module Order.Diagram.Glb where
Greatest lower bounds🔗
A glb (short for greatest lower bound) for a family of elements is, as the name implies, a greatest element among the lower bounds of the Being a lower bound means that we have for all Being the greatest lower bound means that if we’re given some other satisfying (for each then we have
A more common word to use for “greatest lower bound” is
“meet”. But since “meet” is a fairly uninformative name, and “glb”
(pronounced “glib”) is just plain fun to say, we stick with the non-word
for the indexed concept. However, if we’re talking about the glb of a
binary family, then we use the word “meet”. The distinction
here is entirely artificial, and it’s just because we can’t reuse the
identifier is-glb
for these two
slightly different cases. Summing up: to us, a meet is a glb of two
record is-glb {ℓᵢ} {I : Type ℓᵢ} (F : I → Ob) (glb : Ob)
: Type (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ ℓᵢ) where
: ∀ i → glb ≤ F i
glb≤fam : (lb' : Ob) → (∀ i → lb' ≤ F i) → lb' ≤ glb
record Glb {ℓᵢ} {I : Type ℓᵢ} (F : I → Ob) : Type (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ ℓᵢ) where
: Ob
glb : is-glb F glb
has-glb open is-glb has-glb public