module Cat.Bi.Instances.Displayed where
private variable
: Level
o ℓ o' ℓ' o'' ℓ'' : Precategory o ℓ B
The bicategory of displayed categories over a base🔗
Since displayed categories provide a natural setting for “relative category theory”, i.e. the study of categories relative to a base, we should expect that the collection of displayed categories assembles into a bicategory, relativising the bicategory of categories. And, indeed, this is the case: fixing a base we can put together a bicategory where the objects are categories displayed over the 1-cells are vertical functors over and the 2-cells are vertical natural transformations over
module _ where
open Precategory
The first step is to construct an ordinary category of vertical functors over This is very straightforward, since composition of vertical natural transformations happens at the level of fibre categories.
: Displayed B o' ℓ' → Displayed B o'' ℓ'' → Precategory _ _
Vertical-functors .Ob = Vertical-functor E F
Vertical-functors E F .Hom G H = G =>↓ H
Vertical-functors E F .Hom-set _ _ = hlevel 2
Vertical-functors E F .id = idnt↓
Vertical-functors E F ._∘_ = _∘nt↓_
Vertical-functors E F .idr f = ext λ x → Cat.idr (Fibre F _) _
Vertical-functors E F .idl f = ext λ x → Cat.idl (Fibre F _) _
Vertical-functors E F .assoc f g h = ext λ x → Cat.assoc (Fibre F _) _ _ _ Vertical-functors E F
module _ {o ℓ} (B : Precategory o ℓ) (o' ℓ' : Level) where
open Prebicategory
: Displayed B o' ℓ' → Displayed B o'' ℓ'' → Precategory _ _
Vf = Vertical-functors
open Vertical-functor
open make-natural-iso
open Functor
open _=>↓_
We can then extend the whiskering operation between vertical natural transformations to the action of a “composition” functor between vertical functor categories, with the functoriality condition precisely as in the nondisplayed case.
: ∀ {E F G : Displayed B o' ℓ'} → Functor (Vf F G ×ᶜ Vf E F) (Vf E G)
∘V-functor .F₀ (G , F) = G ∘V F
∘V-functor .F₁ (f , g) = f ◆↓ g
∘V-functor {G = 𝒢} .F-id {F , G} = ext λ x → ap₂ G._∘_ (F .F-id') refl ∙ G.idr _ where
∘V-functor module G {x} = Cat (Fibre 𝒢 x)
{F = ℱ} {G = 𝒢} .F-∘ {X , Y} {Z , W} {U , V} (α , β) (δ , γ) = ext λ x →
∘V-functor .F₁' (β .η' x F.∘ γ .η' x) G.∘ (α .η' _ G.∘ δ .η' _) ≡⟨ G.pushl (F-∘↓ U) ⟩
U .F₁' (β .η' x) G.∘ U .F₁' (γ .η' x) G.∘ α .η' _ G.∘ δ .η' _ ≡⟨ G.extend-inner (sym (is-natural↓ α _ _ _)) ⟩
U .F₁' (β .η' x) G.∘ α .η' _ G.∘ Z .F₁' (γ .η' _) G.∘ δ .η' _ ≡⟨ G.pulll refl ⟩
U (U .F₁' (β .η' _) G.∘ α .η' _) G.∘ Z .F₁' (γ .η' _) G.∘ δ .η' _ ∎
module G {x} = Cat (Fibre 𝒢 x) using (_∘_ ; pushl ; extend-inner ; pulll)
module F {x} = Cat (Fibre ℱ x) using (_∘_)
: Associator-for Vf ∘V-functor
assoc {D = D} = to-natural-iso ni where
assoc module D = Displayed D
module D' {x} = Cat (Fibre D x) using (_∘_ ; idl ; idr ; elimr ; pushl ; introl)
: make-natural-iso {D = Vf _ _} _ _
ni .eta _ = record { η' = λ x' →' ; is-natural' = λ x y f → to-pathp ([] D) }
ni .inv _ = record { η' = λ x' →' ; is-natural' = λ x y f → to-pathp ([] D) }
ni .eta∘inv _ = ext λ _ → D'.idl _
ni .inv∘eta _ = ext λ _ → D'.idl _
ni .natural x y f = ext λ _ → D'.idr _ ∙∙ D'.pushl (F-∘↓ (y .fst)) ∙∙ D'.introl refl ni
Finally, we can put together the bicategory structure itself. This is, again, exactly as in the nondisplayed case, with all the components of the structural isomorphisms being identities.
: Prebicategory (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ lsuc (o' ⊔ ℓ')) (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ o' ⊔ ℓ') (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ o' ⊔ ℓ')
Disp[] .Ob = Displayed B o' ℓ'
Disp[] .Hom = Vertical-functors
Disp[] .id = Displayed-functor→Vertical-functor Id'
Disp[] .compose = ∘V-functor
Disp[] .unitor-l {B = B} = to-natural-iso ni where
Disp[] module B = Displayed B
: make-natural-iso {D = Vf _ _} _ _
ni .eta _ = record { η' = λ x' →' ; is-natural' = λ x y f → to-pathp ([] B) }
ni .inv _ = record { η' = λ x' →' ; is-natural' = λ x y f → to-pathp ([] B) }
ni .eta∘inv _ = ext λ _ → Cat.idl (Fibre B _) _
ni .inv∘eta _ = ext λ _ → Cat.idl (Fibre B _) _
ni .natural x y f = ext λ _ → Cat.elimr (Fibre B _) refl ∙ (Fibre B _)
ni .unitor-r {B = B} = to-natural-iso ni where
Disp[] module B = Displayed B
module B' {x} = Cat (Fibre B x) using (_∘_ ; idl ; elimr)
: make-natural-iso {D = Vf _ _} _ _
ni .eta _ = record { η' = λ x' →' ; is-natural' = λ x y f → to-pathp ([] B) }
ni .inv _ = record { η' = λ x' →' ; is-natural' = λ x y f → to-pathp ([] B) }
ni .eta∘inv _ = ext λ _ → B'.idl _
ni .inv∘eta _ = ext λ _ → B'.idl _
ni .natural x y f = ext λ _ → B'.elimr refl ∙ ap₂ B'._∘_ (y .F-id') refl
ni .associator = assoc
Disp[] .triangle {C = C} f g = ext λ _ → Cat.idr (Fibre C _) _
Disp[] .pentagon {E = E} f g h i = ext λ _ → ap₂ E._∘_
Disp[] (E.eliml (ap (f .F₁') (ap (g .F₁') (h .F-id')) ∙∙ ap (f .F₁') (g .F-id') ∙∙ f .F-id'))
(E.elimr (E.eliml (f .F-id')))
where module E {x} = Cat (Fibre E x) using (_∘_ ; eliml ; elimr)