module Cat.Functor.Adjoint.Reflective where
private variable
: Level
o o' ℓ ℓ' : Precategory o ℓ
C D : Functor C D
F G open Functor
open _=>_
open Total-hom
Reflective subcategories🔗
Occasionally, full subcategory inclusions (hence fully faithful functors — like the inclusion of abelian groups into the category of all groups, or the inclusion participate in an adjunction
When this is the case, we refer to the left adjoint functor as the reflector, and exhibits as a reflective subcategory of Reflective subcategory inclusions are of particular importance because they are monadic functors: They exhibit as the category of algebras for an (idempotent) monad on
: F ⊣ G → Type _
is-reflective {G = G} adj = is-fully-faithful G is-reflective
The first thing we will prove is that the counit map of a reflexive subcategory inclusion is invertible. Luckily, we have developed enough general theory to make this almost immediate:
- is full, so the counit must be a split monomorphism.
- is faithful, so the counit must be a epimorphism.
- Every morphism that is simultaneously split monic and epic is invertible.
_ {C : Precategory o ℓ} {D : Precategory o' ℓ'} {F : Functor C D} {G : Functor D C}
(adj : F ⊣ G) (g-ff : is-reflective adj)
module DD = Cat.Reasoning Cat[ D , D ]
module C = Cat.Reasoning C
module D = Cat.Reasoning D
module F = Func F
module G = Func G
module GF = Func (G F∘ F)
module FG = Func (F F∘ G)
module g-ff {x} {y} = Equiv (_ , g-ff {x} {y})
open _⊣_ adj
: ∀ {o} → (ε o)
is-reflective→counit-is-invertible {o} =
is-reflective→counit-is-invertible .split-monic+epic→invertible
D(right-full→counit-split-monic adj (ff→full {F = G} g-ff))
(right-faithful→counit-epic adj (ff→faithful {F = G} g-ff))
: ∀ {o} → FG.₀ o D.≅ o
is-reflective→counit-is-iso {o} = morp where
is-reflective→counit-is-iso : F.₀ (G.₀ o) D.≅ o
morp =
morp .invertible→iso (ε _) $
D(right-full→counit-split-monic adj (ff→full {F = G} g-ff))
(right-faithful→counit-epic adj (ff→faithful {F = G} g-ff))
: (F F∘ G) ≅ⁿ Id
is-reflective→counit-iso = DD.invertible→iso counit invs where
is-reflective→counit-iso = invertible→invertibleⁿ counit λ x →
: ∀ {x} → unit.η (G.₀ (F.₀ x)) ≡ G.₁ (F.₁ (unit.η x))
η-comonad-commute {x} = C.right-inv-unique
η-comonad-commute (F-map-iso G is-reflective→counit-is-iso)
zag(sym (G.F-∘ _ _) ∙ ap G.₁ zig ∙ G.F-id)
: ∀ {o} → (unit.η (G.₀ o))
is-reflective→unit-G-is-iso {o} = C.make-invertible ( (ε _))
is-reflective→unit-G-is-iso ( _ _ _ ∙∙ ap₂ C._∘_ refl η-comonad-commute ∙∙ GF.annihilate zag)
: ∀ {o} → (F.₁ (unit.η o))
is-reflective→F-unit-is-iso {o} = D.make-invertible
is-reflective→F-unit-is-iso (ε _)
(sym ( _ _ _) ∙ ap₂ D._∘_ refl (ap F.₁ (sym η-comonad-commute)) ∙ zig)
We can now prove that the adjunction is monadic.
is-reflective→is-monadic: ∀ {F : Functor C D} {G : Functor D C}
→ (adj : F ⊣ G) → is-reflective adj → is-monadic adj
{C = C} {D = D} {F = F} {G} adj g-ff = eqv where is-reflective→is-monadic
module EM = Cat.Reasoning (Eilenberg-Moore (L∘R adj))
module C = Cat.Reasoning C
module D = Cat.Reasoning D
module F = Functor F
module G = Functor G
open Algebra-on
open _⊣_ adj
: Functor D (Eilenberg-Moore (L∘R adj))
Comp = Comparison-EM adj
Comp module Comp = Functor Comp
It suffices to show that the comparison functor is fully faithful and split essentially surjective. For full faithfulness, observe that it’s always faithful; The fullness comes from the assumption that is ff.
: is-fully-faithful Comp
comp-ff {x} {y} = is-iso→is-equiv isom where
comp-ff open is-iso
: is-iso _
isom .inv alg = equiv→inverse g-ff (alg .hom)
isom .rinv x = ext (equiv→counit g-ff _)
isom .linv x = equiv→unit g-ff _ isom
To show that the comparison functor is split essentially surjective, suppose we have an object admitting the structure of an We will show that as — note that admits a canonical (free) algebra structure. The algebra map provides an algebra morphism from and the morphism is can be taken to be adjunction unit
The crucial lemma in establishing that these are inverses is that which follows because both of those morphisms are right inverses to which is an isomorphism because is.
: is-split-eso Comp
comp-seso (ob , alg) = F.₀ ob , isom where
comp-seso : Algebra-hom (L∘R adj) (Comp.₀ (F.₀ ob)) (ob , alg)
Fo→o .hom = alg .ν
Fo→o .preserves = sym (alg .ν-mult)
: Algebra-hom (L∘R adj) (ob , alg) (Comp.₀ (F.₀ ob))
o→Fo .hom = unit.η _
o→Fo .preserves =
o→Fo .is-natural _ _ _
unit._∘_ refl (η-comonad-commute adj g-ff)
∙ ap₂ C(G.F-∘ _ _)
∙ sym .₁ (sym (F.F-∘ _ _) ∙∙ ap F.₁ (alg .ν-unit) ∙∙ F.F-id)
∙ ap G(ap₂ C._∘_ refl (sym (η-comonad-commute adj g-ff)) ∙ zag ∙ sym G.F-id)
∙ sym
: Comp.₀ (F.₀ ob) EM.≅ (ob , alg)
isom = EM.make-iso Fo→o o→Fo
isom (ext (alg .ν-unit))
(ext (
.is-natural _ _ _
unit._∘_ refl (η-comonad-commute adj g-ff)
∙∙ ap₂ C(G.F-∘ _ _)
∙∙ sym .₁ (sym (F.F-∘ _ _) ∙∙ ap F.₁ (alg .ν-unit) ∙∙ F.F-id)
∙∙ ap G.F-id))
∙∙ G
: is-equivalence Comp
eqv = ff+split-eso→is-equivalence comp-ff comp-seso eqv
Constructing reflective subcategories🔗
Earlier, we saw that any reflective subcategory has an invertible counit. We will now prove the converse: if the counit of an adjunction is invertible, then the left adjoint is a reflector.
module _
{C : Precategory o ℓ} {D : Precategory o' ℓ'}
{F : Functor C D} {G : Functor D C}
(adj : F ⊣ G)
module C = Cat.Reasoning C
module D = Cat.Reasoning D
module [D,D] = Cat.Reasoning Cat[ D , D ]
module F = Func F
module G = Func G
module GF = Func (G F∘ F)
module FG = Func (F F∘ G)
open _⊣_ adj
Again, the sea has risen to meet us:
- A right adjoint is faithful if and only if the counit is epic.
- A right adjoint full if and only if the counit is split monic.
If the counit is invertible, then it is clearly both split monic and epic, and thus the corresponding right adjoint must be fully faithful.
: is-invertibleⁿ counit → is-reflective adj
is-counit-iso→is-reflective =
is-counit-iso→is-reflective counit-iso
full+faithful→ff G
: is-full G
G-full =
counit-split-monic→right-full adj $.invertible→to-split-monic $
is-invertibleⁿ→is-invertible counit-iso
: is-faithful G
G-faithful =
counit-epic→right-faithful adj $.invertible→epic $
D_ is-invertibleⁿ→is-invertible counit-iso
Furthermore, if we have any natural isomorphism then the left adjoint is a reflector! To show this, we will construct an inverse to the counit; our previous result will then ensure that is fully faithful.
To begin, recall that isos have the 2-out-of-3 property, so it suffices to show that is invertible. Next, note that we can transfer the comonad structure on onto a comonad structure on by repeatedly composing with this yields a natural transformation that is a right inverse to
Finally, all natural transformations commute with one another, so is also a right inverse, and is invertible.
: (F F∘ G) ≅ⁿ Id → is-reflective adj
FG-iso→is-reflective =
FG-iso→is-reflective α
is-counit-iso→is-reflective $.invertible-cancell
[D,D]([D,D].iso→invertible (α [D,D].Iso⁻¹))
([D,D].make-invertible δ right-ident right-ident⁻¹)
module α = Isoⁿ α
: Id {C = D} => Id
δ .η x = α.to .η x D.∘ α.to .η (F.F₀ (G.₀ x)) D.∘ F.₁ (unit.η (G.₀ x)) D.∘ α.from .η x
δ .is-natural x y f =
δ .extendr (D.extendr (D.extendr (α.from .is-natural _ _ _)))
D.pushl (D.pushr (D.pushr (F.weave (unit .is-natural _ _ _))))
∙ D.pushl (D.pushr (α.to .is-natural _ _ _))
∙ D.pushl (α.to .is-natural _ _ _)
∙ D
: (counit ∘nt α.from) ∘nt δ ≡ idnt
right-ident = ext λ x →
right-ident .cancel-inner (α.invr ηₚ _)
D.pulll (sym $ α.to .is-natural _ _ _)
∙ D.cancel-inner (F.annihilate zag)
∙ D.invl ηₚ _
∙ α
: δ ∘nt (counit ∘nt α.from) ≡ idnt
right-ident⁻¹ = id-nat-commute δ (counit ∘nt α.from) ∙ right-ident right-ident⁻¹