module Cat.Instances.Shape.Involution where

The walking involution🔗

The walking involution is the category with a single non-trivial morphism i:xxi : x \to x, satisfying ii=idi \circ i = \operatorname{id}_{}. We can encode this by defining morphisms as booleans, and using xor as our composition operation.

∙⤮∙ : Precategory lzero lzero
∙⤮∙ .Precategory.Ob =
∙⤮∙ .Precategory.Hom _ _ = Bool
∙⤮∙ .Precategory.Hom-set _ _ = Bool-is-set
∙⤮∙ = false
∙⤮∙ .Precategory.__ = xor
∙⤮∙ .Precategory.idr f = xor-falser f
∙⤮∙ .Precategory.idl f = refl
∙⤮∙ .Precategory.assoc f g h = xor-associative f g h

open Cat.Reasoning ∙⤮∙

This is the smallest precategory with a non-trivial isomorphism.

Bool≃∙⤮∙-isos : Bool ≃ (tt ≅ tt)
Bool≃∙⤮∙-isos =
  Iso→Equiv (Bool→Iso , iso Iso→Bool right-inv left-inv)
    Bool→Iso : Bool  tt ≅ tt
    Bool→Iso true = make-iso true true refl refl
    Bool→Iso false = id-iso

    Iso→Bool : tt ≅ tt  Bool
    Iso→Bool i = i .to

    right-inv : is-right-inverse Iso→Bool Bool→Iso
    right-inv f =
      Bool-elim  b  b ≡ f .to  Bool→Iso b ≡ f)
        (≅-pathp refl refl)
        (≅-pathp refl refl)
        (f .to) refl

    left-inv : is-left-inverse Iso→Bool Bool→Iso
    left-inv true = refl
    left-inv false = refl

Skeletality and (non)-univalence🔗

As the walking involution only has one object, it is trivially skeletal.

∙⤮∙-skeletal : is-skeletal ∙⤮∙
∙⤮∙-skeletal .to-path _ = refl
∙⤮∙-skeletal .to-path-over _ =
  is-prop→pathp  _  squash) (inc id-iso) _

However, it is not univalent, since its only object has more internal automorphisms than it has loops. By definition, univalence for the walking involution would mean that there are two paths tttt\tt{tt} \equiv \tt{tt} in the unit type: but this contradicts the unit type being a set.

∙⤮∙-not-univalent : ¬ is-category ∙⤮∙
∙⤮∙-not-univalent is-cat = true≠false (Bool-is-prop true false) where

  Bool≃Ob-path : Bool ≃ (tt ≡ tt)
  Bool≃Ob-path = Bool≃∙⤮∙-isos ∙e identity-system-gives-path is-cat

  Bool-is-prop : is-prop Bool
  Bool-is-prop = is-hlevel≃ 1 Bool≃Ob-path hlevel!