module Cat.Instances.Comma where
private variable
: Level
o h ao ah bo bh : Precategory o h
A B C open Precategory
open Functor
Comma categories🔗
The comma category of two functors and with common codomain, written is the directed, bicategorical analogue of a pullback square. It consists of maps in which all have their domain in the image of and codomain in the image of
The comma category is the universal way of completing a cospan of functors to a square, like the one below, which commutes up to a natural transformation Note the similarity with a pullback square.
_ {A : Precategory ao ah}
{B : Precategory bo bh}
{C : Precategory o h}
(F : Functor A C) (G : Functor B C) where
module A = Precategory A
module B = Precategory B
module C = Cat.Reasoning C
module F = Cat.Functor.Reasoning F
module G = Cat.Functor.Reasoning G
The objects in are given by triples where and
record ↓Obj : Type (h ⊔ ao ⊔ bo) where
constructor ↓obj
{x} : Ob A
{y} : Ob B
: Hom C (F .F₀ x) (G .F₀ y) map
A morphism from is given by a pair of maps and such that the square below commutes. Note that this is exactly the data of one component of a naturality square.
record ↓Hom (a b : ↓Obj) : Type (h ⊔ bh ⊔ ah) where
constructor ↓hom
module a = ↓Obj a
module b = ↓Obj b
{α} : Hom A a.x b.x
{β} : Hom B a.y b.y
: C.∘ F .F₁ α ≡ G .F₁ β C.∘ sq
We omit routine characterisations of equality in ↓Hom
from the page: ↓Hom-path
and ↓Hom-set
: ∀ {x x' y y'} {p : x ≡ x'} {q : y ≡ y'}
↓Hom-pathp → {f : ↓Hom x y} {g : ↓Hom x' y'}
→ (PathP _ (f .↓Hom.α) (g .↓Hom.α))
→ (PathP _ (f .↓Hom.β) (g .↓Hom.β))
→ PathP (λ i → ↓Hom (p i) (q i)) f g
.↓Hom.α = p i
↓Hom-pathp p q i .↓Hom.β = q i
↓Hom-pathp p q i {p = p} {q} {f} {g} r s i .↓Hom.sq =
↓Hom-pathp (λ i → C.Hom-set _ _ (↓ (q i) C.∘ F .F₁ (r i))
is-prop→pathp (G .F₁ (s i) C.∘ ↓ (p i)))
(f .↓Hom.sq) (g .↓Hom.sq) i
: ∀ {x y} {f g : ↓Hom x y}
↓Hom-path → (f .↓Hom.α ≡ g .↓Hom.α)
→ (f .↓Hom.β ≡ g .↓Hom.β)
→ f ≡ g
= ↓Hom-pathp
: {a b : ↓Obj}
↓Obj-path → (p : a .↓Obj.x ≡ b .↓Obj.x) (q : a .↓Obj.y ≡ b .↓Obj.y)
→ PathP (λ i → Hom C (F .F₀ (p i)) (G .F₀ (q i))) (a .↓ (b .↓
→ a ≡ b
.↓Obj.x = p i
↓Obj-path p q r i .↓Obj.y = q i
↓Obj-path p q r i .↓ = r i
↓Obj-path p q r i
private unquoteDecl eqv = declare-record-iso eqv (quote ↓Hom)
: ∀ x y → is-set (↓Hom x y)
↓Hom-set = hl' where abstract
↓Hom-set a b : is-set (↓Hom a b)
hl' = Iso→is-hlevel 2 eqv (hlevel 2) hl'
Identities and compositions are given componentwise:
: ∀ {a} → ↓Hom a a
↓id .↓Hom.α =
↓id .↓Hom.β =
↓id .↓Hom.sq = ap (_ C.∘_) (F .F-id) ·· ·· ap (C._∘ _) (sym (G .F-id))
: ∀ {a b c} → ↓Hom b c → ↓Hom a b → ↓Hom a c
↓∘ {a} {b} {c} g f = composite where
↓∘ open ↓Hom
module a = ↓Obj a
module b = ↓Obj b
module c = ↓Obj c
module f = ↓Hom f
module g = ↓Hom g
: ↓Hom a c
composite .α = g.α A.∘ f.α
composite .β = g.β B.∘ f.β
composite .sq =
composite .map C.∘ F .F₁ (g.α A.∘ f.α) ≡⟨ ap (_ C.∘_) (F .F-∘ _ _) ⟩ C.∘ F .F₁ g.α C.∘ F .F₁ f.α ≡⟨ C.extendl g.sq ⟩
c.F₁ g.β C.∘ C.∘ F .F₁ f.α ≡⟨ ap (_ C.∘_) f.sq ⟩
G .F₁ g.β C.∘ G .F₁ f.β C.∘ ≡⟨ C.pulll (sym (G .F-∘ _ _)) ⟩
G .F₁ (g.β B.∘ f.β) C.∘ ∎ G
This assembles into a precategory.
_↓_ : Precategory _ _
_↓_ .Ob = ↓Obj
_↓_ .Hom = ↓Hom
_↓_ .Hom-set = ↓Hom-set
_↓_ .id = ↓id
_↓_ ._∘_ = ↓∘
_↓_ .idr f = ↓Hom-path (A.idr _) (B.idr _)
_↓_ .idl f = ↓Hom-path (A.idl _) (B.idl _)
_↓_ .assoc f g h = ↓Hom-path (A.assoc _ _ _) (B.assoc _ _ _)
We also have the projection functors onto the factors, and the natural transformation witnessing “directed commutativity” of the square.
: Functor _↓_ A
Dom .F₀ = ↓Obj.x
Dom .F₁ = ↓Hom.α
Dom .F-id = refl
Dom .F-∘ _ _ = refl
: Functor _↓_ B
Cod .F₀ = ↓Obj.y
Cod .F₁ = ↓Hom.β
Cod .F-id = refl
Cod .F-∘ _ _ = refl
: (F F∘ Dom) => (G F∘ Cod)
θ = NT (λ x → x .↓ λ x y f → f .↓Hom.sq θ
module _ (A-grpd : is-pregroupoid A) (B-grpd : is-pregroupoid B) where
open ↓Hom
open is-invertible
open Inverses
: is-pregroupoid _↓_
↓-is-pregroupoid .inv .α = A-grpd (f .α) .inv
↓-is-pregroupoid f .inv .β = B-grpd (f .β) .inv
↓-is-pregroupoid f .inv .sq = C.rswizzle
↓-is-pregroupoid f (sym (C.lswizzle (f .sq) (G.annihilate (B-grpd (f .β) .invr))) ∙ C.assoc _ _ _)
(F.annihilate (A-grpd (f .α) .invl))
.inverses .invl = ↓Hom-path (A-grpd (f .α) .invl) (B-grpd (f .β) .invl)
↓-is-pregroupoid f .inverses .invr = ↓Hom-path (A-grpd (f .α) .invr) (B-grpd (f .β) .invr)
↓-is-pregroupoid f
module _ {A : Precategory ao ah} {B : Precategory bo bh} where
module A = Precategory A
module B = Precategory B
: Functor A B
F open ↓Obj
open ↓Hom
infix 8 _↙_ _↘_
_↙_ : A.Ob → Functor B A → Precategory _ _
= !Const X ↓ T
X ↙ T
_↘_ : Functor B A → A.Ob → Precategory _ _
= S ↓ !Const X
S ↘ X
: ∀ {X} → F F∘ Dom F (!Const X) => Const X
θ↘ ._=>_.η f = f .map
θ↘ ._=> _ _ γ = γ .sq
: ∀ {X} → Const X => F F∘ Cod (!Const X) F
θ↙ ._=>_.η f = f .map
θ↙ ._=> _ _ γ = γ .sq
module ↙-compose
{oc ℓc od ℓd oe ℓe}
{𝒞 : Precategory oc ℓc} {𝒟 : Precategory od ℓd} {ℰ : Precategory oe ℓe}
(F : Functor 𝒞 𝒟) (G : Functor 𝒟 ℰ)
module 𝒟 = Precategory 𝒟
module ℰ = Precategory ℰ
module F = Functor F
module G = Cat.Functor.Reasoning G
open ↓Obj
open ↓Hom
_↙>_ : ∀ {d} (g : Ob (d ↙ G)) → Ob (g .y ↙ F) → Ob (d ↙ G F∘ F)
= ↓obj (G.₁ (f .map) ℰ.∘ g .map)
g ↙> f
: ∀ {d} (g : Ob (d ↙ G)) → Functor (g .y ↙ F) (d ↙ G F∘ F)
↙-compose .F₀ f = g ↙> f
↙-compose g .F₁ {f} {f'} h = ↓hom {β = h .β} $
↙-compose g (G.₁ (f' .map) ℰ.∘ g .map) ℰ.∘ ℰ.id ≡⟨ ℰ.idr _ ⟩
.₁ (f' .map) ℰ.∘ g .map ≡⟨ G.pushl (sym (𝒟.idr _) ∙ h .sq) ⟩
G.₁ (F.₁ (h .β)) ℰ.∘ G.₁ (f .map) ℰ.∘ g .map ∎
G.F-id = ↓Hom-path _ _ refl refl
↙-compose g .F-∘ _ _ = ↓Hom-path _ _ refl refl
↙-compose g
: ∀ {c} {f : Ob (c ↙ G F∘ F)} → ↓obj (f .map) ↙> ↓obj 𝒟.id ≡ f
↙>-id = ↓Obj-path _ _ refl refl (G.eliml refl)
-- Outside the main module to make instance search work.
module _ where
open ↓Hom
open ↓Obj
open Precategory
open Functor
Extensional-↓Hom: ∀ {ℓr}
→ {F : Functor A C} {G : Functor B C}
→ {f g : ↓Obj F G}
→ ⦃ sab : Extensional (A .Hom (f .x) (g .x) × B .Hom (f .y) (g .y)) ℓr ⦄
→ Extensional (↓Hom F G f g) ℓr
{A = A} {B = B} {F = F} {G = G} {f = f} {g = g} ⦃ sab ⦄ =
Extensional-↓Hom (λ p → ↓Hom-path F G (ap fst p) (ap snd p)) sab
-- Overlapping instances for ↙ and ↘; these resolve issues where
-- Agda cannot determine the source category A for 'Const'. We can
-- also optimize the instance a bit to avoid a silly obligation that
-- 'tt ≡ tt'.
Extensional-↙Hom: ∀ {ℓr}
→ {X : A .Ob} {T : Functor B A}
→ {f g : ↓Obj (!Const X) T}
→ ⦃ sb : Extensional (B .Hom (f .y) (g .y)) ℓr ⦄
→ Extensional (↓Hom (!Const X) T f g) ℓr
{B = B} {X = X} {T = T} {f = f} {g = g} ⦃ sb ⦄ =
Extensional-↙Hom {f = λ sq → sq .β} (λ p → ↓Hom-path (!Const X) T refl p) sb
injection→extensional! {-# OVERLAPS Extensional-↙Hom #-}
Extensional-↘Hom: ∀ {ℓr}
→ {T : Functor A B} {X : B .Ob}
→ {f g : ↓Obj T (!Const X)}
→ ⦃ sa : Extensional (A .Hom (f .x) (g .x)) ℓr ⦄
→ Extensional (↓Hom T (!Const X) f g) ℓr
{A = A} {T = T} {X = X} {f = f} {g = g} ⦃ sa ⦄ =
Extensional-↘Hom {f = λ sq → sq .α} (λ p → ↓Hom-path T (!Const X) p refl) sa
injection→extensional! {-# OVERLAPS Extensional-↘Hom #-}
-- Extensionality cannot handle PathP, but we /can/ make a bit of progress
-- by deleting 'tt ≡ tt' obligations when using ↙ and ↘.
Extensional-↙Obj: ∀ {ℓr}
→ {X : A .Ob} {T : Functor B A}
→ ⦃ sb : Extensional (Σ[ Y ∈ B .Ob ] (A .Hom X (T .F₀ Y))) ℓr ⦄
→ Extensional (↓Obj (!Const X) T) ℓr
{A = A} {B = B} {X = X} {T = T} ⦃ sb ⦄ =
iso→extensional isom sbwhere
-- Easier to just do this by hand.
: Iso (↓Obj (!Const X) T) (Σ[ Y ∈ B .Ob ] (A .Hom X (T .F₀ Y)))
isom .fst α = ↓Obj.y α , ↓ α
isom .snd .is-iso.inv (Y , f) = ↓obj f
isom .snd .is-iso.rinv _ = refl
isom .snd .is-iso.linv _ = ↓Obj-path (!Const X) T refl refl refl
Extensional-↘Obj: ∀ {ℓr}
→ {T : Functor A B} {Y : B .Ob}
→ ⦃ sb : Extensional (Σ[ X ∈ A .Ob ] (B .Hom (T .F₀ X) Y)) ℓr ⦄
→ Extensional (↓Obj T (!Const Y)) ℓr
{A = A} {B = B} {T = T} {Y = Y} ⦃ sb ⦄ =
iso→extensional isom sbwhere
-- Easier to just do this by hand.
: Iso (↓Obj T (!Const Y)) (Σ[ X ∈ A .Ob ] (B .Hom (T .F₀ X) Y))
isom .fst α = ↓Obj.x α , ↓ α
isom .snd .is-iso.inv (Y , f) = ↓obj f
isom .snd .is-iso.rinv _ = refl
isom .snd .is-iso.linv _ = ↓Obj-path T (!Const Y) refl refl refl isom