g) ∘ h
      : βˆ€ {A B C} (f : Hom B C) (g h : Hom A B)
      β†’ (f ∘ g) + (f ∘ h) ≑ f ∘ (g + h)

  ∘map : βˆ€ {A B C} β†’ Ab.Hom (Hom-grp B C βŠ— Hom-grp A B) (Hom-grp A C)
  ∘map {A} {B} {C} =
    from-bilinear-map (Hom-grp B C) (Hom-grp A B) (Hom-grp A C)
      (record { map     = _∘_
              ; pres-*l = Ξ» x y z β†’ sym (∘-linear-l x y z)
              ; pres-*r = Ξ» x y z β†’ sym (∘-linear-r x y z)

  module Hom {A B} = Abelian-group-on (Abelian-group-on-hom A B) renaming (_⁻¹ to inverse)
  open Hom
    using (zero-diff)
    renaming (_β€”_ to _-_)
Note that from multilinearity of composition, it follows that the addition of and composition1 operations satisfy familiar algebraic identities, e.g.Β  etc.
  ∘-zero-r : βˆ€ {A B C} {f : Hom B C} β†’ f ∘ 0m {A} {B} ≑ 0m
  ∘-zero-r {f = f} =
    f ∘ 0m                     β‰‘βŸ¨ Hom.intror Hom.inverser ⟩
    f ∘ 0m + (f ∘ 0m - f ∘ 0m) β‰‘βŸ¨ Hom.associative ⟩
    (f ∘ 0m + f ∘ 0m) - f ∘ 0m β‰‘βŸ¨ ap (_- f ∘ 0m) (∘-linear-r _ _ _) ⟩
    (f ∘ (0m + 0m)) - f ∘ 0m   β‰‘βŸ¨ ap ((_- f ∘ 0m) βŠ™ (f ∘_)) Hom.idl ⟩
    (f ∘ 0m) - f ∘ 0m          β‰‘βŸ¨ Hom.inverser ⟩
    0m                         ∎

  ∘-zero-l : βˆ€ {A B C} {f : Hom A B} β†’ 0m ∘ f ≑ 0m {A} {C}
  ∘-zero-l {f = f} =
    0m ∘ f                                   β‰‘βŸ¨ Hom.introl Hom.inversel ⟩
    (Hom.inverse (0m ∘ f) + 0m ∘ f) + 0m ∘ f β‰‘βŸ¨ sym Hom.associative ⟩
    Hom.inverse (0m ∘ f) + (0m ∘ f + 0m ∘ f) β‰‘βŸ¨ ap (Hom.inverse (0m ∘ f) +_) (∘-linear-l _ _ _) ⟩
    Hom.inverse (0m ∘ f) + ((0m + 0m) ∘ f)   β‰‘βŸ¨ ap ((Hom.inverse (0m ∘ f) +_) βŠ™ (_∘ f)) Hom.idl ⟩
    Hom.inverse (0m ∘ f) + (0m ∘ f)          β‰‘βŸ¨ Hom.inversel ⟩
    0m                                       ∎

    : βˆ€ {A B C} {g : Hom B C} {h : Hom A B}
    β†’ Hom.inverse (g ∘ h) ≑ Hom.inverse g ∘ h
  neg-∘-l {g = g} {h} = monoid-inverse-unique Hom.has-is-monoid (g ∘ h) _ _
    (∘-linear-l _ _ _ βˆ™ ap (_∘ h) Hom.inverser βˆ™ ∘-zero-l)

    : βˆ€ {A B C} {g : Hom B C} {h : Hom A B}
    β†’ Hom.inverse (g ∘ h) ≑ g ∘ Hom.inverse h
  neg-∘-r {g = g} {h} = monoid-inverse-unique Hom.has-is-monoid (g ∘ h) _ _
    (∘-linear-r _ _ _ βˆ™ ap (g ∘_) Hom.inverser βˆ™ ∘-zero-r)

    : βˆ€ {A B C} (f g : Hom B C) (h : Hom A B)
    β†’ (f ∘ h) - (g ∘ h) ≑ (f - g) ∘ h
  ∘-minus-l f g h =
    f ∘ h - g ∘ h               β‰‘βŸ¨ ap (f ∘ h +_) neg-∘-l ⟩
    f ∘ h + (Hom.inverse g ∘ h) β‰‘βŸ¨ ∘-linear-l _ _ _ ⟩
    (f - g) ∘ h                 ∎

    : βˆ€ {A B C} (f : Hom B C) (g h : Hom A B)
    β†’ (f ∘ g) - (f ∘ h) ≑ f ∘ (g - h)
  ∘-minus-r f g h =
    f ∘ g - f ∘ h               β‰‘βŸ¨ ap (f ∘ g +_) neg-∘-r ⟩
    f ∘ g + (f ∘ Hom.inverse h) β‰‘βŸ¨ ∘-linear-r _ _ _ ⟩
    f ∘ (g - h)                 ∎

Before moving on, we note the following property of If is an object s.t. then is a zero object.

module _ {o β„“} {C : Precategory o β„“} (A : Ab-category C) where
  private module A = Ab-category A

  id-zeroβ†’zero : βˆ€ {X} β†’ {X} ≑ A.0m β†’ is-zero C X
  id-zero→zero idm .is-zero.has-is-initial B = contr A.0m λ h → sym $
    h                                β‰‘βŸ¨ A.intror refl ⟩
    h A.∘                       β‰‘βŸ¨ A.refl⟩∘⟨ idm ⟩
    h A.∘ A.0m                       β‰‘βŸ¨ A.∘-zero-r ⟩
    A.0m                             ∎
  id-zero→zero idm .is-zero.has-is-terminal x = contr A.0m λ h → sym $
    h                              β‰‘βŸ¨ A.introl refl ⟩ A.∘ h                     β‰‘βŸ¨ idm A.⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
    A.0m A.∘ h                     β‰‘βŸ¨ A.∘-zero-l ⟩
    A.0m                           ∎

Perhaps the simplest example of an is.. any ring! In the same way that a monoid is a category with one object, and a group is a groupoid with one object, a ring is a ringoid with one object; Ringoid being another word for rather than a horizontal categorification of the drummer for the Beatles. The next simplest example is itself:

module _ where
  open Ab-category
  Ab-ab-category : βˆ€ {β„“} β†’ Ab-category (Ab β„“)
  Ab-ab-category .Abelian-group-on-hom A B = Ab.Abelian-group-on-hom A B
  Ab-ab-category .∘-linear-l f g h = trivial!
  Ab-ab-category .∘-linear-r f g h = ext Ξ» _ β†’
    sym (f .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ _ _)

Additive categoriesπŸ”—

An is additive when its underlying category has a terminal object and finite products; By the yoga above, this implies that the terminal object is also a zero object, and the finite products coincide with finite coproducts.

record is-additive {o β„“} (C : Precategory o β„“) : Type (o βŠ” lsuc β„“) where
  field has-ab : Ab-category C
  open Ab-category has-ab public

    has-terminal : Terminal C
    has-prods    : βˆ€ A B β†’ Product C A B

  βˆ… : Zero C
  βˆ… .Zero.βˆ… = has-terminal
  βˆ… .Zero.has-is-zero = id-zeroβ†’zero has-ab $
    is-contrβ†’is-prop (has-terminal .Terminal.has⊀ _) _ _
  module βˆ… = Zero βˆ…

  0m-unique : βˆ€ {A B} β†’ βˆ….zeroβ†’ {A} {B} ≑ 0m
  0m-unique = apβ‚‚ _∘_ (βˆ….hasβŠ₯ _ .paths _) refl βˆ™ ∘-zero-l

Coincidence of finite products and finite coproducts leads to an object commonly called a (finite) biproduct. The coproduct coprojections are given by the pair of maps

respectively, and the comultiplication of and is given by We can calculate, for the first coprojection followed by comultiplication,

and analogously for the second coprojection followed by comultiplication.

  has-coprods : βˆ€ A B β†’ Coproduct C A B
  has-coprods A B = coprod where
    open Coproduct
    open is-coproduct
    module Prod = Product (has-prods A B)
    coprod : Coproduct C A B
    coprod .coapex = Prod.apex
    coprod .inβ‚€ = Prod.⟨ id , 0m ⟩
    coprod .in₁ = Prod.⟨ 0m , id ⟩
    coprod .has-is-coproduct .[_,_] f g = f ∘ Prod.π₁ + g ∘ Prod.Ο€β‚‚
    coprod .has-is-coproduct .inβ‚€βˆ˜factor {inj0 = inj0} {inj1} =
      (inj0 ∘ Prod.π₁ + inj1 ∘ Prod.Ο€β‚‚) ∘ Prod.⟨ id , 0m ⟩ β‰‘βŸ¨ sym (∘-linear-l _ _ _) ⟩
      ((inj0 ∘ Prod.π₁) ∘ Prod.⟨ id , 0m ⟩ + _)            β‰‘βŸ¨ Hom.elimr (pullr Prod.Ο€β‚‚βˆ˜factor βˆ™ ∘-zero-r) ⟩
      (inj0 ∘ Prod.π₁) ∘ Prod.⟨ id , 0m ⟩                  β‰‘βŸ¨ cancelr Prod.Ο€β‚βˆ˜factor ⟩
      inj0                                                ∎
    coprod .has-is-coproduct .inβ‚βˆ˜factor {inj0 = inj0} {inj1} =
      (inj0 ∘ Prod.π₁ + inj1 ∘ Prod.Ο€β‚‚) ∘ Prod.⟨ 0m , id ⟩ β‰‘βŸ¨ sym (∘-linear-l _ _ _) ⟩
      (_ + (inj1 ∘ Prod.Ο€β‚‚) ∘ Prod.⟨ 0m , id ⟩)            β‰‘βŸ¨ Hom.eliml (pullr Prod.Ο€β‚βˆ˜factor βˆ™ ∘-zero-r) ⟩
      (inj1 ∘ Prod.Ο€β‚‚) ∘ Prod.⟨ 0m , id ⟩                  β‰‘βŸ¨ cancelr Prod.Ο€β‚‚βˆ˜factor ⟩
      inj1                                                 ∎

For uniqueness, we use distributivity of composition over addition of morphisms and the universal property of the product to establish the desired equation. Check it out:

    coprod .has-is-coproduct .unique {inj0 = inj0} {inj1} other p q = sym $
      inj0 ∘ Prod.π₁ + inj1 ∘ Prod.Ο€β‚‚                                             β‰‘βŸ¨ apβ‚‚ _+_ (pushl (sym p)) (pushl (sym q)) ⟩
      (other ∘ Prod.⟨ id , 0m ⟩ ∘ Prod.π₁) + (other ∘ Prod.⟨ 0m , id ⟩ ∘ Prod.Ο€β‚‚) β‰‘βŸ¨ ∘-linear-r _ _ _ ⟩
      other ∘ (Prod.⟨ id , 0m ⟩ ∘ Prod.π₁ + Prod.⟨ 0m , id ⟩ ∘ Prod.Ο€β‚‚)           β‰‘βŸ¨ elimr lemma ⟩
      other                                                                       ∎
        lemma : Prod.⟨ id , 0m ⟩ ∘ Prod.π₁ + Prod.⟨ 0m , id ⟩ ∘ Prod.Ο€β‚‚
              ≑ id
        lemma = Prod.uniqueβ‚‚ {pr1 = Prod.π₁} {pr2 = Prod.Ο€β‚‚}
          (sym (∘-linear-r _ _ _) βˆ™ apβ‚‚ _+_ (cancell Prod.Ο€β‚βˆ˜factor) (pulll Prod.Ο€β‚βˆ˜factor βˆ™ ∘-zero-l) βˆ™ Hom.elimr refl)
          (sym (∘-linear-r _ _ _) βˆ™ apβ‚‚ _+_ (pulll Prod.Ο€β‚‚βˆ˜factor βˆ™ ∘-zero-l) (cancell Prod.Ο€β‚‚βˆ˜factor) βˆ™ Hom.eliml refl)
          (elimr refl)
          (elimr refl)

Pre-abelian & abelian categoriesπŸ”—

An additive category is pre-abelian when it additionally has kernels and cokernels, hence binary equalisers and coequalisers where one of the maps is zero.

record is-pre-abelian {o β„“} (C : Precategory o β„“) : Type (o βŠ” lsuc β„“) where
  field has-additive : is-additive C
  open is-additive has-additive public
    kernel   : βˆ€ {A B} (f : Hom A B) β†’ Kernel C βˆ… f
    cokernel : βˆ€ {A B} (f : Hom A B) β†’ Coequaliser C 0m f

  module Ker {A B} (f : Hom A B) = Kernel (kernel f)
  module Coker {A B} (f : Hom A B) = Coequaliser (cokernel f)

Every morphism in a preabelian category admits a canonical decomposition as

where, as indicated, the map is an epimorphism (indeed a regular epimorphism, since it is a cokernel) and the map is a regular monomorphism.

    : βˆ€ {A B} (f : Hom A B)
    β†’ Ξ£[ f' ∈ Hom (Coker.coapex (Ker.kernel f)) (Ker.ker (Coker.coeq f)) ]
       (f ≑ Ker.kernel (Coker.coeq f) ∘ f' ∘ Coker.coeq (Ker.kernel f))
  decompose {A} {B} f = map , sym path
      proj' : Hom (Coker.coapex (Ker.kernel f)) B
      proj' = Coker.universal (Ker.kernel f) {e' = f} $ sym path
      map : Hom (Coker.coapex (Ker.kernel f)) (Ker.ker (Coker.coeq f))
      map = Ker.universal (Coker.coeq f) {e' = proj'} $ sym path

The existence of the map and indeed of the maps and follow from the universal properties of kernels and cokernels. The map is the canonical quotient map and the map is the canonical subobject inclusion

A pre-abelian category is abelian when the map in the above decomposition is an isomorphism.

record is-abelian {o β„“} (C : Precategory o β„“) : Type (o βŠ” lsuc β„“) where
  field has-is-preab : is-pre-abelian C
  open is-pre-abelian has-is-preab public
      : βˆ€ {A B} (f : Hom A B) β†’ is-invertible (decompose f .fst)

This implies in particular that any monomorphism is a kernel, and every epimorphism is a cokernel. Let’s investigate the case for β€œevery mono is a kernel” first: Suppose that is some monomorphism; We’ll show that it’s isomorphic to in the slice category

  module _ {A B} (f : Hom A B) (monic : is-monic f) where
      module m = Cat (Slice C B)

The map is obtained as the composite

where the isomorphism is our canonical map from before.

      f→kercoker : m.Hom (cut f) (cut (Ker.kernel (Coker.coeq f)))
      fβ†’kercoker ./ = decompose f .fst ∘ Coker.coeq (Ker.kernel f)
      f→kercoker ./-Hom.commutes = sym (decompose f .snd)

Conversely, map is the composite

where the second map arises from the universal property of the cokernel: We can map out of it with the map since (using that is mono), we have from

      kercoker→f : m.Hom (cut (Ker.kernel (Coker.coeq f))) (cut f)
      kercoker→f ./ =
        Coker.universal (Ker.kernel f) {e' = id} (monic _ _ path) ∘
          coker-ker≃ker-coker f .is-invertible.inv
        where abstract
          path : f ∘ id ∘ 0m ≑ f ∘ id ∘ Ker.kernel f
          path =
            f ∘ id ∘ 0m              β‰‘βŸ¨ ap (f ∘_) (eliml refl) βˆ™ ∘-zero-r ⟩
            0m                       β‰‘Λ˜βŸ¨ βˆ….zero-∘r _ βˆ™ 0m-unique ⟩
            (βˆ….zeroβ†’ ∘ Ker.kernel f) β‰‘Λ˜βŸ¨ Ker.equal f ⟩
            f ∘ Ker.kernel f         β‰‘βŸ¨ ap (f ∘_) (introl refl) ⟩
            f ∘ id ∘ Ker.kernel f    ∎

This is indeed a map in the slice using that both isomorphisms and coequalisers are epic to make progress.

      kercoker→f ./-Hom.commutes = path where
        lemma =
          is-coequaliser→is-epic (Coker.coeq _) (Coker.has-is-coeq _) _ _ $
               pullr (Coker.factors _)
            Β·Β· elimr refl
            Β·Β· (decompose f .snd βˆ™ assoc _ _ _)

        path =
          invertibleβ†’epic (coker-ker≃ker-coker _) _ _ $
            (f ∘ Coker.universal _ _ ∘ _) ∘ decompose f .fst   β‰‘βŸ¨ apβ‚‚ _∘_ (assoc _ _ _) refl ⟩
            ((f ∘ Coker.universal _ _) ∘ _) ∘ decompose f .fst β‰‘βŸ¨ cancelr (coker-ker≃ker-coker _ .is-invertible.invr) ⟩
            f ∘ Coker.universal _ _                            β‰‘βŸ¨ lemma ⟩
            Ker.kernel _ ∘ decompose f .fst                     ∎

Using the universal property of the cokernel (both uniqueness and universality), we establish that the maps defined above are inverses in thus assemble into an isomorphism in the slice.

    mono→kernel : cut f m.≅ cut (Ker.kernel (Coker.coeq f))
    mono→kernel = m.make-iso f→kercoker kercoker→f f→kc→f kc→f→kc where
      fβ†’kcβ†’f : fβ†’kercoker m.∘ kercokerβ†’f ≑
      f→kc→f = ext $
        (decompose f .fst ∘ Coker.coeq _) ∘ Coker.universal _ _ ∘ _  β‰‘βŸ¨ cancel-inner lemma ⟩
        decompose f .fst ∘ _                                         β‰‘βŸ¨ coker-ker≃ker-coker f .is-invertible.invl ⟩
        id                                                           ∎
          lemma = Coker.uniqueβ‚‚ _
            {e' = Coker.coeq (Ker.kernel f)}
            (∘-zero-r βˆ™ sym (sym (Coker.coequal _) βˆ™ ∘-zero-r))
            (pullr (Coker.factors (Ker.kernel f)) βˆ™ elimr refl)
            (eliml refl)

      kcβ†’fβ†’kc : kercokerβ†’f m.∘ fβ†’kercoker ≑
      kc→f→kc = ext $
        (Coker.universal _ _ ∘ _) ∘ decompose f .fst ∘ Coker.coeq _ β‰‘βŸ¨ cancel-inner (coker-ker≃ker-coker f .is-invertible.invr) ⟩
        Coker.universal _ _ ∘ Coker.coeq _                          β‰‘βŸ¨ Coker.factors _ ⟩
        id                                                          ∎

  1. β€œmultiplicationβ€β†©οΈŽ