module Cat.Univalent.Rezk where

The Rezk completion🔗

In the same way that we can freely complete a proset into a poset, it is possible to, in a universal way, replace any precategory A\mathcal{A} by a category A^\widehat{\mathcal{A}}, such that there is a weak equivalence (a fully faithful, essentially surjective functor) AA^\mathcal{A} \to \widehat{\mathcal{A}}, such that any map from A\mathcal{A} to a univalent category C\mathcal{C} factors uniquely through A^\widehat{\mathcal{A}}.

The construction is essentially piecing together a handful of pre-existing results: The univalence principle for nn-types implies that Sets is a univalent category, and functor categories with univalent codomain are univalent; The Yoneda lemma implies that any precategory A\mathcal{A} admits a full inclusion into [Aop,Sets][\mathcal{A}^{\mathrm{op}}, \mathbf{Sets}], and full subcategories of univalent categories are univalent — so, like Grothendieck cracking the nut, the sea of theory has risen to the point where our result is trivial:

module Rezk-large (A : Precategory o h) where
  Rezk-completion : Precategory (o ⊔ lsuc h) (o ⊔ h)
  Rezk-completion = Full-inclusion→Full-subcat {F = よ A} (よ-is-fully-faithful A)

  Rezk-completion-is-category : is-category Rezk-completion
  Rezk-completion-is-category =
    Restrict-is-category _  _  squash)
      (Functor-is-category Sets-is-category)

  Complete : Functor A Rezk-completion
  Complete = Ff-domain→Full-subcat {F = よ A} (よ-is-fully-faithful A)

  Complete-is-ff : is-fully-faithful Complete
  Complete-is-ff = is-fully-faithful-domain→Full-subcat
      {F =_} (よ-is-fully-faithful _)

  Complete-is-eso : is-eso Complete
  Complete-is-eso = is-eso-domain→Full-subcat {F =_} (よ-is-fully-faithful _)

However, this construction is a bit disappointing, because we’ve had to pass to a larger universe than the one we started with. If originally we had A\mathcal{A} with objects living in a universe oo and homs in hh, we now have A^\widehat{\mathcal{A}} with objects living in o(1+h)o \sqcup (1 + h).

It’s unavoidable that the objects in A^\widehat{\mathcal{A}} will live in an universe o^\widehat{o} satisfying (oh)o^(o \sqcup h) \le \widehat{o}, since we want their identity type to be equivalent to something living in hh, but going up a level is unfortunate. However, it’s also avoidable!

Since PSh(A)\mathrm{PSh}(\mathcal{A}) is a category, isomorphism is an identity system on its objects, which lives at the level of its morphisms — oho \sqcup h — rather than of its objects, o(1+h)o \sqcup (1 + h). Therefore, using the construction of small images, we may take imA\operatorname*{im}よ_{\mathcal{A}} to be a oho \sqcup h-type!

module _ (A : Precategory o h) where
    PSh[A] = PSh h A
    module PSh[A] = Precategory PSh[A]

    PSh[A]-is-cat : is-category PSh[A]
    PSh[A]-is-cat = Functor-is-category Sets-is-category

    module よim = Replacement PSh[A]-is-cat (よ₀ A)

  Rezk-completion : Precategory (o ⊔ h) (o ⊔ h)
  Rezk-completion .Ob          = よim.Image
  Rezk-completion .Hom x y     = よim.embed x => よim.embed y
  Rezk-completion .Hom-set _ _ = PSh[A].Hom-set _ _
  Rezk-completion .id    = PSh[A].id
  Rezk-completion .__   = PSh[A].__
  Rezk-completion .idr   = PSh[A].idr
  Rezk-completion .idl   = PSh[A].idl
  Rezk-completion .assoc = PSh[A].assoc

Our resized Rezk completion A^\widehat{\mathcal{A}} factors the Yoneda embedding Aよ_\mathcal{A} as a functor

AA^PSh(A) \mathcal{A} \xrightarrow{\sim} \widehat{\mathcal{A}} \hookrightarrow \mathrm{PSh}(\mathcal{A})

where the first functor is a weak equivalence, and the second functor is fully faithful. Let’s first define the functors:

  complete : Functor A Rezk-completion
  complete .F₀   = よ
  complete .F₁   = よ A .F₁
  complete .F-id = よ A .F-id
  complete .F-∘  = よ A .F-∘

  Rezk↪PSh : Functor Rezk-completion (PSh h A)
  Rezk↪PSh .F₀      = よim.embed
  Rezk↪PSh .F₁ f    = f
  Rezk↪PSh .F-id    = refl
  Rezk↪PSh .F-∘ _ _ = refl

From the existence of the second functor, we can piece together pre-existing lemmas about the image and about identity systems in general to show that this resized Rezk completion is also a category: We can pull back the identity system on PSh(A)\mathrm{PSh}(\mathcal{A}) to one on A^\widehat{\mathcal{A}}, since we know of a (type-theoretic) embedding between their types of objects.

That gives us an identity system which is slightly off, that of “PSh(A)\mathrm{PSh}(\mathcal{A})-isomorphisms on the image of the functor A^PSh(A)\widehat{\mathcal{A}} \hookrightarrow \mathrm{PSh}(\mathcal{A})”, but since we know that this functor is fully faithful, that’s equivalent to what we want.

  private module Rezk↪PSh = Ffr Rezk↪PSh id-equiv
    Rezk-completion-is-category : is-category Rezk-completion
    Rezk-completion-is-category =
          (Functor-is-category Sets-is-category)
          (よim.embed , よim.embed-is-embedding))
         x y  Rezk↪PSh.iso-equiv e⁻¹)
        λ x  Cr.≅-pathp Rezk-completion refl refl refl

It remains to show that the functor AA^\mathcal{A} \to \widehat{\mathcal{A}} is a weak equivalence. It’s fully faithful because the Yoneda embedding is, and it’s essentially surjective because it’s literally surjective-on-objects.

  complete-is-ff : is-fully-faithful complete
  complete-is-ff = よ-is-fully-faithful A

  complete-is-eso : is-eso complete
  complete-is-eso x = do
    t ← よ x
    pure (t .fst , path→iso (t .snd))