module Cat.Instances.Elements {o β s} (C : Precategory o β)
(P : Functor (C ^op) (Sets s)) where
The category of elementsπ
The (contravariant1) category of elements of a presheaf is a means of unpacking the data of the presheaf. Its objects are pairs of an object , and a section .
record Element : Type (o β s) where
constructor elem
: Ob
ob : β£ P.β ob β£
open Element
We can think of this as taking an eraser to the data of . If , then the category of elements of will have three objects in place of the one: , , and . Weβve erased all the boundaries of each of the sets associated with , and are left with a big soup of points.
We do something similar for morphisms, and turn functions into a huge collection of morphisms between points. We do this by defining a morphism to be a morphism in , as well as a proof that This too can be seen as erasing boundaries, just this time with the data associated with a function. Instead of having a bunch of data bundled together that describes the action of on each point of , we have a bunch of tiny bits of data that only describe the action of on a single point.
record Element-hom (x y : Element) : Type (β β s) where
constructor elem-hom
: Hom (x .ob) (y .ob)
hom : P.β hom (y .section) β‘ x .section
open Element-hom
As per usual, we need to prove some helper lemmas that describe the
path space of Element-hom
: {x y : Element} {f g : Element-hom x y} β f .hom β‘ g .hom β f β‘ g
Element-hom-path .hom = p i
Element-hom-path p i {x = x} {y = y} {f = f} {g = g} p i .commute =
Element-hom-path (Ξ» j β P.β (x .ob) .is-tr (P.β (p j) (y .section)) (x .section))
is-propβpathp (f .commute)
(g .commute) i
One interesting fact is that morphisms in induce morphisms in the category of elements for each .
: β {x y} (f : Hom x y) (py : β£ P.β y β£)
induce β Element-hom (elem x (P.β f py)) (elem y py)
_ = elem-hom f refl induce f
Using all this machinery, we can now define the category of elements of !
: Precategory (o β s) (β β s)
β« .Precategory.Ob = Element
β« .Precategory.Hom = Element-hom
β« .Precategory.Hom-set = Element-hom-is-set
β« {x = x} = elem-hom id Ξ» i β P.F-id i (x .section)
β« .Precategory._β_ {x = x} {y = y} {z = z} f g = elem-hom (f .hom β g .hom) comm
β« where
: P.β (f .hom β g .hom) (z .section) β‘ x .section
comm =
comm .β (f .hom β g .hom) (z .section) β‘β¨ happly (P.F-β (g .hom) (f .hom)) (z .section) β©
P.β (g .hom) (P.β (f .hom) (z .section)) β‘β¨ ap (P.Fβ (g .hom)) (f .commute) β©
P.β (g .hom) (y .section) β‘β¨ g .commute β©
P.section β
x .Precategory.idr f = Element-hom-path (idr (f .hom))
β« .Precategory.idl f = Element-hom-path (idl (f .hom))
β« .Precategory.assoc f g h = Element-hom-path (assoc (f .hom) (g .hom) (h .hom)) β«
The category of elements is equipped with a canonical projection functor , which just forgets all of the points and morphism actions.
: Functor β« C
Οβ .Fβ x = x .ob
Οβ .Fβ f = f .hom
Οβ .F-id = refl
Οβ .F-β f g = refl Οβ
This functor makes it clear that we ought to think of the category of elements as something defined over . For instance, if we look at the fibre over each , we get back the set !
there is a separate covariant category of elements for covariant functorsβ©οΈ