module Cat.Functor.Naturality where
Working with natural transformations🔗
Working with natural transformations can often be more cumbersome than working directly with the underlying families of morphisms; moreover, we often have to convert between a property of natural transformations and a (universally quantified) property of the underlying morphisms. This module collects some notation that will help us with that task.
We’ll refer to the natural-transformation versions of predicates on
morphisms by a superscript ⁿ
. A natural
isomorphism is simply an isomorphism in a functor category.
: {F G : Functor C D} → F => G → G => F → Type _
Inversesⁿ = CD.Inverses
: {F G : Functor C D} → F => G → Type _
is-invertibleⁿ =
_≅ⁿ_ : Functor C D → Functor C D → Type _
= CD.Isomorphism F G F ≅ⁿ G
A fundamental lemma that will let us work with natural isomorphisms more conveniently is the following: if is a natural transformation which is componentwise inverted by then is itself a natural transformation This means that, when constructing a natural isomorphism from scratch, we only have to establish naturality in one direction, rather than both.
inverse-is-natural: ∀ {F G : Functor C D} (α : F => G) (β : ∀ x → D.Hom (G .F₀ x) (F .F₀ x) )
→ (∀ x → α .η x D.∘ β x ≡
→ (∀ x → β x D.∘ α .η x ≡
→ is-natural-transformation G F β
{F = F} {G = G} α β invl invr x y f =
inverse-is-natural .∘ G .F₁ f ≡⟨ D.refl⟩∘⟨ D.intror (invl x) ⟩
β y D.∘ G .F₁ f D.∘ α .η x D.∘ β x ≡⟨ D.refl⟩∘⟨ D.extendl (sym (α .is-natural x y f)) ⟩
β y D.∘ α .η y D.∘ F .F₁ f D.∘ β x ≡⟨ D.cancell (invr y) ⟩
β y D.F₁ f D.∘ β x ∎ F
We can then create a natural isomorphism from the following data:
record make-natural-iso (F G : Functor C D) : Type (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ ℓ') where
: ∀ x → D.Hom (F .F₀ x) (G .F₀ x)
eta : ∀ x → D.Hom (G .F₀ x) (F .F₀ x)
inv : ∀ x → eta x D.∘ inv x ≡
eta∘inv : ∀ x → inv x D.∘ eta x ≡
inv∘eta : ∀ x y f → G .F₁ f D.∘ eta x ≡ eta y D.∘ F .F₁ f
open make-natural-iso
: ∀ {F G} → make-natural-iso F G → F ≅ⁿ G
to-natural-iso .Isoⁿ.to .η = mk .eta
to-natural-iso mk .Isoⁿ.to .is-natural x y f = sym (mk .natural x y f)
to-natural-iso mk .Isoⁿ.from .η = mk .inv
to-natural-iso mk {F = F} {G} mk .Isoⁿ.from .is-natural =
to-natural-iso {F} {G} (NT _ (λ x y f → sym (mk .natural x y f)))
inverse-is-natural (mk .inv) (mk .eta∘inv) (mk .inv∘eta)
.Isoⁿ.inverses .Inversesⁿ.invl = ext (mk .eta∘inv)
to-natural-iso mk .Isoⁿ.inverses .Inversesⁿ.invr = ext (mk .inv∘eta) to-natural-iso mk
Moreover, the following family of functions project out the componentwise invertibility, resp. componentwise isomorphism, associated to an invertible natural transformation, resp. natural isomorphism.
is-invertibleⁿ→is-invertible: ∀ {F G} {α : F => G}
→ is-invertibleⁿ α
→ ∀ x → (α .η x)
is-invertibleⁿ→is-invertible inv x .make-invertible
D( inv .η x)
( inv ηₚ x)
( inv ηₚ x)
isoⁿ→iso: ∀ {F G} → F ≅ⁿ G
→ ∀ x → F .F₀ x D.≅ G .F₀ x
isoⁿ→iso α x .make-iso (α.to .η x) (α.from .η x) (α.invl ηₚ x) (α.invr ηₚ x)
Dwhere module α = Isoⁿ α
iso→isoⁿ: ∀ {F G}
→ (is : ∀ x → F .F₀ x D.≅ G .F₀ x)
→ (∀ {x y} f → G .F₁ f D.∘ is x ≡ is y D.∘ F .F₁ f)
→ F ≅ⁿ G
{F} {G} is nat = to-natural-iso mk where
iso→isoⁿ : make-natural-iso F G
mk .eta x = is x
mk .inv x = is x .D.from
mk .eta∘inv x = is x .D.invl
mk .inv∘eta x = is x .D.invr
mk .natural _ _ = nat
: ∀ {F G} {α : F => G} → is-invertibleⁿ α → F ≅ⁿ G
is-invertibleⁿ→isoⁿ = CD.invertible→iso _ nat-inv
is-invertibleⁿ→isoⁿ nat-inv
isoⁿ→is-invertible: ∀ {F G} (α : F ≅ⁿ G)
→ ∀ x → (α .Isoⁿ.to .η x)
= D.iso→invertible (isoⁿ→iso α x) isoⁿ→is-invertible α x