open import Cat.Instances.Shape.Terminal
open import Cat.Instances.Shape.Join
open import Cat.Diagram.Limit.Base
open import Cat.Diagram.Terminal
open import Cat.Instances.Slice
open import Cat.Prelude

open import Data.Sum

import Cat.Reasoning

open Functor
module Cat.Instances.Slice.Limit where

Arbitrary limits in slices🔗

Suppose we have some really weird diagram in a slice category, like the one below. Well, alright, it’s not that weird, but it’s not a pullback or a terminal object, so we don’t a priori know how to compute its limit in the slice.

The observation that will let us compute a limit for this diagram is inspecting the computation of products in a slice. To compute the product of and we had to pass to a pullback of in — which we had assumed exists. But! Take a look at what that diagram looks like:

We “exploded” a diagram of shape to one of shape This process can be described in a way easier to generalise: We “exploded” our diagram to one indexed by a category which contains contains an extra point, and has a unique map between each object of — the join of these categories.

  _ {o ℓ o' ℓ'} {C : Precategory o ℓ} {J : Precategory o' ℓ'} {o : ⌞ C ⌟}
    (F : Functor J (Slice C o))

  open Terminal
  open /-Obj
  open /-Hom

    module C   = Cat.Reasoning C
    module J   = Cat.Reasoning J
    module C/o = Cat.Reasoning (Slice C o)
    module F = Functor F

Generically, if we have a diagram we can “explode” this into a diagram compute the limit in then pass back to the slice category.

    F' : Functor (J ⋆ ⊤Cat) C
    F' .F₀ (inl x) = F.₀ x .domain
    F' .F₀ (inr x) = o
    F' .F₁ {inl x} {inl y} (lift f) = F.₁ f .map
    F' .F₁ {inl x} {inr y} _ = F.₀ x .map
    F' .F₁ {inr x} {inr y} (lift h) =
    F' .F-id {inl x} = ap map F.F-id
    F' .F-id {inr x} = refl
    F' .F-∘ {inl x} {inl y} {inl z} (lift f) (lift g) = ap map (F.F-∘ f g)
    F' .F-∘ {inl x} {inl y} {inr z} (lift f) (lift g) = sym (F.F₁ g .commutes)
    F' .F-∘ {inl x} {inr y} {inr z} (lift f) (lift g) = C.introl refl
    F' .F-∘ {inr x} {inr y} {inr z} (lift f) (lift g) = C.introl refl

  limit-above→limit-in-slice : Limit F'  Limit F
  limit-above→limit-in-slice lims = to-limit (to-is-limit lim) where
    module lims = Limit lims
    open make-is-limit

    apex : C/o.Ob
    apex = cut (lims.ψ (inr tt))

    nadir : (j : J.Ob)  /-Hom apex (F .F₀ j)
    nadir j .map = lims.ψ (inl j)
    nadir j .commutes = lims.commutes (lift tt)

    module Cone
      {x : C/o.Ob}
      (eps : (j : J.Ob)  C/o.Hom x (F .F₀ j))
      (p :  {i j : J.Ob}  (f : J.Hom i j)  F .F₁ f C/o.∘ eps i ≡ eps j)

        ϕ : (j : J.Ob ⊎ ⊤)  C.Hom (x .domain) (F' .F₀ j)
        ϕ (inl j) = eps j .map
        ϕ (inr _) = x .map

          :  {i j : J.Ob ⊎ ⊤}
           (f : ⋆Hom J ⊤Cat i j)
           F' .F₁ f C.∘ ϕ i ≡ ϕ j
        ϕ-commutes {inl i} {inl j} (lift f) = ap map (p f)
        ϕ-commutes {inl i} {inr j} (lift f) = eps i .commutes
        ϕ-commutes {inr i} {inr x} (lift f) = C.idl _

          :  (other : /-Hom x apex)
           (∀ j  nadir j C/o.∘ other ≡ eps j)
           (j : J.Ob ⊎ ⊤)
           lims.ψ j C.∘ other .map ≡ ϕ j
        ϕ-factor other q (inl j) = ap map (q j)
        ϕ-factor other q (inr tt) = other .commutes

    lim : make-is-limit F apex
    lim .ψ = nadir
    lim .commutes f = ext (lims.commutes (lift f))
    lim .universal {x} eps p .map =
      lims.universal (Cone.ϕ eps p) (Cone.ϕ-commutes eps p)
    lim .universal eps p .commutes =
      lims.factors _ _
    lim .factors eps p = ext (lims.factors _ _)
    lim .unique eps p other q = ext $
      lims.unique _ _ (other .map) (Cone.ϕ-factor eps p other q)

In particular, if a category is complete, then so are its slices:

  :  {ℓ o o' ℓ'} {C : Precategory o ℓ} {c : ⌞ C ⌟}
   is-complete o' ℓ' C
   is-complete o' ℓ' (Slice C c)
is-complete→slice-is-complete lims F = limit-above→limit-in-slice F (lims _)