module Order.Diagram.Meet where


As mentioned before, in the binary case, we refer to glbs as meets: The meet of aa and bb is, if it exists, the greatest element satisfying (a∩b)≀a(a \cap b) \le a and (a∩b)≀b(a \cap b) \le b.

record is-meet (P : Poset o ℓ) (a b glb : ⌞ P ⌟) : Type (o ⊔ ℓ) where
  open Poset P
    meet≀l   : glb ≀ a
    meet≀r   : glb ≀ b
    greatest : (lb' : Ob) → lb' ≀ a → lb' ≀ b → lb' ≀ glb

record Meet (P : Poset o ℓ) (a b : ⌞ P ⌟) : Type (o ⊔ ℓ) where
    glb : ⌞ P ⌟
    has-meet : is-meet P a b glb
  open is-meet has-meet public

open is-meet

Has-meets : Poset o ℓ → Type (o ⊔ ℓ)
Has-meets P = ∀ x y → Meet P x y

A shuffling of terms shows that being a meet is precisely being the greatest lower bound of a family of two elements.

  is-meet→is-glb : ∀ {a b glb} → is-meet P a b glb → is-glb P (if_then a else b) glb
  is-meet→is-glb meet .glb≀fam true = meet .meet≀l
  is-meet→is-glb meet .glb≀fam false = meet .meet≀r
  is-meet→is-glb meet .greatest glb' x = meet .greatest glb' (x true) (x false)

  is-glb→is-meet : ∀ {F : Bool → Ob} {glb} → is-glb P F glb → is-meet P (F true) (F false) glb
  is-glb→is-meet glb .meet≀l = glb .glb≀fam true
  is-glb→is-meet glb .meet≀r = glb .glb≀fam false
  is-glb→is-meet glb .greatest lb' lb'<a lb'<b = glb .greatest lb' λ where
    true  → lb'<a
    false → lb'<b

An important lemma about meets is that, if x≀yx \le y, then the greatest lower bound of xx and yy is just xx:

  le→is-meet : ∀ {a b} → a ≀ b → is-meet P a b a
  le→is-meet a≀b .meet≀l = ≀-refl
  le→is-meet a≀b .meet≀r = a≀b
  le→is-meet a≀b .greatest lb' lb'≀a _ = lb'≀a

  le-meet : ∀ {a b l} → a ≀ b → is-meet P a b l → a ≡ l
  le-meet a≀b l = meet-unique (le→is-meet a≀b) l

As products🔗

When passing from posets to categories, meets become products: coming from the other direction, if a category C\mathcal{C} has each Hom(x,y)\mathbf{Hom}(x,y) a proposition, then products in C\mathcal{C} are simply meets.

  open is-product
  open Product

  is-meet→product : ∀ {a b glb : Ob} → is-meet P a b glb → Product (poset→category P) a b
  is-meet→product glb .apex = _
  is-meet→product glb .π₁ = glb≀l
  is-meet→product glb .π₂ = glb≀r
  is-meet→product glb .has-is-product .⟹_,_⟩ q<a q<b =
    glb .is-meet.greatest _ q<a q<b
  is-meet→product glb .has-is-product .π₁∘factor = prop!
  is-meet→product glb .has-is-product .π₂∘factor = prop!
  is-meet→product glb .has-is-product .unique _ _ _ = prop!