open import Cat.Functor.Conservative
open import Cat.Functor.Naturality
open import Cat.Functor.Properties
open import Cat.Functor.Base
open import Cat.Prelude

import Cat.Reasoning
module Cat.Functor.Joint where
private variable
  o h o₁ h₁ iℓ : Level
  C D K : Precategory o h
  Idx : Type iℓ
open Functor
open _=>_

Families of functors🔗

This module generalizes properties of functors (fullness, faithfulness, conservativity, etc.) to families of functors For the rest of this section we will fix a family of functors

Swap : Functor K Cat[ C , D ]  Functor C Cat[ K , D ]
Swap F .F₀ c .F₀ k = F .F₀ k .F₀ c
Swap F .F₀ c .F₁ f = F .F₁ f .η c
Swap F .F₀ c .F-id = F .F-id ηₚ c
Swap F .F₀ c .F-∘ f g = F .F-∘ f g ηₚ c
Swap F .F₁ f .η k = F .F₀ k .F₁ f
Swap F .F₁ f .is-natural x y g = sym (F .F₁ g .is-natural _ _ f)
Swap F .F-id = ext λ k  F .F₀ k .F-id
Swap F .F-∘ f g = ext λ k  F .F₀ k .F-∘ f g

module _
  {oc ℓc od ℓd}
  {C : Precategory oc ℓc}
  {D : Precategory od ℓd}
    module C = Cat.Reasoning C
    module D = Cat.Reasoning D

A family of functors is jointly faithful when: - For any if for every then

  is-jointly-faithful : (Idx  Functor C D)  Type _
  is-jointly-faithful Fᵢ =
     {x y} {f g : C.Hom x y}  (∀ i  Fᵢ i .F₁ f ≡ Fᵢ i .F₁ g)  f ≡ g

The canonical example of a family of jointly faithful functors are the family of hom-functors indexed by objects of this is a restatment of the coyoneda lemma.

Note that every functor induces a family of functors via the mapping on objects: this family is jointly faithful precisely when is faithful.

    : (F : Functor K Cat[ C , D ])
     is-faithful (Swap F)
     is-jointly-faithful (F .F₀)
  swap-faithful→jointly-faithful F faithful p = faithful (ext p)

    : (F : Functor K Cat[ C , D ])
     is-jointly-faithful (F .F₀)
     is-faithful (Swap F)
  jointly-faithful→swap-faithful F joint p = joint  i  p ηₚ i)

Jointly conservative functors🔗

A family of functors is jointly conservative when: - For if is an iso for every then is an iso.

  is-jointly-conservative : (Idx  Functor C D)  Type _
  is-jointly-conservative Fᵢ =
     {x y} {f : C.Hom x y}  (∀ i (Fᵢ i .F₁ f)) f

We can also rephrase joint-conservativity as a property of a diagram

    : (F : Functor K Cat[ C , D ])
     is-conservative (Swap F)
     is-jointly-conservative (F .F₀)
  swap-conservative→jointly-conservative F reflect-iso isos =
    reflect-iso (invertible→invertibleⁿ (Swap F .F₁ _) isos)

    : (F : Functor K Cat[ C , D ])
     is-jointly-conservative (F .F₀)
     is-conservative (Swap F)
  jointly-conservative→swap-conservative F reflect-iso isos =
    reflect-iso  i  is-invertibleⁿ→is-invertible isos i)

Jointly full functors🔗

A diagram of functors is jointly full when the functor is full. Explicitly, is jointly full if a family of morphisms that is natural in implies the mere existence of a with

Note that joint fullness must be a property of a diagram of functors, due to the naturality constraint. This

module _
  {oc ℓc od ℓd ok ℓk}
  {C : Precategory oc ℓc}
  {D : Precategory od ℓd}
  {K : Precategory ok ℓk}
    module C = Cat.Reasoning C
    module D = Cat.Reasoning D
    module K = Cat.Reasoning K
  is-jointly-full : Functor K Cat[ C , D ]  Type _
  is-jointly-full F = is-full (Swap F)

    :  {x y}
     (F : Functor K Cat[ C , D ])
     is-jointly-full F
     (gᵢ :  i  D.Hom (F .F₀ i .F₀ x) (F .F₀ i .F₀ y))
     (∀ {i j} (f : K.Hom i j)  gᵢ j D.∘ F .F₁ f .η x ≡ F .F₁ f .η y D.∘ gᵢ i)
     ∃[ f ∈ C.Hom x y ] (∀ i  F .F₀ i .F₁ f ≡ gᵢ i)
  jointly-full-fibre F joint-full gᵢ gᵢ-nat =
    ∥-∥-map (Σ-map₂ λ p i  p ηₚ i) (joint-full (NT gᵢ λ i j f  gᵢ-nat f))

Jointly fully faithful functors🔗

A diagram of functors is jointly fully faithful when the functor is fully faithful. Explicitly, is jointly faully faithful if there is an equivalence of natural transformations and morphisms

  is-jointly-fully-faithful : Functor K Cat[ C , D ]  Type _
  is-jointly-fully-faithful F = is-fully-faithful (Swap F)

If a diagram of functors is jointly fully and jointly faithful, then it is jointly fully faithful.

    : (F : Functor K Cat[ C , D ])
     is-jointly-full F
     is-jointly-faithful (F .F₀)
     is-jointly-fully-faithful F
  jointly-full+jointly-faithful→jointly-ff F full faithful {x} {y} .is-eqv α =
    is-prop∙→is-contr img-is-prop $
    ∥-∥-elim  _  img-is-prop) (Σ-map₂  p  ext p)) $
    jointly-full-fibre F full  i  α .η i)  f  α .is-natural _ _ f)
      img-is-prop : is-prop (Σ[ f ∈ C.Hom x y ] (Swap F .F₁ f ≡ α))
      img-is-prop (f , p) (g , q) =
        Σ-prop-path  f  Nat-is-set (Swap F .F₁ f) α)
          (faithful  i  p ηₚ i ∙ sym (q ηₚ i)))