module 1Lab.Classical where
The law of excluded middle🔗
While we do not assume any classical principles in the 1Lab, we can still state them and explore their consequences.
The law of excluded middle (LEM) is the defining principle of classical logic, which states that any proposition is either true or false (in other words, decidable). Of course, assuming this as an axiom requires giving up canonicity: we could prove that, for example, any Turing machine either halts or does not halt, but this would not give us any computational information.
: Type
LEM = ∀ (P : Ω) → Dec ∣ P ∣ LEM
Note that we cannot do without the assumption that is a proposition: the statement that all types are decidable is inconsistent with univalence.
An equivalent statement of excluded middle is the law of double negation elimination (DNE):
: Type
DNE = ∀ (P : Ω) → ¬ ¬ ∣ P ∣ → ∣ P ∣ DNE
We show that these two statements are equivalent propositions.
: is-prop LEM
LEM-is-prop = hlevel 1
: is-prop DNE
DNE-is-prop = hlevel 1
LEM→DNE = Dec-elim _ (λ p _ → p) (λ ¬p ¬¬p → absurd (¬¬p ¬p)) (lem P)
DNE→LEM = dne (el (Dec ∣ P ∣) (hlevel 1)) λ k → k (no λ p → k (yes p))
LEM≃DNE = prop-ext LEM-is-prop DNE-is-prop LEM→DNE DNE→LEM LEM≃DNE
Weak excluded middle🔗
The weak law of excluded middle (WLEM) is a slightly weaker variant of excluded middle which asserts that every proposition is either false or not false.
: Type
WLEM = ∀ (P : Ω) → Dec (¬ ∣ P ∣) WLEM
As the name suggests, the law of excluded middle implies the weak law of excluded middle.
LEM→WLEM = lem (P →Ω ⊥Ω) LEM→WLEM lem P
The weak law of excluded middle is also a proposition.
: is-prop WLEM
WLEM-is-prop = hlevel 1 WLEM-is-prop
The axiom of choice🔗
The axiom of choice is a stronger classical principle which allows us to commute propositional truncations past Î types.
: Typeω
Axiom-of-choice =
Axiom-of-choice ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {B : Type ℓ} {P : B → Type ℓ'}
→ is-set B → (∀ b → is-set (P b))
→ (∀ b → ∥ P b ∥)
→ ∥ (∀ b → P b) ∥
Like before, the assumptions that is a set and is a family of sets are required to avoid running afoul of univalence.
_ = Fibration-equiv
An equivalent and sometimes useful statement is that all surjections
between sets merely have a section. This is essentially jumping to the
other side of the fibration equivalence
: Typeω
Surjections-split =
Surjections-split ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'} → is-set A → is-set B
→ (f : A → B)
→ is-surjective f
→ ∥ (∀ b → fibre f b) ∥
We show that these two statements are logically equivalent1.
: Axiom-of-choice → Surjections-split
AC→Surjections-split =
AC→Surjections-split ac Aset Bset f (fibre-is-hlevel 2 Aset Bset f)
ac Bset
: Surjections-split → Axiom-of-choice
Surjections-split→AC {P = P} Bset Pset h = ∥-∥-map
Surjections-split→AC ss ( (Π-cod≃ (Fibre-equiv P)))
(ss (Σ-is-hlevel 2 Bset Pset) Bset fst λ b →
(Equiv.from (Fibre-equiv P b)) (h b)) ∥-∥-map
We can show that the axiom of choice implies the law of excluded middle; this is sometimes known as the Diaconescu-Goodman-Myhill theorem2.
Given a proposition we consider the suspension of the type is a set with two points and a path between them if and only if holds.
Since admits a surjection from the booleans, the axiom of choice merely gives us a section
module _ (split : Surjections-split) (P : Ω) where
: ∥ ((x : Susp ∣ P ∣) → fibre 2→Σ x) ∥
section = split (hlevel 2) (Susp-prop-is-set (hlevel 1)) 2→Σ 2→Σ-surjective section
But a section is always injective, and the booleans are discrete, so we can prove that is also discrete. Since the path type in is equivalent to this concludes the proof.
: Discrete (Susp ∣ P ∣)
Discrete-ΣP = ∥-∥-rec (Dec-is-hlevel 1 (Susp-prop-is-set (hlevel 1) _ _))
Discrete-ΣP (λ f → Discrete-inj (fst ∘ f) (right-inverse→injective 2→Σ (snd ∘ f))
: Dec ∣ P ∣
AC→LEM = Susp-prop-path (hlevel 1) <≃> Discrete-ΣP AC→LEM
they are also propositions, but since they live in
we cannot easily say that↩︎not to be confused with Diaconescu’s theorem in topos theory↩︎