open import 1Lab.Prelude

open import Cat.Functor.Naturality
open import Cat.Functor.Compose
open import Cat.Functor.Base
open import Cat.Groupoid
open import Cat.Morphism
open import Cat.Base

import Cat.Reasoning
module Cat.Instances.Shape.Terminal where
open Precategory

The terminal category is the category with a single object, and only trivial morphisms.

⊤Cat : Precategory lzero lzero
⊤Cat .Ob =
⊤Cat .Hom _ _ =
⊤Cat .Hom-set _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = tt
⊤Cat = tt
⊤Cat .Precategory.__ _ _ = tt
⊤Cat .idr _ _ = tt
⊤Cat .idl _ _ = tt
⊤Cat .assoc _ _ _ _ = tt

The ony morphism in the terminal category is the identity, so the terminal category is a pregroupoid.

⊤Cat-is-pregroupoid : is-pregroupoid ⊤Cat
⊤Cat-is-pregroupoid _ = id-invertible ⊤Cat
module _ {o h} {C : Precategory o h} where
  private module C = Cat.Reasoning C
  open Functor
  open _=>_

There is a unique functor from any category into the terminal category.

  !F : Functor C ⊤Cat
  !F .F₀ _ = tt
  !F .F₁ _ = tt
  !F .F-id = refl
  !F .F-∘ _ _ = refl

  !F-unique :  {F : Functor C ⊤Cat}  F ≡ !F
  !F-unique = Functor-path  _  refl)  _  refl)

Conversely, functors are determined by their behaviour on a single object.

  !Const : C.Ob  Functor ⊤Cat C
  !Const c .F₀ _ = c
  !Const c .F₁ _ =
  !Const c .F-id = refl
  !Const c .F-∘ _ _ = sym (C.idl _)

  !Const-η :  (F G : Functor ⊤Cat C)  F .F₀ tt ≡ G .F₀ tt  F ≡ G
  !Const-η F G p =
       _  p)
       _ i  hcomp (∂ i) λ where
        j (i = i0)  F .F-id (~ j)
        j (i = i1)  G .F-id (~ j)
        j (j = i0)

Natural isomorphisms between functors correspond to isomorphisms in

    :  {F G : Functor ⊤Cat C}
     C.Hom (F .F₀ tt) (G .F₀ tt)
     F => G
  !constⁿ {F = F} {G = G} f .η _ = f
  !constⁿ {F = F} {G = G} f .is-natural _ _ _ =
    C.elimr (F .F-id) ∙ C.introl (G .F-id)

    :  {F G : Functor ⊤Cat C}
     F .F₀ tt C.≅ G .F₀ tt
     F ≅ⁿ G
  !const-isoⁿ {F = F} {G = G} f =
    iso→isoⁿ  _  f)  _  C.eliml (G .F-id) ∙ C.intror (F .F-id))