module Algebra.Ring.Cat.Initial {} where

The initial ring🔗

We have, in the introduction to rings, mentioned offhand that the ring Z\mathbb{Z} is an initial object. This turns out to be a fairly nontrivial theorem to formalise, so we have decided to do so in this module. For starters, note that the ring Z\mathbb{Z} is an object of the category of “rings in the zeroth universe”, whereas we would like any category of κ\kappa-compact rings to have its own initial object. So, the first thing we must do is define a lifting of Z\mathbb{Z} to larger universes:

Liftℤ : Ring ℓ
Liftℤ = to-ring mr where
  open make-ring
  mr : make-ring (Lift ℓ Int)
  mr .ring-is-set = hlevel 2
  mr .1R = lift 1
  mr .0R = lift 0
  mr .-_  (lift x)          = lift (negate x)
  mr ._+_ (lift x) (lift y) = lift (x +ℤ y)
  mr ._*_ (lift x) (lift y) = lift (x *ℤ y)

With that set up out of the way, we can now proceed to the actual theorem we’re interested in: For a ring RR, there is a contractible space of homomorphisms ZR\mathbb{Z} \to R. The definition of this construction is fairly involved, as algebra tends to be, so let’s see it in parts: The first thing we must do is write a procedure to turn natural numbers into elements of RR. There’s really only one choice1, so here it is:

Int-is-initial : is-initial (Rings ℓ) Liftℤ
Int-is-initial R = contr z→r λ x  Homomorphism-path λ { (lift i)  lemma x i }
  module R = Ring-on (R .snd)

Note that we treat 1 with care: we could have this map 1 to 1r + 0r, but this results in worse definitional behaviour when actually using the embedding. This will result in a bit more work right now, but is work worth doing.

  e : Nat  ⌞ R ⌟
  e zero          = R.0r
  e (suc zero)    = R.1r
  e (suc (suc x)) = R.1r R.+ e (suc x)

Zero gets sent to zero, and “adding one” gets sent to adding one. Is anyone surprised? I know I’m not. Anyway, this operation is a semiring homomorphism from the natural numbers to RR, i.e., it sends sums of naturals to sums in RR, and products of naturals to products in RR. We’ll need this later.

  e-suc :  n  e (suc n) ≡ R.1r R.+ e n
  e-add :  m n  e (m Nat.+ n) ≡ e m R.+ e n
  e-mul :  m n  e (m Nat.* n) ≡ e m R.* e n

The last thing we need is a little lemma that will be used in showing that our embedding e:NRe : \mathbb{N} \hookrightarrow R extends to a function f:ZRf : \mathbb{Z} \to R: We want to define ff by sending [ab][a - b] to e(a)e(b)e(a) - e(b), meaning that ee must respect the path constructor used in the definition of integers, i.e. we need e(m)e(n)=e(1+m)e(1+n)e(m) - e(n) = e(1 + m) - e(1 + n). This is annoying to show, but not too annoying:

  e-tr :  m n  e m R.- e n ≡ e (suc m) R.- e (suc n)
  e-tr m n = sym $
    (e (suc m) R.- e (suc n))                   ≡⟨ ap₂ R._-_ (e-suc m) (e-suc n)
    (R.1r R.+ e m) R.- (R.1r R.+ e n)           ≡⟨ ap₂ R._+_ refl (R.a.inv-comm ∙ R.+-commutes) ∙ R.+-associative ⟩
    R.1r R.+ e m R.+ (R.- R.1r) R.+ (R.- e n)   ≡⟨ ap₂ R._+_ (R.pullr R.+-commutes ∙ R.pulll refl) refl ⟩
    R.1r R.+ (R.- R.1r) R.+ e m R.+ (R.- e n)   ≡⟨ ap₂ R._+_ (R.eliml R.+-invr) refl ⟩
    e m R.- e n                                 ∎

We can now build the embedding ZR\mathbb{Z} \hookrightarrow R. It remains to show that this is a ring homomorphism… which involves a mountain of annoying algebra, so I won’t comment on it too much: it can be worked out on paper, following the ring laws.

Note that we special case diff x 0 here for better definitional behaviour of the embedding.

  ℤ↪R : Int  ⌞ R ⌟
  ℤ↪R (diff x zero)          = e x
  ℤ↪R (diff x (suc y))       = e x R.- e (suc y)
  ℤ↪R (Int.quot m zero i)    = along i $
    e m                     ≡⟨ R.intror R.+-invr ⟩
    e m R.+ (R.1r R.- R.1r) ≡⟨ R.+-associative ⟩
    (e m R.+ R.1r) R.- R.1r ≡⟨ ap (R._- R.1r) R.+-commutes ⟩
    (R.1r R.+ e m) R.- R.1r ≡˘⟨ ap (R._- R.1r) (e-suc m)
    e (suc m) R.- R.1r      ∎
  ℤ↪R (Int.quot m (suc n) i) = e-tr m (suc n) i

  open is-ring-hom

  ℤ↪R-diff :  m n  ℤ↪R (diff m n) ≡ e m R.- e n
  ℤ↪R-diff m zero = R.intror R.inv-unit
  ℤ↪R-diff m (suc n) = refl

  z→r : Rings.Hom Liftℤ R
  z→r .hom (lift x) = ℤ↪R x

The last thing we must show is that this is the unique ring homomorphism from the integers to RR. This, again, is slightly indirect: We know for a fact that, if we have some other homomorphism f:ZRf : \mathbb{Z} \to R, then it must enjoy f(1)=1f(1) = 1, just as our chosen embedding does. Now, no matter how trivial this coming observation may seem, do not brush it aside: The integer nn is the sum of nn copies of the number 1. This is actually precisely what we need to establish the result! That’s because we have

f(n)=f(1++1)=f(1)++f(1)=1++1, f(n) = f(1 + \cdots + 1) = f(1) + \cdots + f(1) = 1 + \cdots + 1\text{,}

and that last expression is pretty exactly what our canonical map evaluates to on nn. So we’re done!

  lemma :  (f : Rings.Hom Liftℤ R) i  z→r # lift i ≡ f # lift i
  lemma f =
    Int-elim-prop  _  hlevel 1) λ a b  sym $
      f # lift (diff a b)                         ≡⟨ ap (f #_) (ap lift (p a b))
      f # lift (diff a 0 +ℤ diff 0 b)             ≡⟨ f .preserves .pres-+ (lift (diff a 0)) (lift (diff 0 b))
      f # lift (diff a 0) R.+ f # lift (diff 0 b) ≡⟨ ap₂ R._+_ (q a) (is-group-hom.pres-inv gh {x = lift (diff b 0)} ∙ ap R.-_ (q b))
      (e a) R.+ (R.- e b)                         ≡˘⟨ ℤ↪R-diff a b ⟩
      z→r # lift (diff a b)
      p :  a b  diff a b ≡ diff a 0 +ℤ diff 0 b
      p a b = ap  e  diff e b) (sym (Nat.+-zeror a))

      gh : is-group-hom
            (Ring-on.additive-group (Liftℤ .snd) .snd)
            (Ring-on.additive-group (R .snd) .snd)
      gh = record { pres-⋆ = f .preserves .pres-+ }

      q :  a  f # lift (diff a 0) ≡ e a
      q zero = is-group-hom.pres-id gh
      q (suc n) =
        f # lift (diff (suc n) 0)          ≡⟨ f .preserves .pres-+ (lift (diff 1 0)) (lift (diff n 0))
        f # lift 1 R.+ f # lift (diff n 0) ≡⟨ ap₂ R._+_ (f .preserves .pres-id) (q n)
        R.1r R.+ (e n)                     ≡˘⟨ e-suc n ⟩
        e (suc n)

Abelian groups as Z-modules🔗

A fun consequence of Z\mathbb{Z} being the initial ring is that every abelian group admits a unique Z\mathbb{Z}-module structure. This is, if you ask me, rather amazing! The correspondence is as follows: Because of the delooping-endomorphism ring adjunction, we have a correspondence between “RR-module structures on G” and “ring homomorphisms REndo(G)R \to \mathrm{Endo}(G)” — and since the latter is contractible, so is the former!

ℤ-module-unique :  (G : Abelian-group ℓ)  is-contr (Ring-action Liftℤ (G .snd))
ℤ-module-unique G = is-hlevel≃ 0 (Action≃Hom Liftℤ G) (Int-is-initial _)

  1. though the fact that there’s only one choice is sorta the theorem we are trying to prove…↩︎