module Cat.Functor.Pullback
{o ℓ} {C : Precategory o ℓ}
open Cat.Reasoning C
open is-pullback
open Pullback
open Initial
open Functor
open _=>_
open /-Obj
open /-Hom
Base change🔗
Let be a category with all pullbacks, and a morphism in Then we have a functor called the base change, where the action on objects is given by pulling back along
On objects, the functor maps as in the diagram below. It’s a bit busy, so look at it in parts: On the left we have the object of and on the right we have the whole pullback diagram, showing how the parts fit together. The actual object of the functor gives is the vertical arrow
module _ (pullbacks : ∀ {X Y Z} f g → Pullback C {X} {Y} {Z} f g) {X Y : Ob} (f : Hom Y X) where
: Functor (Slice C X) (Slice C Y)
Base-change .F₀ x = ob where
Base-change : /-Obj Y
ob .domain = pullbacks (x .map) f .apex
ob .map = pullbacks (x .map) f .p₂ ob
On morphisms, we use the universal property of the pullback to obtain a map by observing that the square diagram below is a cone over
.F₁ {x} {y} dh = dh' where
Base-change module ypb = Pullback (pullbacks (y .map) f)
module xpb = Pullback (pullbacks (x .map) f)
: /-Hom _ _
dh' .map = ypb.universal {p₁' = dh .map ∘ xpb.p₁}
dh' (pulll (dh .commutes) ∙ xpb.square)
.commutes = ypb.p₂∘universal dh'
The properties of pullbacks also guarantee that this operation is functorial, but the details are not particularly enlightening.
.F-id {x} = ext (sym (xpb.unique id-comm (idr _)))
Base-change where module xpb = Pullback (pullbacks (x .map) f)
.F-∘ {x} {y} {z} am bm =
Base-change (sym (zpb.unique
ext (pulll zpb.p₁∘universal ∙ pullr ypb.p₁∘universal ∙ assoc _ _ _)
(pulll zpb.p₂∘universal ∙ ypb.p₂∘universal)))
module ypb = Pullback (pullbacks (y .map) f)
module zpb = Pullback (pullbacks (z .map) f)
The base change functor is a right adjoint. We construct the left adjoint directly, then give the unit and counit, and finally prove the triangle identities.
The left adjoint, called dependent sum and written is given on objects by precomposition with and on morphisms by what is essentially the identity function — only the witness of commutativity must change.
module _ {X Y : Ob} (f : Hom Y X) where
: Functor (Slice C Y) (Slice C X)
Σf .F₀ o = cut (f ∘ o .map)
Σf .F₁ dh = record { map = dh .map ; commutes = pullr (dh .commutes) }
Σf .F-id = trivial!
Σf .F-∘ f g = trivial!
open _⊣_
Σ-iso-equiv: {X Y : Ob} {f : Hom Y X}
→ C f
→ is-equivalence (Σf f)
{X} {f = f} isom = ff+split-eso→is-equivalence Σ-ff Σ-seso where
Σ-iso-equiv module Sl = Cat.Reasoning (Slice C X)
module isom = is-invertible isom
= Σf f
func : ∀ {x y} → is-equiv (func .F₁ {x} {y})
Σ-ff = is-iso→is-equiv (iso ∘inv (λ x → trivial!) λ x → trivial!) where
Σ-ff : /-Hom _ _ → /-Hom _ _
∘inv .map = o .map
∘inv o .commutes = invertible→monic isom _ _ (assoc _ _ _ ∙ o .commutes)
∘inv o
: is-split-eso func
Σ-seso = cut (isom.inv ∘ y .map)
Σ-seso y .make-iso into from' (ext (eliml refl)) (ext (eliml refl))
, Slwhere
: /-Hom _ _
into .map = id
into .commutes = id-comm ∙ sym (pulll isom.invl)
: /-Hom _ _
from' .map = id
from' .commutes = elimr refl ∙ cancell isom.invl from'
The adjunction unit and counit are given by the universal properties of pullbacks.
module _ (pullbacks : ∀ {X Y Z} f g → Pullback C {X} {Y} {Z} f g) {X Y : Ob} (f : Hom Y X) where
open _⊣_
open _=>_
: Σf f ⊣ Base-change pullbacks f
Σf⊣f* .unit .η obj = dh where
Σf⊣f* module pb = Pullback (pullbacks (f ∘ obj .map) f)
: /-Hom _ _
dh .map = pb.universal {p₁' = id} {p₂' = obj .map} (idr _)
dh .commutes = pb.p₂∘universal
dh .unit .is-natural x y g =
Σf⊣f* (pb.unique₂
ext {p = (f ∘ y .map) ∘ id ∘ g .map ≡⟨ cat! C ⟩ f ∘ y .map ∘ g .map ∎}
(pulll pb.p₁∘universal)
(pulll pb.p₂∘universal)
(pulll pb.p₁∘universal ∙ pullr pb'.p₁∘universal ∙ id-comm)
(pulll pb.p₂∘universal ∙ pb'.p₂∘universal ∙ sym (g .commutes)))
module pb = Pullback (pullbacks (f ∘ y .map) f)
module pb' = Pullback (pullbacks (f ∘ x .map) f)
.counit .η obj = dh where
Σf⊣f* module pb = Pullback (pullbacks (obj .map) f)
: /-Hom _ _
dh .map = pb.p₁
dh .commutes = pb.square
dh .counit .is-natural x y g = ext pb.p₁∘universal
Σf⊣f* where module pb = Pullback (pullbacks (y .map) f)
.zig {A} = ext pb.p₁∘universal
Σf⊣f* where module pb = Pullback (pullbacks (f ∘ A .map) f)
.zag {B} = ext
Σf⊣f* (sym (pb.unique₂ {p = pb.square}
(idr _) (idr _)
(pulll pb.p₁∘universal ∙ pullr pb'.p₁∘universal ∙ idr _)
(pulll pb.p₂∘universal ∙ pb'.p₂∘universal))) where
module pb = Pullback (pullbacks (B .map) f)
module pb' = Pullback (pullbacks (f ∘ pb.p₂) f)
Equifibred natural transformations🔗
A natural transformation is called equifibred, or cartesian, if each of its naturality squares is a pullback:
is-equifibred: ∀ {oj ℓj} {J : Precategory oj ℓj} {F G : Functor J C}
→ F => G → Type _
{J = J} {F} {G} α =
is-equifibred ∀ {x y} (f : J .Precategory.Hom x y)
→ is-pullback C (F .F₁ f) (α .η y) (α .η x) (G .F₁ f)
An easy property of equifibered transformations is that they are closed under pre-whiskering:
◂-equifibred: ∀ {oj ℓj ok ℓk} {J : Precategory oj ℓj} {K : Precategory ok ℓk}
→ {F G : Functor J C} (H : Functor K J) (α : F => G)
→ is-equifibred α → is-equifibred (α ◂ H)
= eq (H .F₁ f) ◂-equifibred H α eq f