module 1Lab.Function.Surjection where


A function f:ABf : A \to B is a surjection if, for each b:Bb : B, we have fb\| f^*b \|: that is, all of its fibres are inhabited. Using the notation for mere existence, we may write this as

(b:B), (a:A), f(a)=b, \forall (b : B),\ \exists (a : A),\ f(a) = b\text{,}

which is evidently the familiar notion of surjection.

is-surjective : (A  B)  Type _
is-surjective f =  b  ∥ fibre f b ∥

To abbreviate talking about surjections, we will use the notation ABA \twoheadrightarrow B, pronounced “AA covers BB”.

__ : Type ℓ  Type ℓ'  Type (ℓ ⊔ ℓ')
A ↠ B = Σ[ f ∈ (A  B) ] is-surjective f

The notion of surjection is intimately connected with that of quotient, and in particular with the elimination principle into propositions. We think of a surjection ABA \to B as expressing that BB can be “glued together” by introducing paths between the elements of AA. Since any family of propositions respects these new paths, we can prove a property of BB by showing it for the “generators” coming from AA:

  : (f : A ↠ B)
    {} (P : B  Type ℓ)
   (∀ x  is-prop (P x))
   (∀ a  P (f .fst a))
    x  P x
is-surjective→elim-prop (f , surj) P pprop pfa x =
  ∥-∥-rec (pprop _)  (x , p)  subst P p (pfa x)) (surj x)

When the type BB is a set, we can actually take this analogy all the way to its conclusion: Given any cover f:ABf : A \twoheadrightarrow B, we can produce an equivalence between BB and the quotient of AA under the congruence induced by ff. See surjections are quotient maps.

Closure properties🔗

The class of surjections contains the identity — and thus every equivalence — and is closed under composition.

  : {f : B  C} {g : A  B}
   is-surjective f
   is-surjective g
   is-surjective (f ∘ g)
∘-is-surjective {f = f} fs gs x = do
  (f*x , p) ← fs x
  (g*fx , q) ← gs f*x
  pure (g*fx , ap f q ∙ p)

id-is-surjective : is-surjective {A = A} id
id-is-surjective x = inc (x , refl)

is-equiv→is-surjective : {f : A  B}  is-equiv f  is-surjective f
is-equiv→is-surjective eqv x = inc (eqv .is-eqv x .centre)

Relationship with equivalences🔗

We have defined equivalences to be the maps with contractible fibres; and surjections to be the maps with inhabited fibres. It follows that a surjection is an equivalence precisely if its fibres are also propositions; in other words, if it is an embedding.

  : {f : A  B}
   is-embedding f
   is-surjective f
   is-equiv f
embedding-surjective→is-equiv f-emb f-surj .is-eqv x = ∥-∥-proj! do
  pt ← f-surj x
  pure $ is-prop∙→is-contr (f-emb x) pt