module Data.Fin.Base where
Finite sets🔗
The type Fin
is the type of size
. These are defined as an inductive family over Nat
, such that Fin 0
has 0
elements, Fin 1
has 1 element, and so on.
Another way to view Fin
is as
the type of numbers less than some upper bound. For instance,
fsuc fzero
is of type Fin 3
, but will
not typecheck as a Fin 1
data Fin : Nat → Type where
: ∀ {n} → Fin (suc n)
fzero : ∀ {n} → Fin n → Fin (suc n) fsuc
Keeping with the perspective of Fin
as a type of bounded natural numbers,
we provide conversion functions going back and forth.
: ∀ (n : Nat) → Fin (suc n)
from-nat = fzero
from-nat zero (suc n) = fsuc (from-nat n)
: ∀ {n : Nat} → Fin n → Nat
to-nat = zero
to-nat fzero (fsuc i) = suc (to-nat i) to-nat
A note of caution: because of some ✨technical reasons✨ cubical agda
cannot handle transports over indexed inductive types very well.
Instead, we define a function cast
that computes on the indices of Fin
, rather than on the path.
: ∀ {m n} → m ≡ n → Fin m → Fin n
cast {suc m} {zero} p fzero = absurd (Nat.suc≠zero p)
cast {suc m} {suc n} p fzero = fzero
cast {suc m} {zero} p (fsuc i) = absurd (Nat.suc≠zero p)
cast {suc m} {suc n} p (fsuc i) = fsuc (cast (Nat.suc-inj p) i) cast
Next, we move on to one of the most useful functions for Fin
: strength
. This allows
us to (possibly) strengthen the upper bound on some
Fin n
: ∀ {n} → Fin (suc n) → Fin (suc n) ⊎ Fin n
strengthen {n = zero} fzero = inl fzero
strengthen {n = suc n} fzero = inr fzero
strengthen {n = suc n} (fsuc i) = ⊎-map fsuc fsuc (strengthen i) strengthen
On the other hand, weaken
the opposite: it relaxes the upper bound on some Fin n
allowing us to regard it as a Fin (suc n)
: ∀ {n} → Fin n → Fin (suc n)
weaken = fzero
weaken fzero (fsuc i) = fsuc (weaken i) weaken
We can also relax the upper bounds if m ≤ n
: ∀ {m n} → m Nat.≤ n → Fin m → Fin n
inject {_} {suc n} le fzero = fzero
inject {_} {suc n} (Nat.s≤s le) (fsuc i) = fsuc (inject le i) inject
The proof here mirrors the one found in Data.Nat.Base
, just with some
slight tweaks required to handle the indexing.
We begin by showing that one can distinguish
zero from successor:
: ∀ {n} {i : Fin n} → ¬ fzero ≡ fsuc i
fzero≠fsuc {n = n} path = subst distinguish path tt where
fzero≠fsuc : Fin (suc n) → Type
distinguish = ⊤
distinguish fzero (fsuc _) = ⊥ distinguish
Next, we show that fsuc
is injective. This again follows
the proof in Data.Nat.Base
, but some extra
care must be taken to ensure that pred
is well typed!
: ∀ {n} {i j : Fin n} → fsuc i ≡ fsuc j → i ≡ j
fsuc-inj {n = suc n} p = ap pred p
fsuc-inj where
: Fin (suc (suc n)) → Fin (suc n)
pred = fzero
pred fzero (fsuc i) = i pred
Finally, we pull everything together to show that Fin
is Discrete
. This is not exactly a shock
(after all, Nat
is discrete), but
it’s useful nonetheless!
: ∀ {n} → Discrete (Fin n)
Discrete-Fin {x = fzero} {fzero} = yes refl
Discrete-Fin {x = fzero} {fsuc j} = no fzero≠fsuc
Discrete-Fin {x = fsuc i} {fzero} = no (fzero≠fsuc ∘ sym)
Discrete-Fin {x = fsuc i} {fsuc j} with Discrete-Fin {x = i} {j}
Discrete-Fin ... | yes p = yes (ap fsuc p)
... | no ¬i≡j = no λ si=sj → ¬i≡j (fsuc-inj si=sj)
theorem implies that Fin
is a
set, i.e., it only has trivial
opaque: ∀ {n} → is-set (Fin n)
Fin-is-set = Discrete→is-set Discrete-Fin
: ∀ {n k} → H-Level (Fin n) (2 + k)
H-Level-Fin = basic-instance 2 Fin-is-set H-Level-Fin
Keeping with the view that Fin
represents the type of bounded natural numbers, we can re-use the
ordering on Nat
to induce an
ordering on Fin
. This means that
any lemmas about the ordering on natural numbers apply immediately to
the ordering on standard finite sets.
_≤_ : ∀ {n} → Fin n → Fin n → Type
= to-nat i Nat.≤ to-nat j
i ≤ j infix 3 _≤_
_<_ : ∀ {n} → Fin n → Fin n → Type
= to-nat i Nat.< to-nat j
i < j infix 3 _<_
Next, we define a pair of functions squish
and skip
, which are the building blocks for
all monotone functions between Fin
. squish i
takes a
j : Fin (suc n)
to a Fin n
by mapping both
and i+1
to i
. Its counterpart
skip i
takes some j : Fin n
to a
Fin (suc n)
by skipping over i
: ∀ {n} → Fin n → Fin (suc n) → Fin n
squish = fzero
squish fzero fzero (fsuc j) = j
squish fzero (fsuc i) fzero = fzero
squish (fsuc i) (fsuc j) = fsuc (squish i j)
: ∀ {n} → Fin (suc n) → Fin n → Fin (suc n)
skip = fsuc j
skip fzero j (fsuc i) fzero = fzero
skip (fsuc i) (fsuc j) = fsuc (skip i j) skip
As a subset🔗
While Fin
is very conveniently
defined as an indexed family of types, it can also be defined as a
subset of the natural numbers: Namely, the finite ordinal
is the same type as as
This makes sense! Any set with
elements is equivalent to any other set with
elements, and a very canonical choice is the first
values of
: Nat → Type
ℕ< = Σ[ n ∈ Nat ] (n Nat.< x)
ℕ< x
: ∀ {n} → ℕ< n → Fin n
from-ℕ< {n = suc n} (zero , q) = fzero
from-ℕ< {n = suc n} (suc p , Nat.s≤s q) = fsuc (from-ℕ< (p , q))
: ∀ {n} → Fin n → ℕ< n
to-ℕ< = to-nat x , p x where
to-ℕ< x : ∀ {n} (x : Fin n) → suc (to-nat x) Nat.≤ n
p {n = suc n} fzero = Nat.s≤s Nat.0≤x
p {n = suc n} (fsuc x) = Nat.s≤s (p x) p
: ∀ {m n} → m Nat.≤ n → Fin m → Fin n
weaken-≤ {suc m} {suc n} m≤n fzero = fzero
weaken-≤ {suc m} {suc n} (Nat.s≤s m≤n) (fsuc i) = fsuc (weaken-≤ m≤n i)
: ∀ {m n} → m Nat.≤ n → Fin m → Fin n
shift-≤ {n = suc zero} (Nat.s≤s 0≤x) i = i
shift-≤ {n = suc (suc n)} (Nat.s≤s 0≤x) i = fsuc (shift-≤ (Nat.s≤s 0≤x) i)
shift-≤ {n = n} (Nat.s≤s (Nat.s≤s m≤n)) fzero = weaken (shift-≤ (Nat.s≤s m≤n) fzero)
shift-≤ {n = n} (Nat.s≤s (Nat.s≤s m≤n)) (fsuc i) = fsuc (shift-≤ (Nat.s≤s m≤n) i)
: ∀ {m n} → Fin (m + n) → Fin m ⊎ Fin n
split-+ {m = zero} i = inr i
split-+ {m = suc m} fzero = inl fzero
split-+ {m = suc m} (fsuc i) = ⊎-map fsuc id (split-+ i)
: ∀ {n} (i j : Fin (suc n)) → (¬ i ≡ j) → Fin n
avoid = absurd (i≠j refl)
avoid fzero fzero i≠j {n = suc n} fzero (fsuc j) i≠j = j
avoid {n = suc n} (fsuc i) fzero i≠j = fzero
avoid {n = suc n} (fsuc i) (fsuc j) i≠j = fsuc (avoid i j (i≠j ∘ ap fsuc))
: ∀ {n} (m : Nat) → Fin n → Fin (m + n)
fshift = i
fshift zero i (suc m) i = fsuc (fshift m i)
: ∀ {n} → Fin n → Fin n
opposite {n = suc n} fzero = from-nat n
opposite {n = suc n} (fsuc i) = weaken (opposite i) opposite
Vector operations🔗
: ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} {n}
→ (Fin n → A) → Fin (suc n) → A
→ Fin (suc n) → A
_[_≔_] {n = n} ρ fzero a fzero = a
_[_≔_] {n = n} ρ fzero a (fsuc j) = ρ j
_[_≔_] {n = suc n} ρ (fsuc i) a fzero = ρ fzero
_[_≔_] {n = suc n} ρ (fsuc i) a (fsuc j) = ((ρ ∘ fsuc) [ i ≔ a ]) j
delete: ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} {n}
→ (Fin (suc n) → A) → Fin (suc n)
→ Fin n → A
= ρ (skip i j) delete ρ i j