module Data.Nat.Prime where

Prime and composite numbers🔗

A number is prime when it is greater than two (which we split into being positive and being apart from 1), and, if is any other number that divides then either or Since we’ve assumed these cases are disjoint, so being a prime is a proposition.

record is-prime (n : Nat) : Type where
    ⦃ positive ⦄ : Positive n
    prime≠1   : n ≠ 1
    primality : ∀ d → d ∣ n → (d ≡ 1) ⊎ (d ≡ n)

We note that a prime number has no proper divisors, in that, if and then does not divide

  ¬proper-divisor : ∀ {d} → d ≠ 1 → d ≠ n → ¬ d ∣ n
  ¬proper-divisor ¬d=1 ¬d=n d∣n with primality _ d∣n
  ... | inl d=1 = ¬d=1 d=1
  ... | inr d=n = ¬d=n d=n

Conversely, if is a number that is not prime, it is called composite. Instead of defining is-composite to be the literal negation of is-prime, we instead define this notion positively: To say that a number is composite is to give a prime and a number such that and is the smallest divisor of

record is-composite (n : Nat) : Type where
    {p q} : Nat

    p-prime  : is-prime p
    q-proper : 1 < q

    factors : q * p ≡ n
    least : ∀ p' → 1 < p' → p' ∣ n → p ≤ p'

Note that the assumption that is a prime is simply for convenience: the least proper divisor of any number is always a prime.

  : ∀ p n → 1 < p → p ∣ n → (∀ p' → 1 < p' → p' ∣ n → p ≤ p') → is-prime p
least-divisor→is-prime p n gt div least .positive = ≤-trans ≤-ascend gt
least-divisor→is-prime p n gt div least .prime≠1 q = <-irrefl (sym q) gt
least-divisor→is-prime p@(suc p') n gt div least .primality 0 x = absurd (suc≠zero x)
least-divisor→is-prime p@(suc p') n gt div least .primality 1 x = inl refl
least-divisor→is-prime p@(suc p') n gt div least .primality m@(suc (suc k)) x =
  inr (≤-antisym (m∣sn→m≤sn x) (least m (s≤s (s≤s 0≤x)) (∣-trans x div)))

Primality testing🔗

is-prime-or-composite : ∀ n → 1 < n → is-prime n ⊎ is-composite n
is-prime-or-composite n@(suc (suc m)) (s≤s p)
  with Fin-omniscience {n = n} (λ k → 1 < to-nat k × to-nat k ∣ n)
... | inr prime = inl record { prime≠1 = suc≠zero ∘ suc-inj ; primality = no-divisors→prime } where
  no-divisors→prime : ∀ d → d ∣ n → d ≡ 1 ⊎ d ≡ n
  no-divisors→prime d div with d ≡? 1
  ... | yes p = inl p
  ... | no ¬d=1 with d ≡? n
  ... | yes p = inr p
  ... | no ¬d=n =
      ord : d < n
      ord = proper-divisor-< ¬d=n div

      coh : d ≡ to-nat (from-ℕ< (d , ord))
      coh = sym (ap fst (to-from-â„•< (d , ord)))

      no = case d return (λ x → ¬ x ≡ 1 → x ∣ n → 1 < x) of λ where
        0 p1 div → absurd (<-irrefl (sym div) (s≤s 0≤x))
        1 p1 div → absurd (p1 refl)
        (suc (suc n)) p1 div → s≤s (s≤s 0≤x)
    in absurd (prime (from-ℕ< (d , ord)) ((subst (1 <_) coh (no ¬d=1 div)) , subst (_∣ n) coh div))
... | inl (ix , (proper , div) , least)
  = inr record { p-prime = prime ; q-proper = proper' ; factors = path ; least = least' } where
  open Σ (∣→fibre div) renaming (fst to quot ; snd to path)

    least' : (p' : Nat) → 1 < p' → p' ∣ n → to-nat ix ≤ p'
    least' p' x div with ≤-strengthen (m∣n→m≤n div)
    ... | inl same = ≤-trans ≤-ascend (subst (to-nat ix <_) (sym same) (to-ℕ< ix .snd))
    ... | inr less =
        it : â„•< n
        it = p' , less

        coh : p' ≡ to-nat (from-ℕ< it)
        coh = sym (ap fst (to-from-â„•< it))

        orig = least (from-ℕ< it) (subst (1 <_) coh x , subst (_∣ n) coh div)
      in ≤-trans orig (subst (to-nat (from-ℕ< it) ≤_) (sym coh) ≤-refl)

  prime : is-prime (to-nat ix)
  prime = least-divisor→is-prime (to-nat ix) n proper div least'

  proper' : 1 < quot
  proper' with quot | path
  ... | 0 | q = absurd (<-irrefl q (s≤s 0≤x))
  ... | 1 | q = absurd (<-irrefl (sym (+-zeror (to-nat ix)) ∙ q) (to-ℕ< ix .snd))
  ... | suc (suc n) | p = s≤s (s≤s 0≤x)

record Factorisation (n : Nat) : Type where
  constructor factored
    primes    : List Nat
    factors   : product primes ≡ n
    is-primes : All is-prime primes

  prime-divides : ∀ {x} → x ∈ₗ primes → x ∣ n
  prime-divides {x} h = subst (x ∣_) factors (work _ _ h) where
    work : ∀ x xs → x ∈ₗ xs → x ∣ product xs
    work x (y ∷ xs) (here p) = subst (λ e → x ∣ e * product xs) p (∣-*l {x} {product xs})
    work x (y ∷ xs) (there p) =
        it = work x xs p
        (div , p) = ∣→fibre it
      in fibre→∣ (y * div , *-associative y div x ∙ ap (y *_) p)

  find-prime-factor : ∀ {x} → is-prime x → x ∣ n → x ∈ₗ primes
  find-prime-factor {num} x d =
    work _ primes x (λ _ → all-∈ is-primes) (subst (num ∣_) (sym factors) d)
    work : ∀ x xs → is-prime x → (∀ x → x ∈ₗ xs → is-prime x) → x ∣ product xs → x ∈ₗ xs
    work x [] xp ps xd = absurd (prime≠1 xp (∣-1 xd))
    work x (y ∷ xs) xp ps xd with x ≡? y
    ... | yes x=y = here x=y
    ... | no ¬p = there $ work x xs xp (λ x w → ps x (there w))
      (|-*-coprime-cancel x y (product xs)
        ⦃ auto ⦄ ⦃ ps y (here refl) .positive ⦄
        xd (distinct-primes→coprime xp (ps y (here refl)) ¬p))

open is-composite using (factors)
open Factorisation

factorisation-unique' : ∀ {n} (a b : Factorisation n) → ∀ p → p ∈ₗ a .primes → p ∈ₗ b .primes
factorisation-unique' a b p p∈a =
    p∣n = prime-divides a p∈a
  in find-prime-factor b (all-∈ (a .is-primes) p∈a) p∣n

  : ∀ n → (∀ k → k < n → .⦃ _ : Positive k ⦄ → Factorisation k)
  → .⦃ _ : Positive n ⦄ → Factorisation n
factorisation-worker 1 ind = factored [] refl []
factorisation-worker n@(suc (suc m)) ind with is-prime-or-composite n (s≤s (s≤s 0≤x))
... | inl prime     = factored (n ∷ []) (ap (2 +_) (*-oner m)) (prime ∷ [])
... | inr composite@record{p = p; q = q} =
      _ : Positive q
      _ = ≤-trans ≤-ascend (composite .q-proper)

    factored ps path primes = ind q $
      prime-divisor-lt p q n (composite .p-prime) (composite .factors)
  in record
    { primes    = p ∷ ps
    ; factors   = ap (p *_) path ·· *-commutative p q ·· composite .factors
    ; is-primes = composite .p-prime ∷ primes

factorial : Nat → Nat
factorial zero = 1
factorial (suc n) = suc n * factorial n

factorial-positive : ∀ n → Positive (factorial n)
factorial-positive zero = s≤s 0≤x
factorial-positive (suc n) = *-preserves-≤ 1 (suc n) 1 (factorial n) (s≤s 0≤x) (factorial-positive n)

≤-factorial : ∀ n → n ≤ factorial n
≤-factorial zero = 0≤x
≤-factorial (suc n) = subst (_≤ factorial (suc n)) (*-oner (suc n)) (*-preserves-≤ (suc n) (suc n) 1 (factorial n) ≤-refl (factorial-positive n))

∣-factorial : ∀ n {m} → m < n → suc m ∣ factorial n
∣-factorial (suc n) {m} m≤n with suc m ≡? suc n
... | yes m=n = subst (_∣ factorial (suc n)) (sym m=n) (∣-*l {suc n} {factorial n})
... | no m≠n  = |-*l-pres {suc m} {suc n} {factorial n} $
  ∣-factorial n {m} (≤-uncap (suc m) n m≠n m≤n)

factorise : (n : Nat) .⦃ _ : Positive n ⦄ → Factorisation n
factorise = Wf-induction _<_ <-wf _ factorisation-worker

new-prime : (n : Nat) → Σ[ p ∈ Nat ] n < p × is-prime p
new-prime n with is-prime-or-composite (suc (factorial n)) (s≤s (factorial-positive n))
new-prime n | inl prime     = suc (factorial n) , s≤s (≤-factorial n) , prime
new-prime n | inr c@record{p = p} with holds? (suc n ≤ p)
new-prime n | inr c@record{p = p} | yes n<p = p , n<p , c .p-prime
new-prime n | inr c@record{p = suc p; q = q} | no ¬n<p =
    rem = ∣-factorial n (<-from-not-≤ _ _ (¬n<p ∘ s≤s))
    rem' : suc p ≡ 1
    rem' = ∣-1 (∣-+-cancel' {n = suc p} {a = 1} {b = factorial n} rem (fibre→∣ (q , c .factors)))
  in absurd (c .p-prime .prime≠1 rem')