module Algebra.Group.Subgroup where
A subgroup of a group is a monomorphism that is, an object of the poset of subobjects Since group homomorphisms are injective exactly when their underlying function is an embedding, we can alternatively describe this as a condition on a predicate
: Group ℓ → Type (lsuc ℓ)
Subgroup {ℓ = ℓ} G = Subobject G Subgroup
A proposition
of a group
represents a subgroup if it contains the group unit
, is closed under multiplication, and
is closed under inverses.
record represents-subgroup (G : Group ℓ) (H : ℙ ⌞ G ⌟) : Type ℓ where
open Group-on (G .snd)
: unit ∈ H
has-unit : ∀ {x y} → x ∈ H → y ∈ H → (x ⋆ y) ∈ H
has-⋆ : ∀ {x} → x ∈ H → x ⁻¹ ∈ H has-inv
If represents a subgroup, then its total space inherits a group structure from and the first projection is a group homormophism.
rep-subgroup→group-on: (H : ℙ ⌞ G ⌟) → represents-subgroup G H → Group-on (Σ[ x ∈ G ] x ∈ H)
{G = G} H sg = to-group-on sg' where
rep-subgroup→group-on open Group-on (G .snd)
open represents-subgroup sg
: make-group (Σ[ x ∈ G ] x ∈ H)
sg' = hlevel 2
sg' .make-group.unit = unit , has-unit
sg' .make-group.mul (x , x∈) (y , y∈) = x ⋆ y , has-⋆ x∈ y∈
sg' .make-group.inv (x , x∈) = x ⁻¹ , has-inv x∈
sg' .make-group.assoc x y z = Σ-prop-path! associative
sg' .make-group.invl x = Σ-prop-path! inversel
sg' .make-group.idl x = Σ-prop-path! idl
: (H : ℙ ⌞ G ⌟) → represents-subgroup G H → Subgroup G
predicate→subgroup {G = G} H p = record { map = it ; monic = ism } where
predicate→subgroup : Groups.Hom (el! (Σ _ (∣_∣ ⊙ H)) , rep-subgroup→group-on H p) G
it .hom = fst
it .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ x y = refl
: it
ism = Homomorphism-monic it λ p → Σ-prop-path! p ism
Kernels and images🔗
To a group homomorphism we can associate two canonical subgroups, one of and one of image factorisation, written is the subgroup of “reachable by mapping through ”, and kernel, written is the subgroup of which sends to the unit.
The kernel can be cheapily described as a limit: It is the equaliser of and the zero morphism — which, recall, is the unique map which breaks down as
module _ {ℓ} where
open Canonical-kernels (Groups ℓ) ∅ᴳ Groups-equalisers public
: ∀ {A B : Group ℓ} → Groups.Hom A B → Subgroup A
Ker-subgroup =
Ker-subgroup f record { map = kernel
; monic = is-equaliser→is-monic _ has-is-kernel }
open Kernel (Ker f)
Every group homomorphism
has an image factorisation
defined by equipping its set-theoretic image
with a group structure inherited
More concretely, we can describe the elements of
as the “mere fibres” of
They consist of a point
together with (the truncation of) a fibre of
We multiply
(in the fibre over
(in the fibre over
giving the element
in the fibre over
For reasons that will become clear later, we denote the image of when regarded as its own group, by and reserve the notation for that group regarded as a subgroup of .
The construction of a group structure on
is unsurprising, so we leave it in this <details>
for the curious reader.
: Type ℓ
T = image (apply f)
_] : Group ℓ
A/ker[_] = to-group grp where
A/ker[: T
unit = B.unit , inc (A.unit , f.pres-id)
: T → T
inv (x , p) = x B.⁻¹ ,
inv (λ { (y , p) → y A.⁻¹ , f.pres-inv ∙ ap B._⁻¹ p }) p
: T → T → T
mul (x , xp) (y , yp) = x B.⋆ y ,
mul (λ _ _ → squash)
∥-∥-elim₂ (λ { (x* , xp) (y* , yp)
→ inc (x* A.⋆ y* , f.pres-⋆ _ _ ∙ ap₂ B._⋆_ xp yp) })
xp yp
: make-group T
grp = Tset
grp .make-group.unit = unit
grp .make-group.mul = mul
grp .make-group.inv = inv
grp .make-group.assoc = λ x y z → Tpath B.associative
grp .make-group.invl = λ x → Tpath B.inversel
grp .make-group.idl = λ x → Tpath B.idl grp
That the canonical inclusion map
deserves the name “image” comes from
breaking down as a (regular) epimorphism into
(written A→im
), followed by that
: Groups.Hom A A/ker[_]
A→im .hom x = f # x , inc (x , refl)
A→im .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ x y = Tpath (f.pres-⋆ _ _)
: Groups.Hom A/ker[_] B
im→B .hom (b , _) = b
im→B .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ x y = refl im→B
When this monomorphism is taken as primary, we refer to as
_] : Subgroup B
Im[_] = record { map = im→B ; monic = im↪B } where
Im[: im→B
im↪B = Homomorphism-monic im→B Tpath im↪B
The first isomorphism theorem🔗
The reason for denoting the set-theoretic image of (which is a subobject of , equipped with group operation) by is the first isomorphism theorem (though we phrase it more categorically): The image of serves as a quotient for (the congruence generated by)
In more classical texts, the first isomorphism theorem is phrased in terms of two pre-existing objects (defined as the set of cosets of regarded as a subgroup) and (defined as above). Here we have opted for a more categorical phrasing of that theorem: We know what the universal property of is — namely that it is a specific colimit — so the specific construction used to implement it does not matter.
: is-coequaliser (Groups ℓ) (→ ∅ᴳ) Kerf.kernel A→im
1st-iso-theorem = coeq where
1st-iso-theorem open Groups
open is-coequaliser
module Ak = Group-on (A/ker[_] .snd)
More specifically, in a diagram like the one below, the indicated dotted arrow always exists and is unique, witnessing that the map is a coequaliser (hence that it is a regular epi, as we mentioned above).
The condition placed on is that This means that it, like sends everything in to zero (this is the defining property of Note that in the code below we do not elide the zero composite
elim: ∀ {F} {e' : Groups.Hom A F}
(p : e' Groups.∘→ ∅ᴳ ≡ e' Groups.∘ Kerf.kernel)
→ ∀ {x : ⌞ B ⌟} → ∥ fibre (apply f) x ∥ → _
{F = F} {e' = e'} p {x} =
elim (F .snd .Group-on.has-is-set) ((e' #_) ⊙ fst) const where abstract
∥-∥-rec-set module e' = is-group-hom (e' .preserves)
module F = Group-on (F .snd)
To eliminate from under a propositional truncation, we must prove that the map is constant when thought of as a map In other words, it means that is “independent of the choice of representative”. This follows from algebraic manipulation of group homomorphisms + the assumed identity
: ∀ (x y : fibre (apply f) x)
const' → e' # (x .fst) F.— e' # (y .fst) ≡ F.unit
(y , q) (z , r) =
const' (e' # y) F.— (e' # z) ≡˘⟨ e'.pres-diff ⟩
(y A.— z) ≡⟨ happly (sym (ap hom p)) (y A.— z , aux) ⟩
e' # .unit ≡⟨ e'.pres-id ⟩
e' # A.unit ∎
This assumption allows us to reduce “show that is constant on a specific subset” to “show that when ”; But that’s just algebra, hence uninteresting:
: f # (y A.— z) ≡ B.unit
aux =
aux (y A.— z) ≡⟨ f.pres-diff ⟩
f # .— f # z ≡⟨ ap₂ B._—_ q r ⟩
f # y B.— x ≡⟨ B.inverser ⟩
x B.unit ∎
: ∀ (x y : fibre (apply f) x) → e' # (x .fst) ≡ e' # (y .fst)
const = (const' a b) const a b
The rest of the construction is almost tautological: By
definition, if
so the quotient map
does indeed coequalise
As a final word on the rest of the construction, most of it is applying
induction (∥-∥-elim
and friends) so
that our colimiting map elim
: is-coequaliser (Groups ℓ) (→ ∅ᴳ) Kerf.kernel A→im
coeq .coequal = ext λ x p → f.pres-id ∙ sym p
.universal {F = F} {e' = e'} p = gh where
coeq module F = Group-on (F .snd)
module e' = is-group-hom (e' .preserves)
: Groups.Hom _ _
gh .hom (x , t) = elim {e' = e'} p t
gh .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ (x , q) (y , r) =
∥-∥-elim₂{P = λ q r → elim p (((x , q) Ak.⋆ (y , r)) .snd) ≡ elim p q F.⋆ elim p r}
(λ _ _ → F.has-is-set _ _) (λ x y → e'.pres-⋆ _ _) q r
.factors = Grp↪Sets-is-faithful refl
.unique {F} {p = p} {colim = colim} prf = ext λ x y p →
coeq (Σ-prop-path! (sym p)) ∙ happly (ap hom prf) y ap# colim
Representing kernels🔗
If an evil wizard kidnaps your significant others and demands that you find out whether a predicate is a kernel, how would you go about doing it? Well, I should point out that no matter how evil the wizard is, they are still human: The predicate definitely represents a subgroup, in the sense introduced above — so there’s definitely a group homomorphism All we need to figure out is whether there exists a group and a map such that as subgroups of
We begin by assuming that we have a kernel and investigating some properties that the fibres of its inclusion have. Of course, the fibre over is inhabited, and they are closed under multiplication and inverses, though we shall not make note of that here.
module _ {ℓ} {A B : Group ℓ} (f : Groups.Hom A B) where private
module Ker[f] = Kernel (Ker f)
module f = is-group-hom (f .preserves)
module A = Group-on (A .snd)
module B = Group-on (B .snd)
: ⌞ Ker[f].ker ⌟ → ⌞ A ⌟
kerf = Ker[f].kernel .hom
: fibre kerf A.unit
has-zero = (A.unit , f.pres-id) , refl
: ∀ {x y} → fibre kerf x → fibre kerf y → fibre kerf (x A.⋆ y)
has-⋆ ((a , p) , q) ((b , r) , s) =
has-⋆ (a A.⋆ b , f.pres-⋆ _ _ ·· ap₂ B._⋆_ p r ·· B.idl) ,
._⋆_ q s ap₂ A
It turns out that is also closed under conjugation by elements of the enveloping group, in that if (quickly switching to “multiplicative” notation for the unit), then must be as well: for we have
: ∀ {x y} → fibre kerf x → fibre kerf (y A.⋆ x A.⋆ y A.⁻¹)
has-conjugate {x} {y} ((a , p) , q) = (_ , path) , refl where
has-conjugate =
path (y A.⋆ (x A.— y)) ≡⟨ ap (f #_) A.associative ⟩
f # ((y A.⋆ x) A.— y) ≡⟨ f.pres-diff ⟩
f # (y A.⋆ x) ⌝ B.— f # y ≡⟨ ap₂ B._—_ (f.pres-⋆ y x) refl ⟩
⌜ f # .⋆ f # x ⌝ B.— f # y ≡⟨ ap₂ B._—_ (ap (_ B.⋆_) (ap (f #_) (sym q) ∙ p) ∙ B.idr) refl ⟩
⌜ f # y B.— f # y ≡˘⟨ f.pres-diff ⟩
f # y B(y A.— y) ≡⟨ ap (f #_) A.inverser ∙ f.pres-id ⟩
f # .unit ∎ B
It turns out that this last property is enough to pick out exactly the kernels amongst the representations of subgroups: If is closed under conjugation, then generates an equivalence relation on the set underlying (namely, and equip the quotient of this equivalence relation with a group structure. The kernel of the quotient map is then We call a predicate representing a kernel a normal subgroup, and we denote this in shorthand by
record normal-subgroup (G : Group ℓ) (H : ℙ ⌞ G ⌟) : Type ℓ where
open Group-on (G .snd)
: represents-subgroup G H
has-rep : ∀ {x y} → x ∈ H → (y ⋆ x ⋆ y ⁻¹) ∈ H
: ∀ {x y} → y ∈ H → ((x ⋆ y) ⋆ x ⁻¹) ∈ H
has-conjugatel = subst (_∈ H) associative (has-conjugate yin)
has-conjugatel yin
: ∀ {x y} → (x ⋆ y) ∈ H → (y ⋆ x) ∈ H
has-comm {x = x} {y} mem = subst (_∈ H) p (has-conjugate mem) where
has-comm = x ⁻¹ ⋆ ⌜ (x ⋆ y) ⋆ x ⁻¹ ⁻¹ ⌝ ≡˘⟨ ap¡ associative ⟩
x ⁻¹ ⋆ x ⋆ y ⋆ ⌜ x ⁻¹ ⁻¹ ⌝ ≡⟨ ap! inv-inv ⟩
x ⁻¹ ⋆ x ⋆ y ⋆ x ≡⟨ associative ⟩(x ⁻¹ ⋆ x) ⋆ y ⋆ x ≡⟨ ap₂ _⋆_ inversel refl ∙ idl ⟩
y ⋆ x ∎
open represents-subgroup has-rep public
So, suppose we have a normal subgroup We define the underlying type of the quotient to be the quotient of the relation It can be equipped with a group operation inherited from but this is incredibly tedious to do.
: Type _
G/H = G0 / rel
: G/H → G/H → G/H
op = Quot-op₂ rel-refl rel-refl _⋆_ (λ w x y z a b → rem₃ y z w x b a) where op
To prove that the group operation _⋆_
descends to the quotient, we prove that it takes related inputs to
related outputs — a characterisation of binary operations on quotients
we can invoke since the relation we’re quotienting by is reflexive. It
suffices to show that
are both in
which is a tedious but straightforward calculation:
_ (w x y z : G0)
(w-x∈ : (w ⋆ inv x) ∈ H)
(y-z∈ : (y ⋆ inv z) ∈ H) where abstract
: ((w — x) ⋆ (inv z ⋆ y)) ∈ H
rem₁ = has-⋆ w-x∈ (has-comm y-z∈)
: ((w ⋆ (inv x — z)) ⋆ y) ∈ H
rem₂ = subst (_∈ H) (associative ∙ ap (_⋆ y) (sym associative)) rem₁
: ((y ⋆ w) — (z ⋆ x)) ∈ H
rem₃ = subst (_∈ H) (associative ∙ ap₂ _⋆_ refl (sym inv-comm))
rem₃ (has-comm rem₂)
To define inverses on the quotient, it suffices to show that whenever we also have
: G/H → G/H
inverse =
inverse (λ x → inc (inv x)) λ { (x , y , r) → quot (p x y r) }
Coeq-rec where abstract
: ∀ x y → (x — y) ∈ H → (inv x — inv y) ∈ H
p = has-comm (subst (_∈ H) inv-comm (has-inv r)) p x y r
Even after this tedious algebra, it still remains to show that the operation is associative and has inverses. Fortunately, since equality in a group is a proposition, these follow from the group axioms on rather directly:
: make-group G/H
Group-on-G/H = squash
Group-on-G/H .make-group.unit = inc unit
Group-on-G/H .make-group.mul = op
Group-on-G/H .make-group.inv = inverse
Group-on-G/H .make-group.assoc = elim! λ x y z → ap associative
Group-on-G/H .make-group.invl = elim! λ x → ap inversel
Group-on-G/H .make-group.idl = elim! λ x → ap idl
_/ᴳ_ : Group _
_/ᴳ_ = to-group Group-on-G/H
: Groups.Hom Grp _/ᴳ_
incl .hom = inc
incl .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ x y = refl incl
Before we show that the kernel of the quotient map is isomorphic to the subgroup we started with (and indeed, that this isomorphism commutes with the respective, so that they determine the same subobject of we must show that the relation is an equivalence relation; We can then appeal to effectivity of quotients to conclude that, if then
: ∀ {x y} → rel x y → rel y x
rel-sym = subst (_∈ H) (inv-comm ∙ ap (_⋆ _) inv-inv) (has-inv h)
rel-sym h
: ∀ {x y z} → rel x y → rel y z → rel x z
rel-trans {x} {y} {z} h g = subst (_∈ H) p (has-⋆ h g) where
rel-trans = (x — y) ⋆ (y — z) ≡˘⟨ associative ⟩
p (y — z) ⌝ ≡⟨ ap! associative ⟩
x ⋆ ⌜ y ⁻¹ ⋆ (y ⁻¹ ⋆ y) — z ⌝ ≡⟨ ap! (ap (_⋆ _) inversel ∙ idl) ⟩
x ⋆ ⌜
x — z ∎
open Congruence
: Congruence _ _
normal-subgroup→congruence ._∼_ = rel
normal-subgroup→congruence .has-is-prop x y = hlevel 1
normal-subgroup→congruence .reflᶜ = rel-refl _
normal-subgroup→congruence ._∙ᶜ_ = rel-trans
normal-subgroup→congruence .symᶜ = rel-sym
: ∀ {x y} → Path G/H (inc x) (inc y) → rel x y
/ᴳ-effective = effective normal-subgroup→congruence /ᴳ-effective
The two halves of the isomorphism are now very straightforward to define: If we have then by effectivity, and by the group laws. Conversely, if then thus they are identified in the quotient. Thus, the predicate recovers the subgroup And (the total space of) that predicate is exactly the kernel of
: Ker[incl].ker Groups.≅ H-g
Ker[incl]≅H-group = Groups.make-iso to from il ir where
Ker[incl]≅H-group to : Groups.Hom _ _
to .hom (x , p) = x , subst (_∈ H) (ap (_ ⋆_) inv-unit ∙ idr) x-0∈H where
= /ᴳ-effective p
x-0∈H to .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ _ _ = Σ-prop-path! refl
: Groups.Hom _ _
from .hom (x , p) = x , quot (subst (_∈ H) (sym idr ∙ ap (_ ⋆_) (sym inv-unit)) p)
from .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ _ _ = Σ-prop-path! refl
= ext λ x x∈H → Σ-prop-path! refl
il = ext λ x x∈H → Σ-prop-path! refl ir
To show that these are equal as subgroups of we must show that the isomorphism above commutes with the inclusions; But this is immediate by computation, so we can conclude: Every normal subgroup is a kernel.
: Ker-sg ≡ H-sg
Ker[incl]≡H↪G = done where
Ker[incl]≡H↪G open Precategory (Sub Grp)
open Groups._≅_ Ker[incl]≅H-group
: Ker-sg ≤ₘ H-sg
ker≤H .map = to
ker≤H .sq = Grp↪Sets-is-faithful refl
: H-sg ≤ₘ Ker-sg
H≤ker .map = from
H≤ker .sq = Grp↪Sets-is-faithful refl
= Sub-is-category Groups-is-category .to-path (Sub-antisym ker≤H H≤ker) done