module Algebra.Ring.Module.Action where

Modules as actions🔗

While the record Module-on expresses the possible RR-module structures on a type TT, including the scalar multiplication and the addition making TT into an abelian group, it’s sometimes fruitful to consider the RR-module structures on an abelian group GG, which is then regarded as an indivisible unit.

The difference is in the quantification: the latter perspective, developed in this module, allows us to “fix” the addition, and let only the scalar multiplication vary. The ordinary definition of RR-module, which is consistent with our other algebraic structures, only allows us to vary the underlying type (and the base ring).

  record Ring-action {ℓg} {T : Type ℓg} (G : Abelian-group-on T) : Type (ℓ ⊔ ℓg) where
    instance _ = G
      __        : ⌞ R ⌟  T  T
      ⋆-distribl :  r x y  r ⋆ (x + y)(r ⋆ x) + (r ⋆ y)
      ⋆-distribr :  r s x  (r R.+ s) ⋆ x ≡ (r ⋆ x) + (s ⋆ x)
      ⋆-assoc    :  r s x  r ⋆ (s ⋆ x)(r R.* s) ⋆ x
      ⋆-id       :  x      R.1r ⋆ x      ≡ x

We refer to an “RR-module structure on an abelian group GG” as a ring action of RR on GG, for short. The definition is unsurprising: we bundle the scalar multiplication together with the proofs that this is, indeed, an RR-module structure.

The reason for allowing the extra dimension in quantification is the following theorem: There is an equivalence between actions of RR on GG and ring morphisms R[G,G]R \to [G,G] into the endomorphism ring of GG.

    : (G : Abelian-group ℓ)
     Ring-action (G .snd)  Rings.Hom R (Endo Ab-ab-category G)

    : (G : Abelian-group ℓ)
     Rings.Hom R (Endo Ab-ab-category G)  Ring-action (G .snd)
  Hom→Action G rhom .Ring-action.__ x y = rhom # x # y
  Hom→Action G rhom .Ring-action.⋆-distribl r x y = (rhom # r) .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ _ _
  Hom→Action G rhom .Ring-action.⋆-distribr r s x = rhom .preserves .is-ring-hom.pres-+ r s #ₚ x
  Hom→Action G rhom .Ring-action.⋆-assoc r s x    = sym (rhom .preserves .is-ring-hom.pres-* r s #ₚ x)
  Hom→Action G rhom .Ring-action.⋆-id x           = rhom .preserves .is-ring-hom.pres-id #ₚ x

  Action→Hom G act .hom r .hom = act .Ring-action.__ r
  Action→Hom G act .hom r .preserves .is-group-hom.pres-⋆ x y = act .Ring-action.⋆-distribl r x y
  Action→Hom G act .preserves .is-ring-hom.pres-id    = Homomorphism-path λ i  act .Ring-action.⋆-id _
  Action→Hom G act .preserves .is-ring-hom.pres-+ x y = Homomorphism-path λ i  act .Ring-action.⋆-distribr _ _ _
  Action→Hom G act .preserves .is-ring-hom.pres-* r s = Homomorphism-path λ x  sym (act .Ring-action.⋆-assoc _ _ _)

    : (G : Abelian-group ℓ)
     Ring-action (G .snd) ≃ Rings.Hom R (Endo Ab-ab-category G)
  Action≃Hom G = Iso→Equiv $ Action→Hom G , iso (Hom→Action G)
     x  trivial!)
     x  refl)