module Algebra.Group.Cat.Base where
The category of groupsπ
The category of groups, as the name implies, has its objects the
, with the
morphisms between them the group homomorphisms
open Group-on
open is-group-hom
: β β β Thin-structure β Group-on
Group-structure .is-hom f G G' = el! (is-group-hom G G' f)
Group-structure β
.id-is-hom .pres-β x y = refl
Group-structure β .β-is-hom f g Ξ± Ξ² .pres-β x y =
Group-structure β (Ξ² .pres-β x y) β Ξ± .pres-β _ _
ap f
.id-hom-unique {s = s} {t = t} Ξ± Ξ² i =
Group-structure β record
{ _β_ = Ξ» x y β Ξ± .pres-β x y i
; has-is-group =
(Ξ» i β is-group-is-prop {_*_ = Ξ» x y β Ξ± .pres-β x y i})
is-propβpathp (s .has-is-group)
(t .has-is-group)
: β β β Precategory (lsuc β) β
Groups = Structured-objects (Group-structure β)
Groups β
: β {β} β is-category (Groups β)
Groups-is-category = Structured-objects-is-category (Group-structure _)
: β {β} β is-equational (Group-structure β)
Groups-equational .is-equational.invert-id-hom x .pres-β a b = sym (x .pres-β a b)
module Groups {β} = Cat (Groups β)
: β β β Type (lsuc β)
Group _ = Groups.Ob
: β {β} {A : Type β} β make-group A β Group β
to-group {A = A} mg = el A (mg , (to-group-on mg) to-group
The underlying setπ
The category of groups admits a faithful
functor into the category of
sets, written
which projects out the underlying set of the group. Faithfulness of this
functor says, in more specific words, that equality of group
homomorphisms can be tested by comparing the underlying morphisms of
: Functor (Groups β) (Sets β)
Forget = Forget-structure (Group-structure _)
: is-faithful (Forget {β})
Forget-is-faithful = Structured-hom-path (Group-structure _) Forget-is-faithful