module Order.Heyting where

Heyting algebras🔗

A Heyting algebra is a lattice which is equipped to handle implication: it has a binary operation aba \mathrel{\scriptsize{⇨}} b for which we have an equivalence between (ab)c(a \land b) \le c and a(bc)a \le (b \mathrel{\scriptsize{⇨}} c). Reading this from the perspective of logic, we may interpret the parameter aa as a context, so that our equivalence says we have inference rules

a,bcabc \frac{a, b \vdash c}{a \vdash b \mathrel{\scriptsize{⇨}} c}

abca,bc \frac{a \vdash b \mathrel{\scriptsize{⇨}} c}{a, b \vdash c}

When we enrich our poset of propositions to a category of contexts, the notion of Heyting algebra is generalised to that of Cartesian closed category (with finite coproducts).

record is-heyting-algebra {o ℓ} (P : Poset o ℓ) : Type (o ⊔ ℓ) where
  open Poset P

    has-top    : Top P
    has-bottom : Bottom P

    __      : Ob  Ob  Ob
    ∪-joins  :  x y  is-join P x y (x ∪ y)

    __      : Ob  Ob  Ob
    ∩-meets  :  x y  is-meet P x y (x ∩ y)

    __  : ⌞ P ⌟  ⌞ P ⌟  ⌞ P ⌟
    ƛ    :  {x y z}  x ∩ y ≤ z  x ≤ y ⇨ z
    ev   :  {x y z}  x ≤ y ⇨ z  x ∩ y ≤ z

Elementary properties🔗

The first thing we note about Heyting algebras is that they are distributive lattices. This is because, for an arbitrary PP, we can reduce the problem of showing

x(yz)P, x \cap (y \cup z) \le P \text{,}

by adjointness, to showing

(yz)xP, (y \cup z) \le x \mathrel{\scriptsize{⇨}} P \text{,}

where the universal property of the join is actually applicable — allowing us further reductions to showing showing (yx)P(y \land x) \le P and (zx)P(z \land x) \le P. The following calculation formalises this sketch:

  ∩-∪-distrib≤ :  {x y z}  x ∩ (y ∪ z)(x ∩ y)(x ∩ z)
  ∩-∪-distrib≤ {x} {y} {z} =
      case₁ : y ∩ x ≤ (x ∩ y)(x ∩ z)
      case₁ = ≤-trans (≤-refl' ∩-comm) l≤∪

      case₂ : z ∩ x ≤ (x ∩ y)(x ∩ z)
      case₂ = ≤-trans (≤-refl' ∩-comm) r≤∪

      body : (y ∪ z) ≤ x ⇨ (x ∩ y)(x ∩ z)
      body = ∪-universal _ (ƛ case₁) (ƛ case₂)
    in x ∩ (y ∪ z)    =⟨ ∩-comm ⟩
       (y ∪ z) ∩ x    ≤⟨ ev body ⟩
       x ∩ y ∪ x ∩ z  ≤∎