module Cat.Displayed.Instances.Simple.Properties
{o β} (B : Precategory o β)
(has-prods : β X Y β Product B X Y)
open Cat.Reasoning B
open Cat.Displayed.Instances.Simple B has-prods
renaming (Simple to Simple[B])
open Binary-products B has-prods
Properties of simple fibrationsπ
This module collects some useful properties of simple fibrations.
Total products in simple fibrationsπ
Every simple fibration has all total products.
simple-total-product: β {Ξ Ξ A B : Ob}
β Total-product Simple[B] (has-prods Ξ Ξ) A B
{Ξ} {Ξ} {A} {B} = total-prod where
simple-total-product open is-total-product
open Total-product
: Total-product Simple[B] (has-prods Ξ Ξ) A B total-prod
The apex of the total product is simply given by a product in We can obtain the projections and by composing projections.
.apex' = A ββ B
total-prod .Οβ' = Οβ β Οβ
total-prod .Οβ' = Οβ β Οβ total-prod
The universal property follows from some straightforward algebra.
.has-is-total-product .β¨_,_β©' f g = β¨ f , g β©
total-prod .has-is-total-product .Οβββ¨β©' =
pullr Οβββ¨β© β Οβββ¨β©.has-is-total-product .Οβββ¨β©' =
pullr Οβββ¨β© β Οβββ¨β©.has-is-total-product .unique' p q =
total-prod (pushr (sym Οβββ¨β©) β p) (pushr (sym Οβββ¨β©) β q) β¨β©-unique