open import Cat.Displayed.Cocartesian
open import Cat.Displayed.Cartesian
open import Cat.Displayed.TwoSided
open import Cat.Instances.Product
open import Cat.Displayed.Base
open import Cat.Prelude

import Cat.Displayed.Reasoning
import Cat.Displayed.Morphism
import Cat.Reasoning
module Cat.Displayed.TwoSided.Discrete where

Discrete two-sided fibrations🔗

Much like how discrete fibrations are presheaves, a discrete two-sided fibration is a displayed presentation of a profunctor.

A displayed category is a discrete two-sided fibration if:

module _
  {oa ℓa ob ℓb oe ℓe}
  {A : Precategory oa ℓa} {B : Precategory ob ℓb}
  (E : Displayed (A ×ᶜ B) oe ℓe)
    module A = Cat.Reasoning A
    module B = Cat.Reasoning B
    module A×B = Cat.Reasoning (A ×ᶜ B)
    open Cat.Displayed.Reasoning E
    open Cat.Displayed.Morphism E
    open Displayed E
  record is-discrete-two-sided-fibration : Type (oa ⊔ ℓa ⊔ ob ⊔ ℓb ⊔ oe ⊔ ℓe) where
  1. For every is a set.
      fibre-set :  a b  is-set (Ob[ a , b ])
  1. For every and there exists a unique pair
        :  {a₁ a₂ : A.Ob} {b : B.Ob}
         (f : A.Hom a₁ a₂)
         (y' : Ob[ a₂ , b ])
         is-contr (Σ[ x' ∈ Ob[ a₁ , b ] ] Hom[ f , ] x' y')

    _^*_ :  {a₁ a₂ : A.Ob} {b : B.Ob}  A.Hom a₁ a₂  Ob[ a₂ , b ]  Ob[ a₁ , b ]
    u ^* y' = cart-lift u y' .centre .fst

      :  {a₁ a₂ : A.Ob} {b : B.Ob}
       (u : A.Hom a₁ a₂)
       (y' : Ob[ a₂ , b ])
       Hom[ u , ] (u ^* y') y'
    π* u y' = cart-lift u y' .centre .snd
  1. For every and there exists a unique pair
        :  {a : A.Ob} {b₁ b₂ : B.Ob}
         (f : B.Hom b₁ b₂)
         (x' : Ob[ a , b₁ ])
         is-contr (Σ[ y' ∈ Ob[ a , b₂ ] ] Hom[ , f ] x' y')
    _^!_ :  {a : A.Ob} {b₁ b₂ : B.Ob}  B.Hom b₁ b₂  Ob[ a , b₁ ]  Ob[ a , b₂ ]
    v ^! x' = cocart-lift v x' .centre .fst

      :  {a : A.Ob} {b₁ b₂ : B.Ob}
       (v : B.Hom b₁ b₂)
       (x' : Ob[ a , b₁ ])
       Hom[ , v ] x' (v ^! x')
    ι! v x' = cocart-lift v x' .centre .snd
  1. For every there exists a vertical map such that
        :  {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ x y}
         {u : A.Hom a₁ a₂} {v : B.Hom b₁ b₂}
         (f : Hom[ u , v ] x y)
         Hom[ , ] (v ^! x) (u ^* y)
        :  {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ x y}
         {u : A.Hom a₁ a₂} {v : B.Hom b₁ b₂}
         (f : Hom[ u , v ] x y)
         f ≡[ A.intror (A.idl _) ,ₚ B.insertl (B.idl _) ] (π* u y ∘' vert-lift f ∘' ι! v x)

This final condition implies that for every the lifts and coincide.

      :  {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ x' y'} {u : A.Hom a₁ a₂} {v : B.Hom b₁ b₂}
       (f : Hom[ u , v ] x' y')
       u ^* y' ≡ v ^! x'

First, note that it suffices to construct a map as the space of lifts of along is contractible. The above axiom ensures that this map exists!

    same-lift {x' = x'} {y' = y'} {u = u} {v = v} f =
       ap fst $ is-contr→is-prop (cart-lift (u ^* y'))
         (u ^* y' , id')
         (v ^! x' , vert-lift f)

Moreover, the factorisation condition ensures that every hom set forms a proposition.

      :  {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ x' y'} {u : A.Hom a₁ a₂} {v : B.Hom b₁ b₂}
       is-prop (Hom[ u , v ] x' y')

Let be a pair of morphisms. Both maps factor as and so it suffices to show that

    Hom[]-is-prop {x' = x'} {y' = y'} {u = u} {v = v} f' g' =
      cast[] $
        f'                                     ≡[]⟨ factors f' ⟩
        π* u y' ∘' ⌜ vert-lift f' ⌝ ∘' ι! v x' ≡[]⟨ ap! vert-lift-eq ⟩
        π* u y' ∘' vert-lift g' ∘' ι! v x'     ≡[]˘⟨ factors g' ⟩
        g'                                     ∎

The type of objects is a set, so it further suffices to prove that which follows immediately from uniqueness of lifts.

        vert-lift-eq : vert-lift f' ≡ vert-lift g'
        vert-lift-eq =
          Σ-inj-set (fibre-set _ _) $
          is-contr→is-prop (cart-lift (u ^* y'))
            (v ^! x' , vert-lift f')
            (v ^! x' , vert-lift g')

An alternative view is that these final conditions ensure that morphisms are equivalent to proofs that

        :  {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ x' y'}
         (u : A.Hom a₁ a₂) (v : B.Hom b₁ b₂)
         (u ^* y')(v ^! x')
         Hom[ u , v ] x' y'
      discrete-two-sided-hom {x' = x'} {y' = y'} u v p =
        hom[ A.elimr (A.idr _) ,ₚ B.cancell (B.idl _) ] $
          π* u y' ∘' subst  v!x  Hom[ , ] v!x (u ^* y')) p id' ∘' ι! v x'

      :  {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ x' y'}
       (u : A.Hom a₁ a₂) (v : B.Hom b₁ b₂)
       is-equiv (discrete-two-sided-hom {x' = x'} {y' = y'} u v)
    discrete-two-sided-hom-is-equiv u v =
      is-iso→is-equiv $
      iso same-lift
         _  Hom[]-is-prop _ _)
         _  fibre-set _ _ _ _ _ _)


Note that the action is functorial on the fibres of that are vertical over as lifts are unique.

      :  {a₁ a₂ a₃ : A.Ob} {b : B.Ob}
       (u : A.Hom a₂ a₃) (v : A.Hom a₁ a₂)
       (y' : Ob[ a₃ , b ])
       (u A.∘ v) ^* y' ≡ (v ^* (u ^* y'))
    ^*-∘ u v y' =
      ap fst $ cart-lift (u A.∘ v) y' .paths $
        v ^* (u ^* y') ,
        hom[ refl ,ₚ B.idl _ ] (π* u y' ∘' π* v (u ^* y'))

      :  {a b} {x' : Ob[ a , b ]} ^* x' ≡ x'
    ^*-id {x' = x'} =
      ap fst $ cart-lift x' .paths (x' , id')

Dually, the action is functorial on the fibres of that are vertical over

      :  {a : A.Ob} {b₁ b₂ b₃ : B.Ob}
       (u : B.Hom b₂ b₃) (v : B.Hom b₁ b₂)
       (x' : Ob[ a , b₁ ])
       (u B.∘ v) ^! x' ≡ (u ^! (v ^! x'))
    ^!-∘ u v x' =
      ap fst $ cocart-lift (u B.∘ v) x' .paths $
        u ^! (v ^! x') , hom[ A.idr _ ,ₚ refl ] (ι! u (v ^! x') ∘' ι! v x')

      :  {a b} {x' : Ob[ a , b ]} ^! x' ≡ x'
    ^!-id {x' = x'} =
      ap fst $ cocart-lift x' .paths (x' , id')

Moreover, we also have an interchange law that lets us relate the contravariant and covariant actions on fibres.

      :  {a₁ a₂ : A.Ob} {b₁ b₂ : B.Ob}
       (u : A.Hom a₁ a₂) (v : B.Hom b₁ b₂)
       (x' : Ob[ a₂ , b₁ ])
       (u ^* (v ^! x'))(v ^! (u ^* x'))
    ^*-^!-comm u v x' =
      same-lift (hom[ A.idl u ,ₚ B.idr v ] (ι! v x' ∘' π* u x'))

Invertible maps🔗

Every morphism in a discrete two-sided fibration living over an invertible pair of morphisms is itself invertible.

      :  {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ x' y'} {u : A.Hom a₁ a₂} {v : B.Hom b₁ b₂}
       (f : Hom[ u , v ] x' y')
       (uv⁻¹ : A× (u , v))
       is-invertible[ uv⁻¹ ] f

Let be a map displayed over a pair of invertible maps

    all-invertible[] {a₁} {a₂} {b₁} {b₂} {x'} {y'} {u} {v} f uv⁻¹ = f⁻¹ where
      module uv⁻¹ = A× uv⁻¹
      open is-invertible[_]

      u⁻¹ : A.Hom _ _
      u⁻¹ = uv⁻¹.inv .fst

      v⁻¹ : B.Hom _ _
      v⁻¹ = uv⁻¹.inv .snd

All of our Hom sets are propositional, so constructing an inverse only requires us to build a map Moreover, it suffices to prove that which follows from some tedious functoriality algebra.

      f⁻¹ : is-invertible[ uv⁻¹ ] f
      f⁻¹ .inv' =
        discrete-two-sided-hom u⁻¹ v⁻¹ $
          u⁻¹ ^* x'                    ≡˘⟨ ap (u⁻¹ ^*_) ^!-id ⟩
          u⁻¹ ^* (⌜ ⌝ ^! x')      ≡⟨ ap! (sym (ap snd $ uv⁻¹.invr))
          u⁻¹ ^* ((v⁻¹ B.∘ v) ^! x')   ≡⟨ ap (u⁻¹ ^*_) (^!-∘ v⁻¹ v x')
          u⁻¹ ^* (v⁻¹ ^! ⌜ v ^! x' ⌝)  ≡⟨ ap! (sym (same-lift f))
          u⁻¹ ^* (v⁻¹ ^! (u ^* y'))    ≡˘⟨ ap (u⁻¹ ^*_) (^*-^!-comm u v⁻¹ y')
          u⁻¹ ^* (u ^* (v⁻¹ ^! y'))    ≡˘⟨ ^*-∘ u u⁻¹ (v⁻¹ ^! y')
          ⌜ u A.∘ u⁻¹ ⌝ ^* (v⁻¹ ^! y') ≡⟨ ap! (ap fst $ uv⁻¹.invl)
 ^* (v⁻¹ ^! y')          ≡⟨ ^*-id ⟩
          v⁻¹ ^! y' ∎
      f⁻¹ .inverses' .Inverses[_].invl' =
        is-prop→pathp  _  Hom[]-is-prop) _ _
      f⁻¹ .inverses' .Inverses[_].invr' =
        is-prop→pathp  _  Hom[]-is-prop) _ _

Cartesian and cocartesian maps🔗

Every map that is is cartesian and every map that is is cocartesian.

      :  {a₁ a₂ b x' y'} {u : A.Hom a₁ a₂}
       (f : Hom[ u , {b} ] x' y')
       is-cartesian E (u , f

      :  {a b₁ b₂ x' y'} {v : B.Hom b₁ b₂}
       (f : Hom[ {a} , v ] x' y')
       is-cocartesian E ( , v) f

The proof is a bit more functoriality algebra.

    vertical-cartesian {x' = x'} {y'} {u} f .is-cartesian.universal {_} {a'} (v , w) h =
      discrete-two-sided-hom v w $
        v ^* x'            ≡˘⟨ ap (v ^*_) ^!-id ⟩
        v ^* ( ^! x')  ≡˘⟨ ap (v ^*_) (same-lift f)
        v ^* (u ^* y')     ≡˘⟨ ^*-∘ u v y' ⟩
        (u A.∘ v) ^* y'    ≡⟨ same-lift h ⟩
        ( B.∘ w) ^! a' ≡⟨ ap (_^! a') (B.idl w)
        w ^! a'            ∎
    vertical-cartesian {x' = x'} {y'} {u} f .is-cartesian.commutes _ _ =
      Hom[]-is-prop _ _
    vertical-cartesian {x' = x'} {y'} {u} f .is-cartesian.unique _ _ =
      Hom[]-is-prop _ _
The cocartesian case is formally dual, so we omit the details.
    vertical-cocartesian {x' = x'} {y'} {v} f .is-cocartesian.universal {_} {a'} (u , w) h =
      discrete-two-sided-hom u w $
        u ^* a'            ≡˘⟨ ap (_^* a') (A.idr _)
        (u A.∘ ^* a' ≡⟨ same-lift h ⟩
        (w B.∘ v) ^! x'    ≡⟨ ^!-∘ w v x' ⟩
        w ^! (v ^! x')     ≡˘⟨ ap (w ^!_) (same-lift f)
        w ^! ( ^* y')  ≡⟨ ap (w ^!_) ^*-id ⟩
        w ^! y'            ∎
    vertical-cocartesian {x' = x'} {y'} {v} f .is-cocartesian.commutes _ _ =
      Hom[]-is-prop _ _
    vertical-cocartesian {x' = x'} {y'} {v} f .is-cocartesian.unique _ _ =
      Hom[]-is-prop _ _

Discrete two-sided fibrations are two-sided fibrations🔗

module _
  {oa ℓa ob ℓb oe ℓe}
  {A : Precategory oa ℓa} {B : Precategory ob ℓb}
  (E : Displayed (A ×ᶜ B) oe ℓe)
    module A = Cat.Reasoning A
    module B = Cat.Reasoning B
    open Cat.Displayed.Reasoning E
    open Cat.Displayed.Morphism E
    open Displayed E

Every discrete two-sided fibration is a two-sided fibration.

    : is-discrete-two-sided-fibration E
     Two-sided-fibration E

This is essentially a triviality at this point: every map is cocartesian, and every map is cartesian, and all requisite lifts exit.

  discrete-two-sided-fibration→two-sided-fibration E-dfib = E-fib where
    open is-discrete-two-sided-fibration E-dfib
    open Two-sided-fibration
    open Cocartesian-lift
    open Cartesian-lift

    E-fib : Two-sided-fibration E
    E-fib .cart-lift u y' .x' = u ^* y'
    E-fib .cart-lift u y' .lifting = π* u y'
    E-fib .cart-lift u y' .cartesian = vertical-cartesian (π* u y')
    E-fib .cocart-lift v x' .y' = v ^! x'
    E-fib .cocart-lift v x' .lifting = ι! v x'
    E-fib .cocart-lift v x' .cocartesian = vertical-cocartesian (ι! v x')
    E-fib .cart-cocart-commute p f-cocart g-cart _ =
      vertical-cocartesian _
    E-fib .cart-cocart-commute p f-cocart g-cart .__.from _ =
      vertical-cartesian _