module Cat.Displayed.Instances.Elements {o β s} (B : Precategory o β)
(P : Functor (B ^op) (Sets s)) where
open Precategory B
open Functor
module P = Functor P
The displayed category of elementsπ
It is useful to view the category of elements of a
presheaf P
as a displayed category. Instead of
considering pairs of objects
and sections
we instead think of the set of sections as displayed over
The story is similar for morphisms; instead of taking pairs of morphisms
and fragments of data that
we place those fragments over the morphism
In a sense, this is the more natural presentation of the category of
elements, as we obtain the more traditional definition by taking the total
category of β«
: Displayed B s s
β« .Displayed.Ob[_] X = P Κ» X
β« .Displayed.Hom[_] f P[X] P[Y] = P.β f P[Y] β‘ P[X]
β« .Displayed.Hom[_]-set _ _ _ = hlevel 2
β«' = happly P.F-id _
β« .Displayed._β'_ {x = x} {y} {z} {f} {g} p q = pf where abstract
β« : P.β (f β g) z β‘ x
pf =
pf .β (f β g) z β‘β¨ happly (P.F-β g f) z β©
P.β g (P.β f z) β‘β¨ ap (P.β g) p β©
P.β g y β‘β¨ q β©
x β.Displayed.idr' _ = prop!
β« .Displayed.idl' _ = prop!
β« .Displayed.assoc' _ _ _ = prop! β«