module Homotopy.Truncation where
General truncations🔗
Inspired by the equivalence between loop spaces and maps out of spheres, although not using it directly, we can characterise h-levels in terms of maps of spheres, too. The idea is that, since a map is equivalently some loop in 1, we can characterise the trivial loops as the constant functions . Correspondingly, if every function is trivial, this means that all -loops in are trivial, so that is -truncated!
We refer to a trivialisation of a map as being a “hubs-and-spokes” construction. Geometrically, a trivial loop can be understood as a map from the -disc rather than the -sphere, where the -disc is the type generated by attaching a new point to the sphere (the “hub”), and paths connecting the hub to each point along the sphere (the “spokes”). The resulting type is contractible, whence every function out of it is constant.
hlevel→hubs-and-spokes: ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (n : Nat) → is-hlevel A (suc n)
→ (sph : Sⁿ n .fst → A)
→ Σ[ hub ∈ A ] (∀ x → sph x ≡ hub)
hubs-and-spokes→hlevel: ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (n : Nat)
→ ((sph : Sⁿ n .fst → A) → Σ[ hub ∈ A ] (∀ x → sph x ≡ hub))
→ is-hlevel A (suc n)
Using this idea, we can define a general
type, as a joint generalisation of the propositional
and set truncations. While we can
not directly build a type with a constructor saying the type is
what we can do is freely generate hub
s and spokes
for any
drawn on the
The result is the universal
admitting a map from
data n-Tr {ℓ} (A : Type ℓ) n : Type ℓ where
: A → n-Tr A n
inc : (r : Sⁿ⁻¹ n → n-Tr A n) → n-Tr A n
hub : (r : Sⁿ⁻¹ n → n-Tr A n) → ∀ x → r x ≡ hub r spokes
For both proving that the -truncation has the right h-level, and proving that one can eliminate from it to -types, we use the characterisations of truncation in terms of hubs-and-spokes.
n-Tr-is-hlevel: ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} n → is-hlevel (n-Tr A (suc n)) (suc n)
= hubs-and-spokes→hlevel n λ sph → hub sph , spokes sph
n-Tr-is-hlevel n
: ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} {n} → hlevel-decomposition (n-Tr A (suc n))
n-tr-decomp = decomp (quote n-Tr-is-hlevel) (`level-minus 1 ∷ [])
n-Tr-elim: ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {n}
→ (P : n-Tr A (suc n) → Type ℓ')
→ (∀ x → is-hlevel (P x) (suc n))
→ (∀ x → P (inc x))
→ ∀ x → P x
{A = A} {n} P ptrunc pbase = go where
n-Tr-elim module _ (r : Sⁿ n .fst → n-Tr A (1 + n))
(w : (x : Sⁿ n .fst) → P (r x))
: Sⁿ⁻¹ (1 + n) → P (hub r)
circle = subst P (spokes r x) (w x)
circle x
= hlevel→hubs-and-spokes n (ptrunc (hub r)) circle .fst
: ∀ x → PathP (λ i → P (spokes r x i)) (w x) hub'
spokes' = to-pathp $
spokes' x (ptrunc (hub r)) circle .snd x
hlevel→hubs-and-spokes n
: ∀ x → P x
go (inc x) = pbase x
go (hub r) = hub' r (λ x → go (r x))
go (spokes r x i) = spokes' r (λ x → go (r x)) x i go
As a simpler case of n-Tr-elim
we have the recursion principle, where the type we are eliminating into
is constant.
n-Tr-rec: ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'} {n}
→ is-hlevel B (suc n) → (A → B) → n-Tr A (suc n) → B
= n-Tr-elim (λ _ → _) (λ _ → hl) n-Tr-rec hl
An initial application of the induction principle for -truncation of is characterising its path spaces, at least for the inclusions of points from . Identifications between (the images of) points in in the -truncation are equivalently -truncated identifications in :
n-Tr-path-equiv: ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} {n} {x y : A}
→ Path (n-Tr A (2 + n)) (inc x) (inc y) ≃ n-Tr (x ≡ y) (suc n)
{A = A} {n} {x = x} {y} = Iso→Equiv isom where n-Tr-path-equiv
The proof is an application of the encode-decode method. We would like to characterise the space
so we will, for every , define a type family , where the fibre of over should be . However, the induction principle for only allows us to map into -types, while itself is not an -type for any . We salvage our definition by instead mapping into , which is a -type.
: (x : A) (y' : n-Tr A (2 + n)) → n-Type _ (suc n)
code =
code x
n-Tr-elim!(λ y' → n-Type _ (suc n))
(λ y' → el! (n-Tr (Path A x y') (suc n)))
The rest of the proof boils down to applications of path induction
and the induction
principle for
: ∀ x y → inc x ≡ y → ∣ code x y ∣
encode' _ = J (λ y _ → ∣ code x y ∣) (inc refl)
encode' x
: ∀ x y → ∣ code x y ∣ → inc x ≡ y
decode' =
decode' x _ λ x → n-Tr-rec hlevel! (ap inc)
: ∀ x y → is-right-inverse (decode' x y) (encode' x y)
rinv = n-Tr-elim _
rinv x (λ y → Π-is-hlevel (2 + n)
(λ c → Path-is-hlevel (2 + n) (is-hlevel-suc (suc n) (code x y .is-tr))))
λ x → n-Tr-elim! _ λ p → ap (subst-path-right _ _ ∙ ∙-idl _)
: ∀ x y → is-left-inverse (decode' x y) (encode' x y)
linv _ = J (λ y p → decode' x y (encode' x y p) ≡ p)
linv x (ap (decode' x (inc x)) (transport-refl (inc refl)) ∙ refl)
: Iso (inc x ≡ inc y) (n-Tr (x ≡ y) (suc n))
isom = encode' _ (inc _)
isom (decode' _ (inc _)) (rinv _ (inc _)) (linv _ (inc _)) , iso
n-Tr-univ: ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'} n
→ is-hlevel B (suc n)
→ (n-Tr A (suc n) → B) ≃ (A → B)
= Iso→Equiv λ where
n-Tr-univ n b-hl .fst f → f ∘ inc
.snd .is-iso.inv f → n-Tr-rec b-hl f
.snd .is-iso.rinv f → refl
.snd .is-iso.linv f → funext $ n-Tr-elim _ (λ x → Path-is-hlevel (suc n) b-hl) λ _ → refl
n-Tr-product: ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'} {n}
→ n-Tr (A × B) (suc n) ≃ (n-Tr A (suc n) × n-Tr B (suc n))
{A = A} {B} {n} = distrib , distrib-is-equiv module n-Tr-product where
n-Tr-product : n-Tr (A × B) (suc n) → n-Tr A (suc n) × n-Tr B (suc n)
distrib (inc (x , y)) = inc x , inc y
distrib (hub r) .fst = hub λ s → distrib (r s) .fst
distrib (hub r) .snd = hub λ s → distrib (r s) .snd
distrib (spokes r x i) .fst = spokes (λ s → distrib (r s) .fst) x i
distrib (spokes r x i) .snd = spokes (λ s → distrib (r s) .snd) x i
: n-Tr A (suc n) → n-Tr B (suc n) → n-Tr (A × B) (suc n)
pair (inc x) (inc y) = inc (x , y)
pair (inc x) (hub r) = hub λ s → pair (inc x) (r s)
pair (inc x) (spokes r y i) = spokes (λ s → pair (inc x) (r s)) y i
(hub r) y = hub λ s → pair (r s) y
pair (spokes r x i) y = spokes (λ s → pair (r s) y) x i
open is-iso
: is-iso distrib
distrib-is-iso .inv (x , y) = pair x y
distrib-is-iso .rinv (x , y) = n-Tr-elim
distrib-is-iso (λ x → ∀ y → distrib (pair x y) ≡ (x , y))
(λ _ → Π-is-hlevel (suc n) λ x → Path-is-hlevel (suc n) (×-is-hlevel (suc n) hlevel! hlevel!))
(λ x → n-Tr-elim _ (λ y → Path-is-hlevel (suc n) (×-is-hlevel (suc n) hlevel! hlevel!)) λ y → refl)
x y.linv = n-Tr-elim! _ λ x → refl
= is-iso→is-equiv distrib-is-iso distrib-is-equiv
Any map can be made basepoint-preserving by letting be based at .↩︎