module Data.Set.Coequaliser where

Set coequalisers🔗

In their most general form, colimits can be pictured as taking disjoint unions and then “gluing together” some parts. The “gluing together” part of that definition is where coequalisers come in: If you have parallel maps f,g:ABf, g : A \to B, then the coequaliser coeq(f,g)\mathrm{coeq}(f,g) can be thought of as “BB, with the images of ff and gg identified”.

data Coeq (f g : A  B) : Type (level-of A ⊔ level-of B) where
  inc    : B  Coeq f g
  glue   :  x  inc (f x) ≡ inc (g x)
  squash : is-set (Coeq f g)

The universal property of coequalisers, being a type of colimit, is a mapping-out property: Maps from coeq(f,g)\mathrm{coeq}(f,g) are maps out of BB, satisfying a certain property. Specifically, for a map h:BCh : B \to C, if we have hf=hgh \circ f = h \circ g, then the map ff factors (uniquely) through inc. The situation can be summarised with the diagram below.

We refer to this unique factoring as Coeq-rec.

Coeq-rec :  {} {C : Type ℓ} {f g : A  B}
       is-set C  (h : B  C)
       (∀ x  h (f x) ≡ h (g x))  Coeq f g  C
Coeq-rec cset h h-coeqs (inc x) = h x
Coeq-rec cset h h-coeqs (glue x i) = h-coeqs x i
Coeq-rec cset h h-coeqs (squash x y p q i j) =
  cset (g x) (g y)  i  g (p i))  i  g (q i)) i j
  where g = Coeq-rec cset h h-coeqs

An alternative phrasing of the desired universal property is precomposition with inc induces an equivalence between the “space of maps BCB \to C which coequalise ff and gg” and the maps coeq(f,g)C\mathrm{coeq}(f,g) \to C. In this sense, inc is the universal map which coequalises ff and gg.

To construct the map above, we used Coeq-elim-prop, which has not yet been defined. It says that, to define a dependent function from Coeq to a family of propositions, it suffices to define how it acts on inc: The path constructions don’t matter.

Coeq-elim-prop :  {} {f g : A  B} {C : Coeq f g  Type ℓ}
               (∀ x  is-prop (C x))
               (∀ x  C (inc x))
                x  C x
Coeq-elim-prop cprop cinc (inc x) = cinc x

Since C was assumed to be a family of propositions, we automatically get the necessary coherences for glue and squash.

Coeq-elim-prop {f = f} {g = g} cprop cinc (glue x i) =
  is-prop→pathp  i  cprop (glue x i)) (cinc (f x)) (cinc (g x)) i
Coeq-elim-prop cprop cinc (squash x y p q i j) =
  is-prop→squarep  i j  cprop (squash x y p q i j))
     i  g x)  i  g (p i))  i  g (q i))  i  g y) i j
  where g = Coeq-elim-prop cprop cinc

Since “the space of maps h:BCh : B \to C which coequalise ff and gg” is a bit of a mouthful, we introduce an abbreviation: Since a colimit is defined to be a certain universal (co)cone, we call these Coeq-cones.

  coeq-cone :  {} (f g : A  B)  Type ℓ  Type _
  coeq-cone {B = B} f g C = Σ[ h ∈ (B  C) ] (h ∘ f ≡ h ∘ g)

The universal property of Coeq then says that Coeq-cone is equivalent to the maps coeq(f,g)C\mathrm{coeq}(f,g) \to C, and this equivalence is given by inc, the “universal Coequalising map”.

Coeq-univ :  {} {C : Type ℓ} {f g : A  B}
           is-set C
           is-equiv {A = Coeq f g  C} {B = coeq-cone f g C}
             h  h ∘ inc , λ i z  h (glue z i))
Coeq-univ {C = C} {f = f} {g = g} cset =
  is-iso→is-equiv (iso cr'  x  refl) islinv)
    open is-iso
    cr' : coeq-cone f g C  Coeq f g  C
    cr' (f , f-coeqs) = Coeq-rec cset f (happly f-coeqs)

    islinv : is-left-inverse cr'  h  h ∘ inc , λ i z  h (glue z i))
    islinv f = funext (Coeq-elim-prop  x  cset _ _) λ x  refl)


Above, we defined what it means to define a dependent function (x:coeq(f,g))C x(x : \mathrm{coeq}(f,g)) \to C\ x when CC is a family of propositions, and what it means to define a non-dependent function coeq(f,g)C\mathrm{coeq}(f,g) \to C. Now, we combine the two notions, and allow dependent elimination into families of sets:

Coeq-elim :  {} {f g : A  B} {C : Coeq f g  Type ℓ}
           (∀ x  is-set (C x))
           (ci :  x  C (inc x))
           (∀ x  PathP  i  C (glue x i)) (ci (f x)) (ci (g x)))
            x  C x
Coeq-elim cset ci cg (inc x) = ci x
Coeq-elim cset ci cg (glue x i) = cg x i
Coeq-elim cset ci cg (squash x y p q i j) =
  is-set→squarep  i j  cset (squash x y p q i j))
     i  g x)  i  g (p i))  i  g (q i))  i  g y) i j
  where g = Coeq-elim cset ci cg

There is a barrage of combined eliminators, whose definitions are not very enlightening — you can mouse over these links to see their types: Coeq-elim-prop₂ Coeq-elim-prop₃ Coeq-rec₂.


With dependent sums, we can recover quotients as a special case of coequalisers. Observe that, by taking the total space of a relation R:AATypeR : A \to A \to \mathrm{Type}, we obtain two projection maps which have as image all of the possible related elements in AA. By coequalising these projections, we obtain a space where any related objects are identified: The quotient A/RA/R.

  tot :  {}  (A  A  Type ℓ)  Type (level-of A ⊔ ℓ)
  tot {A = A} R = Σ[ x ∈ A ] Σ[ y ∈ A ] R x y

  /-left :  {} {R : A  A  Type ℓ}  tot R  A
  /-left (x , _ , _) = x

  /-right :  {} {R : A  A  Type ℓ}  tot R  A
  /-right (_ , x , _) = x

We form the quotient as the aforementioned coequaliser of the two projections from the total space of RR:

_/_ :  {ℓ ℓ'} (A : Type ℓ) (R : A  A  Type ℓ')  Type (ℓ ⊔ ℓ')
A / R = Coeq (/-left {R = R}) /-right

quot :  {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {R : A  A  Type ℓ'} {x y : A}  R x y
     Path (A / R) (inc x) (inc y)
quot r = glue (_ , _ , r)

Using Coeq-elim, we can recover the elimination principle for quotients:

Quot-elim :  {} {B : A / R  Type ℓ}
           (∀ x  is-set (B x))
           (f :  x  B (inc x))
           (∀ x y (r : R x y)  PathP  i  B (quot r i)) (f x) (f y))
            x  B x
Quot-elim bset f r = Coeq-elim bset f λ { (x , y , w)  r x y w }


The most well-behaved case of quotients is when R:AATypeR : A \to A \to \mathrm{Type} takes values in propositions, is reflexive, transitive and symmetric (an equivalence relation). In this case, we have that the quotient A/RA / R is effective: The map quot is an equivalence.

record Congruence {} (A : Type ℓ) ℓ' : Type (ℓ ⊔ lsuc ℓ') where
    __         : A  A  Type ℓ'
    has-is-prop :  x y  is-prop (x ∼ y)
    reflᶜ :  {x}  x ∼ x
    _∙ᶜ_  :  {x y z}  x ∼ y  y ∼ z  x ∼ z
    symᶜ  :  {x y}    x ∼ y  y ∼ x

  relation = __

  quotient : Type _
  quotient = A / __

We will show this using an encode-decode method. For each x:Ax : A, we define a type family Codex(p)\mathrm{Code}_x(p), which represents an equality inc(x)=y\mathrm{inc}(x) = y. Importantly, the fibre over inc(y)\mathrm{inc}(y) will be R(x,y)R(x, y), so that the existence of functions converting between Codex(y)\mathrm{Code}_x(y) and paths inc(x)=y\mathrm{inc}(x) = y is enough to establish effectivity of the quotient.

    Code : A  quotient  Prop ℓ'
    Code x = Quot-elim
       x  n-Type-is-hlevel 1)
       y  el (x ∼ y) (has-is-prop x y) {- 1 -})
      λ y z r 
        n-ua (prop-ext (has-is-prop _ _) (has-is-prop _ _)
           z  z ∙ᶜ r)
          λ z  z ∙ᶜ (symᶜ r))

We do quotient induction into the type of propositions, which by univalence is a set. Since the fibre over inc(y)\mathrm{inc}(y) must be R(x,y)R(x, y), that’s what we give for the inc constructor ({- 1 -}, above). For this to respect the quotient, it suffices to show that, given R(y,z)R(y,z), we have R(x,y)R(x,z)R(x,y) \Leftrightarrow R(x,z), which follows from the assumption that RR is an equivalence relation ({- 2 -}).

    encode :  x y (p : inc x ≡ y)  ∣ Code x y ∣
    encode x y p = subst  y  ∣ Code x y ∣) p reflᶜ

    decode :  x y (p : ∣ Code x y ∣)  inc x ≡ y
    decode x y p =
      Coeq-elim-prop {C = λ y  (p : ∣ Code x y ∣)  inc x ≡ y}
         _  Π-is-hlevel 1 λ _  squash _ _)  y r  quot r) y p

For encode, it suffices to transport the proof that RR is reflexive along the given proof, and for decoding, we eliminate from the quotient to a proposition. It boils down to establishing that R(x,y)inc(x)inc(y)R(x,y) \to \mathrm{inc}(x) \equiv \mathrm{inc}(y), which is what the constructor quot says. Putting this all together, we get a proof that equivalence relations are effective.

  is-effective :  {x y : A}  is-equiv (quot {R = relation})
  is-effective {x = x} {y} =
    prop-ext (has-is-prop x y) (squash _ _) (decode x (inc y)) (encode x (inc y)) .snd

Relation to surjections🔗

As mentioned in the definition of surjection, we can view a cover f:ABf : A \to B as expressing a way of gluing together the type BB by adding paths between the elements of AA. When AA and BB are sets, this sounds a lot like a quotient! And, indeed, we can prove that every surjection induces an equivalence between its codomain and a quotient of its domain.

First, we define the kernel pair of a function f:ABf : A \to B, the congruence on AA defined to be identity under ff.

  :  {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'}  is-set B  (A  B)
   Congruence A ℓ'
Kernel-pair b-set f .__ a b = f a ≡ f b
Kernel-pair b-set f .has-is-prop x y = b-set (f x) (f y)
Kernel-pair b-set f .reflᶜ = refl
Kernel-pair b-set f ._∙ᶜ_  = __
Kernel-pair b-set f .symᶜ  = sym

We can then set about proving that, if f:ABf : A \twoheadrightarrow B is a surjection into a set, then BB is the quotient of AA under the kernel pair of ff.

The construction is pretty straightforward: each fibre (a,p):fx(a, p) : f^*x defines an element [a]:A/kerf[a] : A/\ker f; If we have another fibre (b,q)(b, q), then [a]=[b][a] = [b] because

f(a)pxqf(b), f(a) \overset{p}{\equiv} x \overset{q}{\equiv} f(b) \text{,}

so the function fxA/kerff^*x \to A/\ker f is constant, and factors through the propositional truncation fx\| f^*x \|.

  g₀ :  {x}  fibre f x  c.quotient
  g₀ (a , p) = inc a

    g₀-const :  {x} (p₁ p₂ : fibre f x)  g₀ p₁ ≡ g₀ p₂
    g₀-const (_ , p) (_ , q) = quot (p ∙ sym q)

  g₁ :  {x}  ∥ fibre f x ∥  c.quotient
  g₁ f = ∥-∥-rec-set hlevel! g₀ g₀-const f

Since each fx\| f^*x \| is inhabited, all of these functions glue together to give a function BA/kerfB \to A/\ker f. A simple calculation shows that this function is both injective and surjective; since its codomain is a set, that means it’s an equivalence.

  g' : B  c.quotient
  g' x = g₁ (surj x)

  g'-inj : injective g'
  g'-inj {x} {y} = ∥-∥-elim₂ {P = λ a b  g₁ a ≡ g₁ b  x ≡ y}
     _ _  fun-is-hlevel 1 (b-set _ _))
     (_ , p) (_ , q) r  sym p ∙ c.effective r ∙ q)
    (surj x) (surj y)

  g'-surj : is-surjective g'
  g'-surj x = do
    (y , p) ← inc-is-surjective x
    pure (f y , ap g₁ (squash (surj (f y)) (inc (y , refl))) ∙ p)