module 1Lab.Path.IdentitySystem where
Identity systems🔗
An identity system is a way of characterising the path spaces of a particular type, without necessarily having to construct a full encode-decode equivalence. Essentially, the data of an identity system is precisely the data required to implement path induction, a.k.a. the J eliminator. Any type with the data of an identity system satisfies its own J, and conversely, if the type satisfies J, it is an identity system.
We unravel the definition of being an identity system into the following data, using a translation that takes advantage of cubical type theory’s native support for paths-over-paths:
{ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ}
is-identity-system (R : A → A → Type ℓ')
(refl : ∀ a → R a a)
: Type (ℓ ⊔ ℓ')
: ∀ {a b} → R a b → a ≡ b
to-path-over: ∀ {a b} (p : R a b)
→ PathP (λ i → R a (to-path p i)) (refl a) p
: ∀ {a} → is-contr (Σ A (R a))
is-contr-ΣR .centre = _ , refl _
is-contr-ΣR .paths x i = to-path (x .snd) i , to-path-over (x .snd) i
open is-identity-system public
As mentioned before, the data of an identity system gives us exactly what is required to prove J for the relation This is essentially the decomposition of J into contractibility of singletons, but with singletons replaced by
IdsJ: ∀ {ℓ ℓ' ℓ''} {A : Type ℓ} {R : A → A → Type ℓ'} {r : ∀ a → R a a} {a : A}
→ is-identity-system R r
→ (P : ∀ b → R a b → Type ℓ'')
→ P a (r a)
→ ∀ {b} s → P b s
IdsJ ids P pr s (λ i → P (ids .to-path s i) (ids .to-path-over s i)) pr transport
IdsJ-refl: ∀ {ℓ ℓ' ℓ''} {A : Type ℓ} {R : A → A → Type ℓ'} {r : ∀ a → R a a} {a : A}
→ (ids : is-identity-system R r)
→ (P : ∀ b → R a b → Type ℓ'')
→ (x : P a (r a))
→ IdsJ ids P x (r a) ≡ x
{R = R} {r = r} {a = a} ids P x =
IdsJ-refl (λ i → P (ids .to-path (r a) i) (ids .to-path-over (r a) i)) x ≡⟨⟩
transport (λ i → ids .to-path (r a) i , ids .to-path-over (r a) i) x ≡⟨ ap (λ e → subst P' e x) lemma ⟩
subst P'
subst P' refl x ≡⟨ transport-refl x ⟩
x ∎where
: Σ _ (R a) → Type _
P' (b , r) = P b r
: Σ-pathp (ids .to-path (r a)) (ids .to-path-over (r a)) ≡ refl
lemma = is-contr→is-set (is-contr-ΣR ids) _ _ _ _
to-path-refl-coh: ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {R : A → A → Type ℓ'} {r : ∀ a → R a a}
→ (ids : is-identity-system R r)
→ ∀ a
→ (Σ-pathp (ids .to-path (r a)) (ids .to-path-over (r a))) ≡ refl
{r = r} ids a =
to-path-refl-coh (is-contr-ΣR ids) _ _
is-contr→is-set (Σ-pathp (ids .to-path (r a)) (ids .to-path-over (r a)))
to-path-refl: ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {R : A → A → Type ℓ'} {r : ∀ a → R a a} {a : A}
→ (ids : is-identity-system R r)
→ ids .to-path (r a) ≡ refl
{r = r} {a = a} ids = ap (ap fst) $ to-path-refl-coh ids a
to-path-over-refl: ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {R : A → A → Type ℓ'} {r : ∀ a → R a a} {a : A}
→ (ids : is-identity-system R r)
→ PathP (λ i → PathP (λ j → R a (to-path-refl {a = a} ids i j)) (r a) (r a))
(ids .to-path-over (r a))
refl{a = a} ids = ap (ap snd) $ to-path-refl-coh ids a to-path-over-refl
Note that for any
the type of identity system data on
is a proposition. This is because it is exactly
equivalent to the type
being contractible for every
which is a proposition by standard results. One direction is is-contr-ΣR
; we prove the converse
direction now.
contr→identity-system: ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {R : A → A → Type ℓ'} {r : ∀ a → R a a}
→ (∀ {a} → is-contr (Σ _ (R a)))
→ is-identity-system R r
{R = R} {r} c = ids where
contr→identity-system : ∀ {a} (p : Σ _ (R a)) → (a , r a) ≡ p
paths' _ = is-contr→is-prop c _ _
: is-identity-system R r
ids .to-path p = ap fst (paths' (_ , p))
ids .to-path-over p = ap snd (paths' (_ , p)) ids
If we have a relation together with reflexivity witness then any equivalence equips with the structure of an identity system, by contractibility of singletons. Of course if we do not particularly care about the specific reflexivity witness, we can simply define as
equiv-path→identity-system: ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {R : A → A → Type ℓ'} {r : ∀ a → R a a}
→ (∀ {a b} → R a b ≃ (a ≡ b))
→ is-identity-system R r
= contr→identity-system $
equiv-path→identity-system eqv 0 ((total (λ _ → eqv .fst) , equiv→total (eqv .snd)))
Equiv→is-hlevel (contr _ Singleton-is-contr)
Conversely, any identity system implies an equivalence
identity-system-gives-path: ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {R : A → A → Type ℓ'} {r : ∀ a → R a a}
→ is-identity-system R r
→ ∀ {a b} → R a b ≃ (a ≡ b)
{R = R} {r = r} ids =
identity-system-gives-path (ids .to-path , iso from ri li) where
Iso→Equiv : ∀ {a b} → a ≡ b → R a b
from {a = a} p = transport (λ i → R a (p i)) (r a)
: ∀ {a b} → is-right-inverse (from {a} {b}) (ids .to-path)
ri = J (λ y p → ids .to-path (from p) ≡ p)
ri ( ap (ids .to-path) (transport-refl _)
∙ to-path-refl ids
: ∀ {a b} → is-left-inverse (from {a} {b}) (ids .to-path)
li = IdsJ ids (λ y p → from (ids .to-path p) ≡ p)
li ( ap from (to-path-refl ids)
_ ) ∙ transport-refl
Based identity systems🔗
It is sometimes useful to characterise the based identity type at a point i.e. the family instead of the whole binary family of paths To that end, we introduce a unary variant of identity systems called based identity systems, or unary identity systems.
{ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ}
is-based-identity-system (a : A)
(C : A → Type ℓ')
(refl : C a)
: Type (ℓ ⊔ ℓ')
: ∀ {b} → C b → a ≡ b
to-path-over: ∀ {b} (p : C b)
→ PathP (λ i → C (to-path p i)) refl p
open is-based-identity-system public
is-contr-ΣC: ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {a : A} {C : A → Type ℓ'} {r : C a}
→ is-based-identity-system a C r
→ is-contr (Σ A C)
{r = r} ids .centre = _ , r
is-contr-ΣC {r = r} ids .paths x i .fst = ids .to-path (x .snd) i
is-contr-ΣC {r = r} ids .paths x i .snd = ids .to-path-over (x .snd) i is-contr-ΣC
As previously, the data of a based identity system at is precisely what is required to implement based path induction at
IdsJ-based: ∀ {ℓ ℓ' ℓ''} {A : Type ℓ} {a : A} {C : A → Type ℓ'} {r : C a}
→ is-based-identity-system a C r
→ (P : ∀ b → C b → Type ℓ'')
→ P a r
→ ∀ {b} s → P b s
= transport
IdsJ-based ids P pr s (λ i → P (ids .to-path s i) (ids .to-path-over s i)) pr
IdsJ-based-refl: ∀ {ℓ ℓ' ℓ''} {A : Type ℓ} {a : A} {C : A → Type ℓ'} {r : C a}
→ (ids : is-based-identity-system a C r)
→ (P : ∀ b → C b → Type ℓ'')
→ (x : P a r)
→ IdsJ-based ids P x r ≡ x
{C = C} {r = r} ids P x =
IdsJ-based-refl (λ i → P (ids .to-path r i) (ids .to-path-over r i)) x ≡⟨⟩
transport (λ i → ids .to-path r i , ids .to-path-over r i) x ≡⟨ ap (λ e → subst P' e x) lemma ⟩
subst P'
subst P' refl x ≡⟨ transport-refl x ⟩
x ∎where
: Σ _ C → Type _
P' (b , c) = P b c
: Σ-pathp (ids .to-path r) (ids .to-path-over r) ≡ refl
lemma = is-contr→is-set (is-contr-ΣC ids) _ _ _ _
to-path-based-refl-coh: ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {a : A} {C : A → Type ℓ'} {r : C a}
→ (ids : is-based-identity-system a C r)
→ (Σ-pathp (ids .to-path r) (ids .to-path-over r)) ≡ refl
{r = r} ids =
to-path-based-refl-coh (is-contr-ΣC ids) _ _
is-contr→is-set (Σ-pathp (ids .to-path r) (ids .to-path-over r))
to-path-based-refl: ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {a : A} {C : A → Type ℓ'} {r : C a}
→ (ids : is-based-identity-system a C r)
→ ids .to-path r ≡ refl
= ap (ap fst) $ to-path-based-refl-coh ids
to-path-based-refl ids
to-path-over-based-refl: ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {a : A} {C : A → Type ℓ'} {r : C a}
→ (ids : is-based-identity-system a C r)
→ PathP (λ i → PathP (λ j → C (to-path-based-refl ids i j)) r r)
(ids .to-path-over r)
refl= ap (ap snd) $ to-path-based-refl-coh ids
to-path-over-based-refl ids
contr→based-identity-system: ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {a : A} {C : A → Type ℓ'} {r : C a}
→ is-contr (Σ _ C)
→ is-based-identity-system a C r
{a = a} {C = C} {r} c = ids where
contr→based-identity-system : ∀ (p : Σ _ C) → (a , r) ≡ p
paths' _ = is-contr→is-prop c _ _
: is-based-identity-system a C r
ids .to-path p = ap fst (paths' (_ , p))
ids .to-path-over p = ap snd (paths' (_ , p))
based-identity-system-gives-path: ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {a : A} {C : A → Type ℓ'} {r : C a}
→ is-based-identity-system a C r
→ ∀ {b} → C b ≃ (a ≡ b)
{a = a} {C = C} {r = r} ids =
based-identity-system-gives-path (ids .to-path , iso from ri li) where
Iso→Equiv : ∀ {b} → a ≡ b → C b
from = subst C p r
from p
: ∀ {b} → is-right-inverse (from {b}) (ids .to-path)
ri = J (λ y p → ids .to-path (from p) ≡ p)
ri ( ap (ids .to-path) (transport-refl _)
∙ to-path-based-refl ids
: ∀ {b} → is-left-inverse (from {b}) (ids .to-path)
li = IdsJ-based ids (λ y p → from (ids .to-path p) ≡ p)
li ( ap from (to-path-based-refl ids)
_) ∙ transport-refl
In subtypes🔗
Let be an embedding. If is an identity system on then it can be pulled back along to an identity system on
_ {ℓ ℓ' ℓ''} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'}
{R : B → B → Type ℓ''} {r : ∀ b → R b b}
(ids : is-identity-system R r)
(f : A ↪ B)
pullback-identity-system: is-identity-system (λ x y → R (f .fst x) (f .fst y)) (λ _ → r _)
.to-path {a} {b} x = ap fst $
pullback-identity-system .snd (f .fst b) (a , ids .to-path x) (b , refl)
f .to-path-over {a} {b} p i =
comp(λ j → R (f .fst a) (f .snd (f .fst b) (a , ids .to-path p) (b , refl) i .snd (~ j)))
(∂ i) λ where
(k = i0) → ids .to-path-over p (~ k)
k (i = i0) → ids .to-path-over p (~ k ∨ i)
k (i = i1) → p k
This is actually part of an equivalence: if the equality identity system on (thus any identity system) can be pulled back along then is an embedding.
identity-system→embedding: ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'}
→ (f : A → B)
→ is-identity-system (λ x y → f x ≡ f y) (λ _ → refl)
→ is-embedding f
= cancellable→embedding
identity-system→embedding f ids (identity-system-gives-path ids)
_ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ}
{R S : A → A → Type ℓ'}
{r : ∀ a → R a a} {s : ∀ a → S a a}
(ids : is-identity-system R r)
(eqv : ∀ x y → R x y ≃ S x y)
(pres : ∀ x → eqv x x .fst (r x) ≡ s x)
: is-identity-system S s
transfer-identity-system .to-path sab = ids .to-path (Equiv.from (eqv _ _) sab)
transfer-identity-system .to-path-over {a} {b} p i = hcomp (∂ i) λ where
transfer-identity-system (j = i0) → (eqv _ _) (ids .to-path-over (Equiv.from (eqv _ _) p) i)
j (i = i0) → pres a j
j (i = i1) → Equiv.ε (eqv _ _) p j j
Note that univalence is precisely the statement that equivalences are an identity system on the universe:
univalence-identity-system: ∀ {ℓ} → is-identity-system {A = Type ℓ} _≃_ λ _ → id , id-equiv
.to-path = ua
univalence-identity-system .to-path-over p =
univalence-identity-system (λ _ → is-equiv-is-prop) $ funextP $ λ a → path→ua-pathp p refl Σ-prop-pathp
Path-identity-system: ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} → is-identity-system (Path A) (λ _ → refl)
.to-path p = p
Path-identity-system .to-path-over p i j = p (i ∧ j)
is-identity-system-is-prop: ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {R : A → A → Type ℓ'} {r : ∀ a → R a a}
→ is-prop (is-identity-system R r)
{A = A} {R} {r} =
is-identity-system-is-prop 1 from to cancel λ x y i a → is-contr-is-prop (x a) (y a) i
retract→is-hlevel where
to : is-identity-system R r → ∀ x → is-contr (Σ A (R x))
to ids x = is-contr-ΣR ids
: (∀ x → is-contr (Σ A (R x))) → is-identity-system R r
from = contr→identity-system (x _)
from x
cancel': ∀ (x : is-identity-system R r) {a b} (s : R a b)
→ PathP (λ i → (a , r a) ≡ (b , s))
(is-contr-ΣR (from (to x)) .paths (b , s))
(is-contr-ΣR x .paths (b , s))
= is-prop→squarep (λ _ _ → is-contr→is-prop (is-contr-ΣR x)) _ _ _ _
cancel' x s
: is-left-inverse from to
cancel .to-path s = ap fst (cancel' x s i)
cancel x i .to-path-over s = ap snd (cancel' x s i)
cancel x i
H-Level-is-identity-system: ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {R : A → A → Type ℓ'} {r : ∀ a → R a a} {n}
→ H-Level (is-identity-system R r) (suc n)
= prop-instance is-identity-system-is-prop
identity-system→hlevel: ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} n {R : A → A → Type ℓ'} {r : ∀ x → R x x}
→ is-identity-system R r
→ (∀ x y → is-hlevel (R x y) n)
→ is-hlevel A (suc n)
= ids .to-path (hl _ _ .centre)
identity-system→hlevel zero ids hl x y (suc n) ids hl x y =
identity-system→hlevel (suc n) (identity-system-gives-path ids e⁻¹) (hl x y) Equiv→is-hlevel
Sets and Hedberg’s theorem🔗
We now apply the general theory of identity systems to something a lot more mundane: recognising sets. An immediate consequence of having an identity system on a type is that, if is pointwise an then is an Now, if is a reflexive family of propositions, then all we need for to be an identity system is that by the previous observation, this implies is a set.
set-identity-system: ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {R : A → A → Type ℓ'} {r : ∀ x → R x x}
→ (∀ x y → is-prop (R x y))
→ (∀ {x y} → R x y → x ≡ y)
→ is-identity-system R r
.to-path = rpath
set-identity-system rprop rpath .to-path-over p =
set-identity-system rprop rpath (λ i → rprop _ _) _ p is-prop→pathp
If is a type with ¬¬-stable equality, then by the theorem above, the pointwise double negation of its identity types is an identity system: and so, if a type has decidable (thus ¬¬-stable) equality, it is a set. This is known as Hedberg’s theorem.
¬¬-stable-identity-system: ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ}
→ (∀ {x y} → ¬ ¬ Path A x y → x ≡ y)
→ is-identity-system (λ x y → ¬ ¬ Path A x y) λ a k → k refl
= set-identity-system λ x y f g →
¬¬-stable-identity-system λ h → absurd (g h)
opaque: ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} → Discrete A → is-set A
Discrete→is-set {A = A} dec = identity-system→hlevel 1
Discrete→is-set (¬¬-stable-identity-system (dec→dne ⦃ dec ⦄))
λ x y f g → funext λ h → absurd (g h)