module Cat.Displayed.Instances.Family.Properties where
Properties of family fibrations🔗
This module proves a collection of useful properties about the family fibration.
Total products🔗
module _ {o ℓ κ} (C : Precategory o ℓ) where
module C = Cat.Reasoning C
module Fam[C] = Displayed (Family C {κ})
A total product in the family fibration of corresponds to a family of products in
fam-total-product: ∀ {I J : Set κ} {Xᵢ : ⌞ I ⌟ → C.Ob} {Yⱼ : ⌞ J ⌟ → C.Ob}
→ (∀ i j → Product C (Xᵢ i) (Yⱼ j))
→ Total-product (Family C) (Sets-products I J) Xᵢ Yⱼ
All of the relevant morphisms come directly from products in
{I = I} {J = J} {Xᵢ = Xᵢ} {Yⱼ = Yⱼ} C-prods = total-prod where
fam-total-product open is-total-product
open Total-product
module _ i j where
open Product (C-prods i j) renaming (apex to Xᵢ×Yⱼ) using () public
module _ {i j} where
open Product (C-prods i j) hiding (apex) public
: Total-product (Family C) (Sets-products I J) Xᵢ Yⱼ
total-prod .apex' (i , j) = Xᵢ×Yⱼ i j
total-prod .π₁' (i , j) = π₁
total-prod .π₂' (i , j) = π₂
total-prod .has-is-total-product .⟨_,_⟩' fₖ gₖ k = ⟨ fₖ k , gₖ k ⟩ total-prod
The laws are easy applications of function extensionality, but the law requires a bit of cubical-fu to get the types to line up.
.has-is-total-product .π₁∘⟨⟩' = ext (λ k → π₁∘⟨⟩)
total-prod .has-is-total-product .π₂∘⟨⟩' = ext (λ k → π₂∘⟨⟩)
total-prod .has-is-total-product .unique' {a' = Zₖ} {p1 = p1} {p2 = p2} {other' = other'} p q i k =
unique(coe0→i (λ i → π₁ C.∘ other-line k i ≡ p i k) i refl)
(coe0→i (λ i → π₂ C.∘ other-line k i ≡ q i k) i refl)
: ∀ k i → C.Hom (Zₖ k) (Xᵢ×Yⱼ (p1 i k) (p2 i k))
other-line = coe0→i (λ i → C.Hom (Zₖ k) (Xᵢ×Yⱼ (p1 i k) (p2 i k))) i (other' k) other-line k i