module Cat.Diagram.Coproduct {o h} (C : Precategory o h) where


The coproduct of two objects and (if it exists), is the smallest object equipped with “injection” maps It is dual to the product.

We witness this notion of “smallest object” with a universal property; Given any other that also admits injection maps from and we must have a unique map that factors the injections into This is best explained by a commutative diagram:

record is-coproduct {A B P} (in₀ : Hom A P) (in₁ : Hom B P) : Type (o ⊔ h) where
    [_,_]      :  {Q} (inj0 : Hom A Q) (inj1 : Hom B Q)  Hom P Q
    in₀∘factor :  {Q} {inj0 : Hom A Q} {inj1}  [ inj0 , inj1 ] ∘ in₀ ≡ inj0
    in₁∘factor :  {Q} {inj0 : Hom A Q} {inj1}  [ inj0 , inj1 ] ∘ in₁ ≡ inj1

    unique :  {Q} {inj0 : Hom A Q} {inj1}
            (other : Hom P Q)
            other ∘ in₀ ≡ inj0
            other ∘ in₁ ≡ inj1
            other ≡ [ inj0 , inj1 ]

  unique₂ :  {Q} {inj0 : Hom A Q} {inj1}
            o1 (p1 : o1 ∘ in₀  ≡ inj0) (q1 : o1 ∘ in₁ ≡ inj1)
            o2 (p2 : o2 ∘ in₀  ≡ inj0) (q2 : o2 ∘ in₁ ≡ inj1)
           o1 ≡ o2
  unique₂ o1 p1 q1 o2 p2 q2 = unique o1 p1 q1 ∙ sym (unique o2 p2 q2)

A coproduct of and is an explicit choice of coproduct diagram:

record Coproduct (A B : Ob) : Type (o ⊔ h) where
    coapex : Ob
    in₀ : Hom A coapex
    in₁ : Hom B coapex
    has-is-coproduct : is-coproduct in₀ in₁

  open is-coproduct has-is-coproduct public


The uniqueness argument presented here is dual to the argument for the product.

  +-Unique : (c1 c2 : Coproduct A B)  coapex c1 ≅ coapex c2
  +-Unique c1 c2 = make-iso c1→c2 c2→c1 c1→c2→c1 c2→c1→c2
      module c1 = Coproduct c1
      module c2 = Coproduct c2

      c1→c2 : Hom (coapex c1) (coapex c2)
      c1→c2 = c1.[ c2.in₀ , c2.in₁ ]

      c2→c1 : Hom (coapex c2) (coapex c1)
      c2→c1 = c2.[ c1.in₀ , c1.in₁ ]
      c1→c2→c1 : c1→c2 ∘ c2→c1 ≡ id
      c1→c2→c1 =
        c2.unique₂ _
          (pullr c2.in₀∘factor ∙ c1.in₀∘factor)
          (pullr c2.in₁∘factor ∙ c1.in₁∘factor)
          id (idl _) (idl _)

      c2→c1→c2 : c2→c1 ∘ c1→c2 ≡ id
      c2→c1→c2 =
        c1.unique₂ _
          (pullr c1.in₀∘factor ∙ c2.in₀∘factor)
          (pullr c1.in₁∘factor ∙ c2.in₁∘factor)
          id (idl _) (idl _)

Categories with all binary coproducts🔗

Categories with all binary coproducts are quite common, so we define a module for working with them.

has-coproducts : Type _
has-coproducts =  a b  Coproduct a b

module Binary-coproducts (all-coproducts : has-coproducts) where

  module coproduct {a} {b} = Coproduct (all-coproducts a b)

  open coproduct renaming
    (unique to []-unique; in₀∘factor to in₀∘[]; in₁∘factor to in₁∘[]) public
  open Functor

  infixr 7 _⊕₀_
  infix 50 _⊕₁_

  _⊕₀_ : Ob  Ob  Ob
  a ⊕₀ b = coproduct.coapex {a} {b}

  _⊕₁_ :  {a b x y}  Hom a x  Hom b y  Hom (a ⊕₀ b) (x ⊕₀ y)
  f ⊕₁ g = [ in₀ ∘ f , in₁ ∘ g ]