module Cat.Instances.Shape.Parallel where
The “parallel arrows” category🔗
The parallel arrows category is the category with two objects, and two parallel arrows between them. It is the shape of equaliser and coequaliser diagrams.
: Precategory lzero lzero
·⇉· = precat where
·⇉· open Precategory
: Precategory _ _
precat .Ob = Bool
.Hom false false = ⊤
precat .Hom false true = Bool
precat .Hom true false = ⊥
precat .Hom true true = ⊤ precat
module _ {o ℓ} {C : Precategory o ℓ} where
open Cat.Reasoning C
open Functor
open _=>_
: ∀ {a b} (f g : Hom a b) → Functor ·⇉· C
Fork = funct where
Fork f g : Functor _ _
funct .F₀ false = _
funct .F₀ true = _
funct .F₁ {false} {false} _ = id
funct .F₁ {false} {true} false = f
funct .F₁ {false} {true} true = g
funct .F₁ {true} {true} _ = id
funct .F-id {false} = refl
funct .F-id {true} = refl
funct .F-∘ {false} {false} {false} f g = sym (idr _)
funct .F-∘ {false} {false} {true} f g = sym (idr _)
funct .F-∘ {false} {true} {true} tt _ = sym (idl _)
funct .F-∘ {true} {true} {true} tt tt = sym (idl _)
: (F : Functor ·⇉· C) → Hom (F .F₀ false) (F .F₀ true)
forkl = F .F₁ {false} {true} false
forkl F
: (F : Functor ·⇉· C) → Hom (F .F₀ false) (F .F₀ true)
forkr = F .F₁ {false} {true} true
forkr F
Fork→Cone: ∀ {e} (F : Functor ·⇉· C) {equ : Hom e (F .F₀ false)}
→ forkl F ∘ equ ≡ forkr F ∘ equ
→ Const e => F
{e = e} F {equ = equ} equal = nt where
Fork→Cone : Const e => F
nt .η true = forkl F ∘ equ
nt .η false = equ
nt .is-natural true true tt = idr _ ∙ introl (F .F-id)
nt .is-natural false true true = idr _ ∙ equal
nt .is-natural false true false = idr _
nt .is-natural false false tt = idr _ ∙ introl (F .F-id)
Cofork→Cocone: ∀ {e} (F : Functor ·⇉· C) {coequ : Hom (F .F₀ true) e}
→ coequ ∘ forkl F ≡ coequ ∘ forkr F
→ F => Const e
{e = e} F {coequ} coequal = nt where
Cofork→Cocone : F => Const e
nt .η true = coequ
nt .η false = coequ ∘ forkl F
nt .is-natural true true tt = elimr (F .F-id) ∙ sym (idl _)
nt .is-natural false true true = sym coequal ∙ sym (idl _)
nt .is-natural false true false = sym (idl _)
nt .is-natural false false tt = elimr (F .F-id) ∙ sym (idl _) nt