module Cat.Displayed.Cartesian.Indexing
{o ℓ o' ℓ'} {B : Precategory o ℓ}
(E : Displayed B o' ℓ')
(cartesian : Cartesian-fibration E)
open Cartesian-fibration cartesian
open Cat.Displayed.Reasoning E
open Cat.Reasoning B
open Cartesian-lift
open Displayed E
open is-cartesian
open Functor
module Fib = Cat.Displayed.Fibre.Reasoning E
_^*_ : ∀ {a b} (f : Hom a b) → Ob[ b ] → Ob[ a ]
= has-lift.x' f x f ^* x
Reindexing for cartesian fibrations🔗
A cartesian fibration can be thought of as a displayed category whose fibre categories depend (pseudo)functorially on the object from the base category. A canonical example is the canonical self-indexing: If is a category with pullbacks, then each gives rise to a functor the change of base along
module _ {𝒶 𝒷} (f : Hom 𝒶 𝒷) where
: Functor (Fibre E 𝒷) (Fibre E 𝒶)
base-change .F₀ ob = has-lift f ob .x'
base-change .F₁ {x} {y} vert = rebase f vert base-change
.F-id {x} =
base-change .uniquep f x _ _ _ _ $
sym $ has-lift_ ∙[] symP (idl' _)
.F-∘ {x} {y} {z} f' g' =
base-change .uniquep f z _ _ _ _ $
sym $ has-lift.pulllf (has-lift.commutesp f z id-comm _)
Fib_ (has-lift.commutesp f y id-comm _)
∙[] pullr[] _ ∙[] pulll[]
Moreover, this assignment is itself functorial in Along the identity morphism, it’s the same thing as not changing bases at all.
module _ {𝒶} where
module FC = Cat.Reasoning (Cat[ Fibre E 𝒶 , Fibre E 𝒶 ])
module Fa = Cat.Reasoning (Fibre E 𝒶)
: base-change id FC.≅ Id base-change-id
I’ll warn you in advance that this proof is not for the faint of heart.
= to-natural-iso mi where
base-change-id open make-natural-iso
: make-natural-iso (base-change id) Id
mi .eta x = has-lift.lifting id x
mi .inv x = has-lift.universalv id x id'
mi .eta∘inv x = cancel _ _ (has-lift.commutesv _ _ _)
mi .inv∘eta x = sym $ has-lift.uniquep₂ id x _ _ _ _ _
mi (idr' _)
(Fib.cancellf (has-lift.commutesv _ _ _))
.natural x y f =
sym $ from-pathp $ cast[] $.commutesp id y id-comm _ ∙[] Fib
And similarly, composing changes of base is the same thing as changing base along a composite.
: ∀ {x} → Hom[ id {𝒶} ] (id ^* x) x
^*-id-to = has-lift.lifting id _
: ∀ {x} → Hom[ id {𝒶} ] x (id ^* x)
^*-id-from = has-lift.universalv id _ id'
^*-comp-from: ∀ {a b c} {z} {f : Hom b c} {g : Hom a b}
→ Hom[ id ] (g ^* (f ^* z)) ((f ∘ g) ^* z)
= has-lift.universalv _ _ (has-lift.lifting _ _ ∘' has-lift.lifting _ _)
^*-comp-to: ∀ {a b c} {z} {f : Hom b c} {g : Hom a b}
→ Hom[ id ] ((f ∘ g) ^* z) (g ^* (f ^* z))
= has-lift.universalv _ _ (has-lift.universal _ _ _ (has-lift.lifting _ _))
^*-comp: ∀ {a b c} {z} {f : Hom b c} {g : Hom a b}
→ ((f ∘ g) ^* z) Fib.≅ (g ^* (f ^* z))
= Fib.make-iso ^*-comp-to ^*-comp-from
^*-comp (has-lift.uniquep₂ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(Fib.pulllf (has-lift.commutesv _ _ _) ∙[]
.uniquep₂ _ _ _ (idr _) refl _ _
has-lift(pulll[] _ (has-lift.commutes _ _ _ _) ∙[]
.commutesv _ _ _) refl)
has-lift(idr' _))
(has-lift.uniquep₂ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(Fib.pulllf (has-lift.commutesv _ _ _)
_ (has-lift.commutesv _ _ _)
∙[] pullr[] .commutes _ _ _ _)
∙[] has-lift(idr' _))
^*-comp-to-natural: ∀ {a b c} {f : Hom b c} {g : Hom a b} {x y : Ob[ c ]} (f' : Hom[ id ] x y)
→ rebase g (rebase f f') Fib.∘ ^*-comp-to ≡ ^*-comp-to Fib.∘ rebase (f ∘ g) f'
{f = f} {g = g} f' =
^*-comp-to-natural (has-lift.cartesian g _) _ _ $ cast[] $
ap hom[] $ cartesian→weak-monic E _ (has-lift.commutesp g _ id-comm _)
pulll[] _ (has-lift.commutesv g _ _)
∙[] pullr[] .uniquep₂ _ _ _ id-comm-sym _ _ _
∙[] has-lift(pulll[] _ (has-lift.commutesp _ _ id-comm _)
_ (has-lift.commutes _ _ _ _))
∙[] pullr[] (pulll[] _ (has-lift.commutes _ _ _ _)
.commutesp _ _ id-comm _)
∙[] has-lift_ (symP (has-lift.commutesv g _ _)) ∙[] pushl[]
module _ {𝒶} {𝒷} {𝒸} (f : Hom 𝒷 𝒸) (g : Hom 𝒶 𝒷) where
module FC = Cat.Reasoning (Cat[ Fibre E 𝒸 , Fibre E 𝒶 ])
module Fa = Cat.Reasoning (Fibre E 𝒶)
: base-change (f ∘ g) FC.≅ (base-change g F∘ base-change f) base-change-comp
This proof is a truly nightmarish application of universal properties and I recommend that nobody look at it, ever.
= to-natural-iso mi where
base-change-comp open make-natural-iso
: make-natural-iso (base-change (f ∘ g)) (base-change g F∘ base-change f)
mi .eta x = ^*-comp-to
mi .inv x = ^*-comp-from
mi .eta∘inv x = ^*-comp .Fib.invl
mi .inv∘eta x = ^*-comp .Fib.invr
mi .natural x y f' = ^*-comp-to-natural f' mi
In order to assemble this into a pseudofunctor out of (seen as a locally discrete bicategory) into we start by bundling up all the base changes into a functor between categories. We also prove a lemma that will be useful later, relating base changes along equal morphisms.
: ∀ {a b}
base-changes → Functor (Locally-discrete (B ^op) .Prebicategory.Hom a b)
Cat[ Fibre E a , Fibre E b ]= Disc-adjunct base-change
base-change-coherence: ∀ {a b} {b' : Ob[ b ]} {f g : Hom a b} (p : f ≡ g)
→ has-lift.lifting g b' ∘' base-changes .F₁ p .η b'
_ ∙ sym p ] has-lift.lifting f b'
≡[ idr {b' = b'} {f} = J
base-change-coherence (λ g p → has-lift.lifting g b' ∘' base-changes .F₁ p .η b'
_ ∙ sym p ] has-lift.lifting f b')
≡[ idr (elimr' refl Regularity.reduce!)
We have enough data to start defining our pseudofunctor:
module FC {a} {b} = Cat.Reasoning (Cat[ Fibre E a , Fibre E b ])
: Pseudofunctor (Locally-discrete (B ^op)) (Cat o' ℓ')
Fibres .lax .P₀ = Fibre E
Fibres .lax .P₁ = base-changes
Fibres .lax .compositor = Disc-natural₂
Fibres λ (f , g) → base-change-comp g f .Mor.from
.lax .unitor = base-change-id .Mor.from
Fibres .unitor-inv = FC.iso→invertible (base-change-id FC.Iso⁻¹)
Fibres .compositor-inv f g =
Fibres .iso→invertible (base-change-comp g f FC.Iso⁻¹) FC
It remains to verify that this data is coherent, which is so tedious that it serves as a decent self-contained motivation for displayed categories.
You’ve been warned.
We start with the left-unit
. In
the diagram below, we have to show that the composite vertical morphism
is equal to the identity over
By the uniqueness property of cartesian lifts, it suffices to show that
the composites with the lift of
are equal, which is witnessed by the commutativity of the whole
The bottom triangle is our base-change-coherence
lemma, the middle
square is by definition of the compositor and the top triangle is by
definition of the unitor.
.lax .left-unit f = ext λ a' →
Fibres .uniquep₂ f a' _ refl refl _ _
has-lift(Fib.pulllf (base-change-coherence (idr f))
.pulllf (has-lift.commutesv (f ∘ id) a' _)
∙[] Fib(refl⟩∘'⟨ Fib.eliml (base-change id .F-id))
∙[] _ (has-lift.commutesv id _ id'))
∙[] pullr[] refl
For the right-unit
, we proceed
similarly. The diagram below shows that the composite on the left,
composed with the lift of
is equal to the lift of
The bottom triangle is base-change-coherence
, the middle square
is by definition of the compositor, the outer triangle is by definition
of the unitor, and the top square is by definition of rebase
(the action of
on morphisms).
.lax .right-unit f = ext λ a' →
Fibres .uniquep₂ f a' _ refl _ _ _
has-lift(Fib.pulllf (base-change-coherence (idl f))
.pulllf (has-lift.commutesv (id ∘ f) a' _)
∙[] Fib(refl⟩∘'⟨ Fib.idr _)
∙[] (has-lift.commutesp f _ _ _)
∙[] extendr[] id-comm (has-lift.commutesv id _ id' ⟩∘'⟨refl))
∙[] (idr' _ ∙[] symP (idl' _))
Last but definitely not least, the hexagon
witnessing the coherence of
associativity follows again by uniqueness of cartesian lifts, by the
commutativity of the following diagram.
.lax .hexagon f g h = ext λ a' →
Fibres .uniquep₂ ((h ∘ g) ∘ f) a' _ refl _ _ _
has-lift(Fib.pulllf (base-change-coherence (assoc h g f))
.pulllf (has-lift.commutesv (h ∘ (g ∘ f)) a' _)
∙[] Fib(refl⟩∘'⟨ Fib.eliml (base-change (g ∘ f) .F-id))
∙[] _ (has-lift.commutesv (g ∘ f) _ _))
∙[] extendr[] (Fib.pulllf (has-lift.commutesv ((h ∘ g) ∘ f) a' _)
(refl⟩∘'⟨ Fib.idr _) ∙[] (refl⟩∘'⟨ Fib.idr _)
∙[] (has-lift.commutesp f _ _ _)
∙[] extendr[] id-comm (has-lift.commutesv (h ∘ g) a' _ ⟩∘'⟨refl)) ∙[]
-- Optimized natural iso, avoids a bunch of junk from composition.
base-change-square: ∀ {Γ Δ Θ Ψ : Ob}
→ {σ : Hom Γ Δ} {δ : Hom Γ Θ} {γ : Hom Δ Ψ} {τ : Hom Θ Ψ}
→ γ ∘ σ ≡ τ ∘ δ
→ ∀ x' → Hom[ id ]
(base-change σ .F₀ (base-change γ .F₀ x'))
(base-change δ .F₀ (base-change τ .F₀ x'))
{σ = σ} {δ = δ} {γ = γ} {τ = τ} p x' =
base-change-square .universalv δ _ $
has-lift.universal' τ _ (sym p) $
has-lift.lifting γ x' ∘' has-lift.lifting σ _
base-change-square-lifting: ∀ {Γ Δ Θ Ψ : Ob}
→ {σ : Hom Γ Δ} {δ : Hom Γ Θ} {γ : Hom Δ Ψ} {τ : Hom Θ Ψ}
→ (p : γ ∘ σ ≡ τ ∘ δ) (x' : Ob[ Ψ ])
→ has-lift.lifting τ x' ∘' has-lift.lifting δ (base-change τ .F₀ x') ∘' base-change-square p x'
(τ ∘_) (idr _) ∙ sym p ] has-lift.lifting γ x' ∘' has-lift.lifting σ _
≡[ ap {σ = σ} {δ = δ} {γ = γ} {τ = τ} p x' =
cast[] $(λ _ → has-lift.lifting τ x' ∘'_) (has-lift.commutesv _ _ _)
apd .commutesp τ x' (sym p) _
∙[] has-lift
base-change-square-natural: ∀ {Γ Δ Θ Ψ : Ob}
→ {σ : Hom Γ Δ} {δ : Hom Γ Θ} {γ : Hom Δ Ψ} {τ : Hom Θ Ψ}
→ (p : γ ∘ σ ≡ τ ∘ δ)
→ ∀ {x' y'} (f' : Hom[ id ] x' y')
→ base-change-square p y' ∘' base-change σ .F₁ (base-change γ .F₁ f')
.F₁ (base-change τ .F₁ f') ∘' base-change-square p x'
≡ base-change δ {σ = σ} {δ = δ} {γ = γ} {τ = τ} p f' =
base-change-square-natural .uniquep₂ δ _ _ _ _ _ _
has-lift(pulll[] _ (has-lift.commutesv δ _ _)
.uniquep₂ τ _ _ (idr _) _ _ _
∙[] has-lift(pulll[] _ (has-lift.commutesp τ _ (sym p) _)
_ (has-lift.commutesp σ _ id-comm _)
∙[] pullr[] _ (has-lift.commutesp γ _ id-comm _))
∙[] extendl[] (has-lift.commutesp τ _ (sym p ∙ sym (idl _ )) _))
(pulll[] _ (has-lift.commutesp δ _ id-comm _)
_ (has-lift.commutesv δ _ _)
∙[] pullr[] .uniquep τ _ _ (idl _) (sym p ∙ sym (idl _)) _
∙[] has-lift(pulll[] _ (has-lift.commutesp _ _ id-comm _ )
_ (has-lift.commutesp _ _ (sym p) _)))
∙[] pullr[]
base-change-square-inv: ∀ {Γ Δ Θ Ψ : Ob}
→ {σ : Hom Γ Δ} {δ : Hom Γ Θ} {γ : Hom Δ Ψ} {τ : Hom Θ Ψ}
→ (p : γ ∘ σ ≡ τ ∘ δ)
→ ∀ x' → base-change-square p x' ∘' base-change-square (sym p) x' ≡[ idl _ ] id'
{σ = σ} {δ = δ} {γ = γ} {τ = τ} p x' =
base-change-square-inv .uniquep₂ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
has-lift(pulll[] _ (has-lift.commutesv δ _ _)
.uniquep₂ τ _ _ (idr _) refl _ _
∙[] has-lift(pulll[] _ (has-lift.commutesp τ _ (sym p) _)
_ (has-lift.commutesv σ _ _)
∙[] pullr[] .commutesp γ _ p _)
∙[] has-lift)
refl(idr' _)
base-change-square-ni: ∀ {Γ Δ Θ Ψ : Ob}
→ {σ : Hom Γ Δ} {δ : Hom Γ Θ} {γ : Hom Δ Ψ} {τ : Hom Θ Ψ}
→ γ ∘ σ ≡ τ ∘ δ
→ (base-change σ F∘ base-change γ) ≅ⁿ (base-change δ F∘ base-change τ)
{σ = σ} {δ = δ} {γ = γ} {τ = τ} p =
base-change-square-ni where
to-natural-iso ni
open make-natural-iso
: make-natural-iso _ _
ni .eta = base-change-square p
ni .inv = base-change-square (sym p)
ni .eta∘inv x = from-pathp $ base-change-square-inv p x
ni .inv∘eta x = from-pathp $ base-change-square-inv (sym p) x
ni .natural x y f = sym $ Fib.over-fibre (base-change-square-natural p f) ni