module Cat.Functor.Adjoint.Continuous where
module _
{o o' ℓ ℓ'} {C : Precategory o ℓ} {D : Precategory o' ℓ'}
{L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C}
(L⊣R : L ⊣ R)
module L = Func L
module R = Func R
module C = Precategory C
module D = Precategory D
module adj = _⊣_ L⊣R
open _=>_
Continuity of adjoints🔗
We prove that every functor admitting a left adjoint preserves every limit which exists in We then instantiate this theorem to the “canonical” shapes of limit: terminal objects, products, pullback and equalisers.
This follows directly from the fact that adjoints preserve Kan extensions.
right-adjoint-is-continuous: ∀ {os ℓs} → is-continuous os ℓs R
right-adjoint-is-continuous lim
right-adjoint→right-extension lim L⊣R
left-adjoint-is-cocontinuous: ∀ {os ℓs} → is-cocontinuous os ℓs L
left-adjoint-is-cocontinuous colim
left-adjoint→left-extension colim L⊣R
module _ {od ℓd} {J : Precategory od ℓd} where
: ∀ {F : Functor J D} → Limit F → Limit (R F∘ F)
right-adjoint-limit =
right-adjoint-limit lim (right-adjoint-is-continuous (Limit.has-limit lim))
: ∀ {F : Functor J C} → Colimit F → Colimit (L F∘ F)
left-adjoint-colimit =
left-adjoint-colimit colim (left-adjoint-is-cocontinuous (Colimit.has-colimit colim)) to-colimit
Concrete limits🔗
We now show that adjoint functors preserve “concrete limits”. We could show this using general abstract nonsense, but we can avoid transports if we do it by hand.
open import Cat.Diagram.Equaliser
open import Cat.Diagram.Pullback
open import Cat.Diagram.Product
right-adjoint→is-product: ∀ {x a b} {p1 : D.Hom x a} {p2 : D.Hom x b}
→ is-product D p1 p2
→ is-product C (R.₁ p1) (R.₁ p2)
{x = x} {a} {b} {p1} {p2} d-prod = c-prod where
right-adjoint→is-product open is-product
: is-product C (R.₁ p1) (R.₁ p2)
c-prod .⟨_,_⟩ f g =
c-prod (d-prod .⟨_,_⟩ (R-adjunct L⊣R f) (R-adjunct L⊣R g))
L-adjunct L⊣R .π₁∘⟨⟩ =
c-prod .pulll (d-prod .π₁∘⟨⟩) ∙ L-R-adjunct L⊣R _
R.π₂∘⟨⟩ =
c-prod .pulll (d-prod .π₂∘⟨⟩) ∙ L-R-adjunct L⊣R _
R.unique {other = other} p q =
c-prod (L-R-adjunct L⊣R other)
sym (L-adjunct L⊣R)
∙ ap (d-prod .unique (R-adjunct-ap L⊣R p) (R-adjunct-ap L⊣R q))
right-adjoint→is-pullback: ∀ {p x y z}
→ {p1 : D.Hom p x} {f : D.Hom x z} {p2 : D.Hom p y} {g : D.Hom y z}
→ is-pullback D p1 f p2 g
→ is-pullback C (R.₁ p1) (R.₁ f) (R.₁ p2) (R.₁ g)
{p1 = p1} {f} {p2} {g} d-pb = c-pb where
right-adjoint→is-pullback open is-pullback
: is-pullback C (R.₁ p1) (R.₁ f) (R.₁ p2) (R.₁ g)
c-pb .square = R.weave (d-pb .square)
c-pb .universal sq =
c-pb (d-pb .universal (R-adjunct-square L⊣R sq))
L-adjunct L⊣R .p₁∘universal =
c-pb .pulll (d-pb .p₁∘universal) ∙ L-R-adjunct L⊣R _
R.p₂∘universal =
c-pb .pulll (d-pb .p₂∘universal) ∙ L-R-adjunct L⊣R _
R.unique {_} {p₁'} {p₂'} {sq} {other} p q =
c-pb (L-R-adjunct L⊣R other)
sym (L-adjunct L⊣R)
∙ ap (d-pb .unique (R-adjunct-ap L⊣R p) (R-adjunct-ap L⊣R q))
right-adjoint→is-equaliser: ∀ {e a b} {f g : D.Hom a b} {equ : D.Hom e a}
→ is-equaliser D f g equ
→ is-equaliser C (R.₁ f) (R.₁ g) (R.₁ equ)
{f = f} {g} {equ} d-equal = c-equal where
right-adjoint→is-equaliser open is-equaliser
: is-equaliser C (R.₁ f) (R.₁ g) (R.₁ equ)
c-equal .equal = R.weave (d-equal .equal)
c-equal .universal sq =
c-equal (d-equal .universal (R-adjunct-square L⊣R sq))
L-adjunct L⊣R .factors =
c-equal .pulll (d-equal .factors) ∙ L-R-adjunct L⊣R _
R.unique p =
c-equal (L-R-adjunct L⊣R _)
sym (L-adjunct L⊣R)
∙ ap (d-equal .unique (R-adjunct-ap L⊣R p))
right-adjoint→terminal: ∀ {x} → is-terminal D x → is-terminal C (R.₀ x)
= contr fin uniq where
right-adjoint→terminal term x = L-adjunct L⊣R (term (L.₀ x) .centre)
fin : ∀ x → fin ≡ x
uniq = ap fst $ is-contr→is-prop (R-adjunct-is-equiv L⊣R .is-eqv _)
uniq x (_ , equiv→counit (R-adjunct-is-equiv L⊣R) _)
(x , is-contr→is-prop (term _) _ _)
: is-lex R
right-adjoint→lex .is-lex.pres-⊤ =
right-adjoint→ {f = f} {g = g} pb =
right-adjoint→lex right-adjoint→is-pullback pb