module Cat.Abelian.Endo {o β} {C : Precategory o β} (A : Ab-category C) where
Endomorphism ringsπ
Fix an -category : It can be the category of abelian groups itself, for example, or -Mod for your favourite ring1. Because composition in distributes over addition, the collection of endomorphisms of any particular object is not only a monoid, but a ring: the endomorphism ring of .
: A.Ob β Ring β
Endo = to-ring mr where
Endo x open make-ring
: make-ring (A.Hom x x)
mr .ring-is-set = A.Hom-set x x
mr .0R = A.0m
mr .1R =
mr .make-ring._+_ = A._+_
mr .make-ring.-_ = A.Hom.inverse
mr .make-ring._*_ = A._β_
mr .+-idl = A.Hom.idl
mr .+-invr = A.Hom.inverser
mr .+-assoc = A.Hom.associative
mr .+-comm = A.Hom.commutes
mr .*-idl = A.idl _
mr .*-idr = A.idr _
mr .*-assoc = A.assoc _ _ _
mr .*-distribl = sym (A.β-linear-r _ _ _)
mr .*-distribr = sym (A.β-linear-l _ _ _) mr
This is a fantastic source of non-commutative rings, and indeed the justification for allowing them at all. Even for the relatively simple case of , it is an open problem to characterise the abelian groups with commutative endomorphism rings.
We tacitly assume the reader has a favourite ring.β©οΈ