Cat{xo xℓ yo yℓ zo zℓ}
{X : Precategory xo xℓ} {Y : Precategory yo yℓ} {Z : Precategory zo zℓ}
(F : Functor Y X) (G : Functor Z X)
(xuniv : is-category X)
(yuniv : is-category Y)
(zuniv : is-category Z)
Comma categories preserve univalence🔗
Theorem. Let be a cospan of functors between three univalent categories. Then the comma category is also univalent.
It suffices to establish that, given an isomorphism in , one gets an identification , over which is the identity map. Since and are both univalent categories, we get (from the components , of ) identifications and .
: is-category (F ↓ G)
Comma-is-category = record { to-path = objs ; to-path-over = maps } where
Comma-is-category module _ {ob ob'} (isom : F↓G.Isomorphism ob ob') where
module isom = F↓G._≅_ isom
: ob .x Y.≅ ob' .x
x-is-x : ob .y Z.≅ ob' .y
= Y.make-iso ( .α) (isom.from .α) (ap α isom.invl) (ap α isom.invr)
x-is-x = Z.make-iso ( .β) (isom.from .β) (ap β isom.invl) (ap β isom.invr) y-is-y
Observe that, over
the map components
are equal (we say “equal” rather than “identified” because Hom-sets are
sets). This follows by standard abstract nonsense: in particular,
functors between univalent categories respect isomorphisms in a strong
sense (F-map-path
This lets us reduce statements about and ’s object-part action on paths to statements about their morphism parts , on the components of the isomorphisms and . But then we have
so over these isomorphisms the map parts become equal, thus establishing an identification .
: ob ≡ ob'
objs .x = yuniv .to-path x-is-x i
objs i .y = zuniv .to-path y-is-y i
objs i .map = lemma' i where
objs i : PathP (λ i → X.Hom (F.₀ (objs i .x)) (G.₀ (objs i .y)))
lemma' (ob .map) (ob' .map)
= transport
lemma' (λ i → PathP (λ j → X.Hom (F-map-path yuniv xuniv F x-is-x (~ i) j)
(F-map-path zuniv xuniv G y-is-y (~ i) j))
(ob .map) (ob' .map)) $
.Hom-pathp-iso xuniv $
Univalent.pulll (sym ( .sq)) ∙
X.cancelr (F.annihilate (ap α isom.invl)) X
It still remains to show that, over this identification, the isomorphism is equal to the identity function. But this is simply a matter of pushing the identifications down to reach the “leaf” morphisms.
: PathP (λ i → ob F↓G.≅ objs i) _ isom
maps = F↓G.≅-pathp _ _
maps (↓Hom-pathp _ _ (Univalent.Hom-pathp-reflr-iso yuniv (Y.idr _))
(Univalent.Hom-pathp-reflr-iso zuniv (Z.idr _)))