module HoTT where

The HoTT Book?🔗

While the 1Lab has not been consciously designed as a project to formalise the HoTT book, in the course of our explorations into formalised univalent mathematics, we have formalised a considerable subset of the first part, and most of chapter 9. The vast majority of the 1Lab is material that was not covered in the HoTT book.

Part 1: Foundations🔗

Chapter 2: Homotopy type theory🔗

2.1: Types are higher groupoids🔗

  • Lemma 2.1.1: sym
  • Lemma 2.1.2: __
  • Lemma 2.1.4:
    1. ∙-idl, ∙-idr
    2. ∙-invl, ∙-invr
    3. Definitional in cubical type theory
    4. ∙-assoc
  • Theorem 2.1.6: Ωⁿ⁺²-is-abelian-group
  • Definition 2.1.7: Type∙
  • Definition 2.1.8: Ωⁿ

2.2: Functions are functors🔗

  • Lemma 2.2.1: ap
  • Lemma 2.2.2:
    1. ap-∙
    2. Definitional in cubical type theory
    3. Definitional in cubical type theory
    4. Definitional in cubical type theory

2.3: Type families are fibrations🔗

  • Lemma 2.3.1: subst
  • Lemma 2.3.2: Σ-pathp
  • Lemma 2.3.4: Our ap is dependent by nature.
  • Lemma 2.3.5: transport-refl
  • Lemma 2.3.9: subst-∙
  • Lemma 2.3.10: Definitional in cubical type theory

2.4: Homotopies and equivalences🔗

  • Lemma 2.4.3: homotopy-natural
  • Lemma 2.4.4: homotopy-invert
  • Lemma 2.4.6: is-iso
  • Example 2.4.9: transport⁻transport
  • Lemma 2.4.12: id-equiv, Equiv.inverse, _∙e_

2.7: Cartesian product types🔗

  • Theorem 2.7.2: Σ-pathp-iso
  • Theorem 2.7.3: Agda has definitional η equality for records.

2.9: Π-types and function extensionality🔗

  • Theorem 2.9.3: funext (no longer an axiom)
  • Lemma 2.9.6: funext-dep (no longer an axiom)

2.10: Universes and univalence🔗

  • Lemma 2.10.1: path→equiv
  • Theorem 2.10.3: univalence
    • ua, uaβ
    • ua-id-equiv, ua∙, sym-ua

2.11: Identity type🔗

  • Theorem 2.11.1: is-equiv→is-embedding
  • Lemma 2.11.2: subst-path-left, subst-path-right, transport-path
  • Theorem 2.11.5: commutes→square

2.12: Coproducts🔗

  • Theorem 2.12.5: ⊎Path.Code≃Path


  • Exercise 2.10: Σ-assoc

Chapter 3: Sets and Logic🔗

3.1: Sets and n-types🔗

  • Definition 3.1.1: is-set
    • Example 3.1.2: Definitional in cubical type theory.
    • Example 3.1.4: Nat-is-set
    • Example 3.1.5: ×-is-hlevel (special case)
    • Example 3.1.6: Π-is-hlevel (special case)
  • Definition 3.1.7: is-groupoid
  • Lemma 3.1.8: is-hlevel-suc (special case)

3.2: Propositions as types?🔗

  • Theorem 3.2.2: ¬DNE∞
  • Corollary 3.2.7: ¬LEM∞

3.3: Mere propositions🔗

  • Definition 3.3.1: is-prop
  • Lemma 3.3.3: prop-ext
  • Lemma 3.3.4: is-prop→is-set
  • Lemma 3.3.5: is-prop-is-prop, is-hlevel-is-prop

3.4: Classical vs. intuitionistic logic🔗

  • Definition 3.4.1: LEM
  • Definition 3.4.2: DNE
  • Definition 3.4.3:
      1. Dec
      1. Discrete

3.5: Subsets and propositional resizing🔗

  • Lemma 3.5.1: Σ-prop-path
  • Axiom 3.5.5: Ω, .

3.7: Propositional truncation🔗

The type itself is defined as a higher-inductive type _. We also define as a shorthand for the truncation of Σ.

3.8: The axiom of choice🔗

  • Definition 3.8.3: Axiom-of-choice

3.9: The principle of unique choice🔗

  • Lemma 3.9.1: is-prop→equiv∥-∥
  • Corollary 3.9.2: Implicit in e.g. ∥-∥-univ, ∥-∥-out

3.11: Contractibility🔗

  • Definition 3.11.1: is-contr
  • Definition 3.11.4: is-contr-is-prop
  • Definition 3.11.7: retract→is-contr
  • Definition 3.11.8: Singleton-is-contr
  • Lemma 3.11.9: Σ-contract, Σ-contr-eqv


  • Exercise 3.1: equiv→is-hlevel
  • Exercise 3.2: ⊎-is-hlevel
  • Exercise 3.3: Σ-is-hlevel
  • Exercise 3.5: is-contr-if-inhabited→is-prop, is-prop∙→is-contr
  • Exercise 3.6: H-Level-Dec
  • Exercise 3.7: disjoint-⊎-is-prop
  • Exercise 3.11: ¬global-choice
  • Exercise 3.17: ∥-∥-elim
  • Exercise 3.18: LEM≃DNE
  • Exercise 3.19: ℕ-well-ordered
  • Exercise 3.20: Σ-contr-eqv
  • Exercise 3.21: is-prop≃equiv∥-∥
  • Exercise 3.22: Finite-choice

Chapter 4: Equivalences🔗

4.2: Half adjoint equivalences🔗

  • Definition 4.2.1: is-half-adjoint-equiv
  • Definition 4.2.3: is-iso→is-half-adjoint-equiv
  • Definition 4.2.4: fibre
  • Lemma 4.2.5: fibre-paths
  • Theorem 4.2.6: is-half-adjoint-equiv→is-equiv
  • Definition 4.2.7: linv, rinv
  • Lemma 4.2.8: is-equiv→pre-is-equiv, is-equiv→post-is-equiv
  • Lemma 4.2.9: is-iso→is-contr-linv, is-iso→is-contr-rinv

4.3: Bi-invertible maps🔗

  • Definition 4.3.1: is-biinv
  • Theorem 4.3.2: is-biinv-is-prop

4.4: Contractible fibres🔗


This is our “default” definition of equivalence, but we generally use it through the interface of half-adjoint equivalences.

  • Definition 4.4.1: is-equiv
  • Theorem 4.4.3: is-equiv→is-half-adjoint-equiv
  • Lemma 4.4.4: is-equiv-is-prop

4.6: Surjections and embeddings🔗

  • Definition 4.6.1:
    1. is-surjective
    2. is-embedding, embedding→cancellable
  • Definition 4.6.2: injective
  • Theorem 4.6.3: is-equiv→is-surjective, is-equiv→is-embedding, embedding-surjective→is-equiv

4.8: The object classifier🔗

  • Lemma 4.8.1: Fibre-equiv
  • Lemma 4.8.2: Total-equiv
  • Theorem 4.8.3: Map-classifier

Chapter 5: Induction🔗

5.3: W-types🔗

  • W-types: W

5.4: Inductive types are initial algebras🔗

  • Theorem 5.4.7: W-initial

Chapter 6: Higher inductive types🔗

6.2: Induction principles and dependent paths🔗

  • Remark 6.2.3: to-pathp, from-pathp
  • Induction principle for : by pattern matching.
  • Lemma 6.2.5: S¹-rec
  • Lemma 6.2.9: Ωⁿ≃Sⁿ-map for n = 1

6.3: The interval🔗

This is the higher inductive type [0,1], not the interval type I.

  • Lemma 6.3.1: interval-contractible

6.4: Circles and spheres🔗

  • Lemma 6.4.1: refl≠loop
  • Lemma 6.4.2: always-loop
  • Lemma 6.4.4: ap-square

6.5: Suspensions🔗

  • The suspension: Susp
  • Lemma 6.5.1: SuspS⁰≡S¹
  • Definition 6.5.2: Sⁿ⁻¹
  • Lemma 6.5.4: Σ-map∙≃map∙-Ω

6.6: Cell complexes🔗

  • The torus: .

6.9: Truncations🔗

  • Lemma 6.9.1: ∥-∥₀-elim

6.10: Quotients🔗

We define the quotient _/_ in terms of coequalisers Coeq.

  • Lemma 6.10.3: Coeq-univ.

6.11: Algebra🔗

  • Definition 6.11.1: Monoid-on, Group-on
  • Definition 6.11.4: πₙ₊₁
  • Lemma 6.11.5: Monoid.Free-monoid⊣Forget
  • Lemma 6.11.6: Group.make-free-group


  • Exercise 6.3: T²≃S¹×S¹

Chapter 7: Homotopy n-types🔗

7.1: Definition of n-types🔗

  • Definition 7.1.1: is-hlevel
  • Theorem 7.1.4: retract→is-hlevel
  • Corollary 7.1.5: equiv→is-hlevel
  • Theorem 7.1.7: is-hlevel-suc
  • Theorem 7.1.8: Σ-is-hlevel
  • Theorem 7.1.9: Π-is-hlevel
  • Theorem 7.1.10: is-hlevel-is-prop
  • Theorem 7.1.11: n-Type-is-hlevel

7.2: Uniqueness of identity proofs and Hedberg’s theorem🔗

  • Theorem 7.2.2: set-identity-system, identity-system→hlevel
  • Theorem 7.2.5: Discrete→is-set
  • Theorem 7.2.6: Discrete-Nat
  • Theorem 7.2.7: hubs-and-spokes→hlevel, hlevel→hubs-and-spokes

7.3: Truncations🔗

  • Lemma 7.3.1: n-Tr-is-hlevel
  • Lemma 7.3.2: n-Tr-elim
  • Theorem 7.3.12: n-Tr-path-equiv

7.5: Connectedness🔗

  • Definition 7.5.1: is-n-connected, is-n-connected-Tr
  • Lemma 7.5.7: relative-n-type-const
  • Corollary 7.5.9: is-n-connected→n-type-const, n-type-const→is-n-connected
  • Lemma 7.5.11: is-n-connected-point, point-is-n-connected


  • Exercise 7.6: is-n-connected≃∥-∥

Part 2: Mathematics🔗

Chapter 8: Homotopy theory🔗

The only non-trivial result worth mentioning from Chapter 8 is the fundamental group of the circle.

8.1: π₁(S¹)🔗

  • Definition 8.1.1: S¹Path.Cover
  • Definition 8.1.5: S¹Path.encode
  • Definition 8.1.6: S¹Path.decode
  • Lemma 8.1.7: S¹Path.encode-decode
  • Lemma 8.1.8: S¹Path.encode-loopⁿ
  • Corollary 8.1.10: ΩS¹≃integers
  • Corollary 8.1.11: π₁S¹≡ℤ, πₙ₊₂S¹≡0

8.2: Connectedness of suspensions🔗

  • Theorem 8.2.1: Susp-is-connected
  • Corollary 8.2.2: Sⁿ⁻¹-is-connected

8.6: The Freudenthal suspension theorem🔗

  • Lemma 8.6.1: relative-n-type-const-plus
  • Lemma 8.6.2: Wedge.elim

Chapter 9: Category theory🔗

Since a vast majority of the 1Lab’s mathematics consists of pure category theory, or mathematics done with a very categorical inclination, this is our most complete chapter.

9.1: Categories and Precategories🔗

Cat.Morphism, Cat.Univalent.

  • Definition 9.1.1: Precategory
  • Definition 9.1.2: is-invertible, __
  • Lemma 9.1.3: is-invertible-is-prop
  • Lemma 9.1.4: path→iso
  • Example 9.1.5: Sets
  • Definition 9.1.61: is-category
  • Example 9.1.7: Sets-is-category
  • Lemma 9.1.8: Univalent.Ob-is-groupoid
  • Lemma 9.1.9: Hom-transport (9.1.10), path→to-sym (9.1.11), path→to-∙ (9.1.12/9.1.13)
  • Example 9.1.14: Poset
  • Example 9.1.15: is-gaunt
  • Example 9.1.16: Disc
  • Example 9.1.19: Rel

9.2: Functors and Transformations🔗

  • Definition 9.2.1: Functor
  • Definition 9.2.2: _=>_
    • The paragraph immediately after 9.2.2 is Nat-pathp and Nat-is-set
    • The one after that is Functor-path.
  • Definition 9.2.3: Cat[_,_]
  • Lemma 9.2.4: If: invertible→invertibleⁿ; Only if: isoⁿ→iso
  • Theorem 9.2.5: Functor-is-category
  • Theorem 9.2.6: _F∘_
  • Definition 9.2.7: __, __
  • Lemma 9.2.9: F∘-assoc
  • Lemma 9.2.10: See the definition of Prebicategory.pentagon for Cat.
  • Lemma 9.2.11: See the definition of Prebicategory.triangle for Cat.

9.3: Adjunctions🔗

  • Lemma 9.3.1: __
  • Lemma 9.3.2: is-left-adjoint-is-prop

9.4: Equivalences🔗

  • Definition 9.4.1: is-equivalence
  • Definition 9.4.3: is-faithful, is-full, is-fully-faithful
  • Definition 9.4.4: is-split-eso
  • Lemma 9.4.5: ff+split-eso→is-equivalence
  • Definition 9.4.6: is-eso
  • Lemma 9.4.7: Essential-fibre-between-cats-is-prop, ff+eso→is-equivalence
  • Definition 9.4.8: is-precat-iso
  • Lemma 9.4.14: is-equivalence→is-precat-iso, is-precat-iso→is-equivalence
  • Lemma 9.4.15: Precategory-identity-system
  • Theorem 9.4.16: Category-identity-system

9.5: The Yoneda lemma🔗

  • Definition 9.5.1: _^op
  • Definition 9.5.2: _×ᶜ_
  • Lemma 9.5.3: Curry, Uncurry
    • The Hom[-,-]
    • The Yoneda embedding:
  • Corollary 9.5.6: よ-is-fully-faithful
  • Corollary 9.5.7: As a corollary of Representation-is-prop
  • Definition 9.5.8: Representation
  • Theorem 9.5.9: Representation-is-prop
  • Lemma 9.5.10: Adjoints in terms of representability

9.6: Strict categories🔗

This chapter is mostly text.

9.7: Dagger categories🔗

We do not have a type of dagger-categories, but note that we do have the closely-related notion of allegory.

9.8: The structure identity principle🔗

  • Definition 9.8.1: Thin-structure-over, generalised into Displayed
  • Theorem 9.8.2: Structured-objects-is-category, generalised into is-category-total

9.9: The Rezk completion🔗

  • Lemma 9.9.1: eso→pre-faithful
  • Lemma 9.9.2: eso-full→pre-ff
  • Lemma 9.9.4: weak-equiv→pre-equiv, weak-equiv→pre-iso
  • Theorem 9.9.5: Rezk-completion, Rezk-completion-is-category, complete, complete-is-ff, complete-is-eso.


  • Exercise 9.1: Slice, slice-is-category
  • Exercise 9.2: Total-space, Total-space-is-ff, Total-space-is-eso
  • Exercise 9.3: is-equivalence.F⁻¹⊣F
  • Exercise 9.4: Prebicategory

Chapter 10: Set theory🔗

10.1: The category of sets🔗

  • 10.1.1 Limits and colimits: Sets-is-complete, Sets-is-cocomplete
  • Theorem 10.1.5: Sets-regular, surjective→regular-epi, epi→surjective
  • 10.1.3 Quotients: Sets-effective-congruences
  • Lemma 10.1.8:
  • Lemma 10.1.13: Susp-prop-is-set, Susp-prop-path
  • Theorem 10.1.14: AC→LEM

10.5: The cumulative hierarchy🔗

  • Definition 10.5.1: V
  • Lemma 10.5.6: presentation
  • Definition 10.5.7: Presentation.members
  • Theorem 10.5.8:
      1. extensionality
      1. empty-set
      1. pairing
      1. zero∈ℕ, suc∈ℕ
      1. union
      1. ∈-induction
      1. replacement
      1. separation

  1. We use a slightly different definition of univalence for categories. It is shown equivalent to the usual formulation by equiv-path→identity-system↩︎