module Cat.Diagram.Coproduct.Copower where


Let be a category admitting indexed coproducts, for example a cocomplete category. In the same way that (in ordinary arithmetic) the iterated product of a bunch of copies of the same factor

is called a “power”, we refer to the coproduct of many copies of an object indexed by a set as the copower of by and alternatively denote it If does indeed admit coproducts indexed by any set, then the copowering construction extends to a functor

The notion of copowering gives us slick terminology for a category which admits all coproducts, but not necessarily all colimits: Such a category is precisely one copowered over

  __ : Set Ob  Ob
  X ⊗ A = coprods X  _  A) .ΣF

Copowers satisfy a universal property: is a representing object for the functor that takes an object to the power of the set of morphisms from to in other words, we have a natural isomorphism

    :  {X A}
     Hom-from C (X ⊗ A) ≅ⁿ Hom-from (Sets ℓ) X F∘ Hom-from C A
  copower-hom-iso {X} {A} = iso→isoⁿ
     _  equiv→iso (hom-iso (coprods X  _  A))))
     _  ext λ _ _  assoc _ _ _)

The action of the copowering functor is given by simultaneously changing the indexing along a function of sets and changing the underlying object by a morphism This is functorial by the uniqueness properties of colimiting maps.

  Copowering : Functor (Sets ℓ ×ᶜ C) C
  Copowering .F₀ (X , A) = X ⊗ A
  Copowering .F₁ {X , A} {Y , B} (idx , obj) =
    coprods X  _  A) .match λ i  coprods Y  _  B) .ι (idx i) ∘ obj
  Copowering .F-id {X , A} = sym $
    coprods X  _  A) .unique _ λ i  sym id-comm
  Copowering .F-∘ {X , A} f g = sym $
    coprods X  _  A) .unique _ λ i 
      pullr (coprods _ _ .commute) ∙ extendl (coprods _ _ .commute)

  :  {o ℓ} {C : Precategory o ℓ}
   is-cocomplete ℓ ℓ C  Functor (Sets ℓ ×ᶜ C) C
cocomplete→copowering colim = Copowers.Copowering λ S F 
  Colimit→IC _ (is-hlevel-suc 2 (S .is-tr)) F (colim _)