module Data.Int where


The integers are what you get when you complete the additive monoid structure on the naturals into a group. In non-cubical Agda, a representation of the integers as a coproduct NN\mathbb{N} \coprod \mathbb{N} with one of the factors offset (to avoid having two zeroes) is adopted. In Cubical Agda we can adopt a representation much closer to a “classical” construction of the integers:

data Int : Type where
  diff : (x y : Nat)  Int
  quot : (m n : Nat)  diff m n ≡ diff (suc m) (suc n)

This is an alternative representation of the construction of integers as pairs (x,y) ⁣:N2(x , y)\colon \mathbb{N}^2 where (a,b)=(c,d)(a,b) = (c, d) iff a+d=b+ca + d = b + c: An integer is an equivalence class of pairs of naturals, where (a,b)(a, b) is identified with (1+a,1+b)(1 + a, 1 + b), or, more type-theoretically, the integers are generated by the constructor diff which embeds a pair of naturals, and the path constructor quot which expresses that (a,b)(a, b) = (1+a,1+b)(1 + a, 1 + b).

This single generating path is enough to recover the “classical” quotient, which we do in steps. First, we… prove that that nnn - n is 00:

zeroes : (n : Nat)  diff 0 0 ≡ diff n n
zeroes zero = refl
zeroes (suc n) = zeroes n ∙ quot _ _

Additionally, offsetting a difference by a fixed natural, as long as it’s done on both sides of the difference, does not change which integer is being represented: That is, considering all three naturals as integers, (ab)=(n+a)(n+b)(a - b) = (n + a) - (n + b).

cancel : (a b n : Nat)  diff a b ≡ diff (n + a) (n + b)
cancel a b zero = refl
cancel a b (suc n) = cancel a b n ∙ quot _ _

As a final pair of helper lemmas, we find that if nn and kk differ by an absolute value of bb, then the values nkn - k and bb are the same (as long as we fix the sign — hence the two lemmas). The generic situation of “differing by bb” is captured by fixing a natural number aa and adding bb, because we have (a+b)a=b(a + b) - a = b and a(a+b)=ba - (a + b) = -b.

offset-negative : (a b : Nat)  diff a (a + b) ≡ diff 0 b
offset-negative zero b = refl
offset-negative (suc a) b =
  diff (suc a) (suc (a + b)) ≡⟨ sym (quot _ _)
  diff a (a + b)             ≡⟨ offset-negative a b ⟩
  diff 0 b                   ∎

offset-positive : (a b : Nat)  diff (a + b) a ≡ diff b 0
offset-positive zero b = refl
offset-positive (suc a) b =
  diff (suc (a + b)) (suc a) ≡⟨ sym (quot _ _)
  diff (a + b) a             ≡⟨ offset-positive a b ⟩
  diff b 0

Those two are the last two lemmas we need to prove the “if” direction of “naturals are identified in the quotient iff they represent the same difference”: the construction same-difference below packages everything together with a bow on the top.

  same-difference : {a b c d : Nat}  a + d ≡ b + c  diff a b ≡ diff c d
  same-difference {zero} {b} {c} {d} path = sym $
    diff c ⌜ d ⌝     ≡⟨ ap! path ⟩
    diff c ⌜ b + c ⌝ ≡⟨ ap! (+-commutative b c)
    diff c (c + b)   ≡⟨ offset-negative _ _
    diff 0 b         ∎
  same-difference {suc a} {zero} {c} {d} path =
    sym ( diff ⌜ c ⌝ d         ≡⟨ ap! (sym path)
          diff ⌜ suc a + d ⌝ d ≡⟨ ap! (+-commutative (suc a) d)
          diff (d + suc a) d   ≡⟨ offset-positive _ _
          diff (suc a) 0
  same-difference {suc a} {suc b} {c} {d} path =
    diff (suc a) (suc b) ≡˘⟨ quot _ _
    diff a b             ≡⟨ same-difference (suc-inj path)
    diff c d             ∎

In the other direction, we must be clever: we use path induction, defining a type family Codea,b(x)\mathrm{Code}_{a,b}(x) such that the fibre of Codea,b\mathrm{Code}_{a,b} over (c,d)(c, d) is a+d=b+ca + d = b + c. We can then use path induction to construct the map inverse to same-difference. On the way, the first thing we establish is a pair of observations about equalities on the natural numbers: a+n=b+ma + n = b + m and a+1+n=b+1+ma + 1 + n = b + 1 + m are equivalent conditions. This can be seen by commutativity and injectivity of the successor function, but below we prove it using equational reasoning, without appealing to commutativity.

module ℤ-Path where
    variable a b m n c d : Nat
  encode-p-from : (a + n ≡ b + m)  (a + suc n ≡ b + suc m)
  encode-p-from {a = a} {n} {b} {m} p =
    a + suc n   ≡⟨ +-sucr a n ⟩
    suc (a + n) ≡⟨ ap suc p ⟩
    suc (b + m) ≡˘⟨ +-sucr b m ⟩
    b + suc m   ∎

  encode-p-to : (a + suc n ≡ b + suc m)  (a + n ≡ b + m)
  encode-p-to {a} {n} {b} {m} p = suc-inj (sym (+-sucr a n) ∙ p ∙ +-sucr b m)

We then define, fixing two natural numbers a,ba, b, the family Codea,b(x)\mathrm{Code}_{a,b}(x) by recursion on the integer xx. Recall that we want the fibre over diff(c,d)\mathrm{diff}(c, d) to be a+d=b+ca + d = b + c, so that’s our pick. Now, the quot path constructor mandates that the fibre over (c,d)(c, d) be the same as that over (1+c,1+d)(1 + c, 1 + d) — but this follows by propositional extensionality and the pair of observations above.

  Code :  (a b : Nat) (x : Int)  Type
  Code a b (diff c d) = a + d ≡ b + c
  Code a b (quot m n i) = path i where
    path : (a + n ≡ b + m)(a + suc n ≡ b + suc m)
    path = ua (prop-ext (Nat-is-set _ _) (Nat-is-set _ _) encode-p-from encode-p-to)

Hence, if we have a path diff(a,b)=x\mathrm{diff}(a, b) = x, we can apply path induction, whence it suffices to consider the case where xx is literally_ the difference of aa and bb. To lift this into our Code fibration, we must show that a+b=b+aa + b = b + a, but this is exactly commutativity of addition on N\mathbb{N}.

  encode :  (a b : Nat) (x : Int)  diff a b ≡ x  Code a b x
  encode a b x = J  x p  Code a b x) (+-commutative a b)

As a finishing touch, we give Int instances for Number and Negative, meaning that we can use positive and negative integer literals to denote values of Int.

  Number-Int : Number Int
  Number-Int .Number.Constraint _ =
  Number-Int .Number.fromNat n = diff n 0

  Negative-Int : Negative Int
  Negative-Int .Negative.Constraint _ =
  Negative-Int .Negative.fromNeg n = diff 0 n

Canonical representatives🔗

Initially, we note that the type of integers admits a surjection from the type NN\mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}, given by sending each pair of naturals to their difference.

  difference-surjection :  x  ∃[ (a , b) ∈ Nat × Nat ] (diff a b ≡ x)
  difference-surjection (diff x y) = inc ((x , y) , refl)
  difference-surjection (quot m n i) =
       i _.squash {A = Σ[ (a , b) ∈ Nat × Nat ] (diff a b ≡ quot m n i)})
      (inc ((m , n) , refl))
      (inc ((suc m , suc n) , refl))

What we’ll show is that this surjection actually splits: Given an integer, we can find out what natural numbers it came from. Well, not quite: We can find a reduced representation of that difference. Namely, suppose we’re given the integer aba-b. We split by cases:

  • If a<ba < b, then this is the same integer as 0(ba)0 - (b - a);
  • If a>ba > b, then this is the same integer as (ab)0(a - b) - 0;
  • If a=ba = b, then this is the same integer as 000 - 0.

A “canonical form” for an integer is a pair of natural numbers that represent (under diff) the same integer we started with. The canonicalisation procedure does the split we described above, appealing to a battery of three lemmas to prove the equality.

Canonical : Int  Type
Canonical n = Σ[ x ∈ Nat ] Σ[ y ∈ Nat ] (diff x y ≡ n)

canonicalise : (n : Int)  Canonical n
canonicalise = go where
  lemma₁ :  x y  .(x < y)  diff 0 (y - x) ≡ diff x y
  lemma₂ :  x y  .(y < x)  diff (x - y) 0 ≡ diff x y
  lemma₃ :  x y  .(x ≡ y)  diff 0 0       ≡ diff x y

  work :  x y  Canonical (diff x y)
  work x y with ≤-split x y
  ... | inl p       = 0     , y - x , lemma₁ x y p
  ... | inr (inl p) = x - y , 0     , lemma₂ x y p
  ... | inr (inr p) = 0     , 0     , lemma₃ x y p

It remains to show that the procedure work respects the quotient. This is a truly gargantuan amount of work, and so it’s omitted from this page. You can unfold it below if you dare:

No, really, it’s quite ugly.
  -- I commend your bravery in unfolding this <details>! These three
  -- lemmas are inductively defined on the natural numbers in a way that
  -- lets us prove that the paths they return respect the Int quotient
  -- without using that Int is a set (because we don't know that yet!)

  lemma₁ zero    (suc y) p = refl
  lemma₁ (suc x) (suc y) p = lemma₁ x y (≤-peel p) ∙ Int.quot x y

  lemma₂ (suc x) zero    p = refl
  lemma₂ (suc x) (suc y) p = lemma₂ x y (≤-peel p) ∙ Int.quot x y

  lemma₃ zero zero p       = refl
  lemma₃ zero (suc y) p    = absurd (zero≠suc p)
  lemma₃ (suc x) zero p    = absurd (suc≠zero p)
  lemma₃ (suc x) (suc y) p = lemma₃ x y (suc-inj p) ∙ Int.quot x y

      :  x y  PathP  i  Canonical (Int.quot x y i))
        (work x y) (work (suc x) (suc y))
    -- We split on (x, y) but also (1+x,1+y). This is obviously
    -- redundant to a human, but to Agda, we must do this: there is no
    -- link between these two splits.

    work-respects-quot x y with ≤-split x y | ≤-split (suc x) (suc y)
    ... | inl x<y | inl (s≤s x<y') = Σ-pathp refl $ Σ-pathp refl $
      commutes→square (∙-idl _)
    ... | inr (inl x>y) | inr (inl (s≤s x>y')) = Σ-pathp refl $ Σ-pathp refl $
      commutes→square (∙-idl _)
    ... | inr (inr x≡y) | inr (inr x≡y') = Σ-pathp refl $ Σ-pathp refl $
      commutes→square (∙-idl _)

    -- This *barrage* of cases is to handle the cases where e.g. (x < y)
    -- but (1 + x > 1 + y), which is "obviously" impossible. But Agda
    -- doesn't care about what humans think is obvious.
    ... | inl x<y | inr (inl (s≤s x>y))       = absurd (<-asym x<y x>y)
    ... | inl x<y | inr (inr x≡y)             = absurd (<-not-equal x<y (suc-inj x≡y))
    ... | inr (inl x>y) | inl (s≤s x<y)       = absurd (<-asym x>y x<y)
    ... | inr (inr x≡y) | inl (s≤s x<y)       = absurd (<-not-equal x<y x≡y)
    ... | inr (inl x>y) | inr (inr x≡y)       = absurd (<-not-equal x>y (sym (suc-inj x≡y)))
    ... | inr (inr x≡y) | inr (inl (s≤s x>y)) = absurd (<-irrefl (sym x≡y) x>y)

  go :  n  Canonical n
  go (diff x y) = work x y
  go (Int.quot x y i) = work-respects-quot x y i

This immediately implies that the type of integers is a set, because it’s a retract of a set — namely N×N\mathbb{N} \times \mathbb{N}!

instance abstract
  H-Level-Int :  {n}  H-Level Int (2 + n)
  H-Level-Int = basic-instance 2 (retract→is-hlevel 2 into from linv (hlevel 2)) where
    into : (Nat × Nat)  Int
    into (x , y) = diff x y

    from : Int  Nat × Nat
    from x with canonicalise x
    ... | a , b , p = a , b

    linv :  x  into (from x) ≡ x
    linv x with canonicalise x
    ... | a , b , p = p


If we want to define a map f:ZXf : \mathbb{Z} \to X, it suffices to give a function f:N2Xf : \mathbb{N}^2 \to X which respects the quotient, in the following sense:

Int-rec :  {} {X : Type ℓ}
         (f : Nat  Nat  X)
         (q : (a b : _)  f a b ≡ f (suc a) (suc b))
         Int  X
Int-rec f q (diff x y) = f x y
Int-rec f q (quot m n i) = q m n i

However, since XX can be a more general space, not necessarily a set, defining a binary operation f:Z2Xf' : \mathbb{Z}^2 \to X can be quite involved! It doesn’t suffice to exhibit a function from N4\mathbb{N}^4 which respects the quotient separately in each argument:

Int-rec₂ :  {} {B : Type ℓ}
          (f : Nat × Nat  Nat × Nat  B)
          (pl     : (a b x y : _)  f (a , b) (x , y) ≡ f (suc a , suc b) (x , y))
          (pr     : (a b x y : _)  f (a , b) (x , y) ≡ f (a , b) (suc x , suc y))

In addition, we must have that these two paths pl and pr are coherent. There are two ways of obtaining an equality f(a,b,x,y)=f(Sa,Sb,Sx,Sy)f(a, b, x, y) = f(\mathrm{S}a,\mathrm{S}b,\mathrm{S}x,\mathrm{S}y) (pl after pr and pr after pl, respectively) and these must be homotopic:

          (square : (a b x y : _) 
              Square (pl a b x y) (pr a b x y)
                     (pr (suc a) (suc b) x y)
                     (pl a b (suc x) (suc y)))
          Int  Int  B

The type of square says that we need the following square of paths to commute, which says exactly that pl ∙ pr and pr ∙ pl are homotopic and imposes no further structure on XX1:

Int-rec₂ f p-l p-r sq (diff a b) (diff x y)     = f (a , b) (x , y)
Int-rec₂ f p-l p-r sq (diff a b) (quot x y i)   = p-r a b x y i
Int-rec₂ f p-l p-r sq (quot a b i) (diff x y)   = p-l a b x y i
Int-rec₂ f p-l p-r sq (quot a b i) (quot x y j) = sq a b x y i j

However, when the type XX we are mapping into is a set, as is the case for the integers themselves, the square is automatically satisfied, so we can give a simplified recursion principle:

Int-rec₂-set :
   {} {B : Type ℓ} ⦃ iss-b : H-Level B 2
   (f : Nat × Nat  Nat × Nat  B)
   (pl     : (a b x y : _)  f (a , b) (x , y) ≡ f (suc a , suc b) (x , y))
   (pr     : (a b x y : _)  f (a , b) (x , y) ≡ f (a , b) (suc x , suc y))
   Int  Int  B
Int-rec₂-set ⦃ iss-b ⦄ f pl pr = Int-rec₂ f pl pr square where abstract
    : (a b x y : Nat)
     PathP  i  pl a b x y i ≡ pl a b (suc x) (suc y) i)
            (pr a b x y) (pr (suc a) (suc b) x y)
  square a b x y = is-set→squarep  i j  hlevel 2) _ _ _ _

Furthermore, when proving propositions of the integers, the quotient is automatically respected, so it suffices to give the case for diff:

Int-elim-prop :  {} {P : Int  Type ℓ}
               ((x : Int)  is-prop (P x))
               (f : (a b : Nat)  P (diff a b))
               (x : Int)  P x
Int-elim-prop pprop f (diff a b) = f a b
Int-elim-prop pprop f (quot m n i) =
  is-prop→pathp  i  pprop (quot m n i)) (f m n) (f (suc m) (suc n)) i
There are also variants for binary and ternary predicates.
Int-elim₂-prop :  {} {P : Int  Int  Type ℓ}
                ((x y : Int)  is-prop (P x y))
                (f : (a b x y : Nat)  P (diff a b) (diff x y))
                (x : Int) (y : Int)  P x y
Int-elim₂-prop pprop f =
  Int-elim-prop  x  Π-is-hlevel 1 (pprop x))
    λ a b int  Int-elim-prop  x  pprop (diff a b) x) (f a b) int

Int-elim₃-prop :  {} {P : Int  Int  Int  Type ℓ}
                ((x y z : Int)  is-prop (P x y z))
                (f : (a b c d e f : Nat)  P (diff a b) (diff c d) (diff e f))
                (x : Int) (y : Int) (z : Int)  P x y z
Int-elim₃-prop pprop f =
  Int-elim₂-prop  x y  Π-is-hlevel 1 (pprop x y))
    λ a b c d int  Int-elim-prop  x  pprop (diff a b) (diff c d) x)
                                  (f a b c d)

A third possibility for elimination is granted to us by the canonicalisation procedure: By canonicalising and looking at the resulting minuend and subtrahend2, we can split on an integer based on its sign:

  :  {} (P : Int  Type ℓ)
   (pos :  x  P (diff x 0))
   (neg :  x  P (diff 0 x))
   P (diff 0 0)
    x  P x
Int-elim-by-sign P pos neg zer x with inspect (canonicalise x)
... | (zero  , zero  , p) , q = subst P p zer
... | (zero  , suc b , p) , q = subst P p (neg (suc b))
... | (suc a , zero  , p) , q = subst P p (pos (suc a))
... | (suc a , suc b , p) , q =
  absurd (canonicalise-not-both-suc x (ap fst q) (ap (fst ∘ snd) q))

This procedure is useful, for instance, for computing absolute values:

abs : Int  Nat
abs x with by-sign x
... | posv z = z
... | negv z = suc z

_ : abs -10 ≡ 10
_ = refl


With these recursion and elimination helpers, it becomes routine to lift the algebraic operations from naturals to integers:


The simplest “algebraic operation” on an integer is taking its successor. In fact, the integers are characterised by being the free type with an equivalence - that equivalence being “successor”.

sucℤ : Int  Int
sucℤ (diff x y)   = diff (suc x) y
sucℤ (quot m n i) = quot (suc m) n i

predℤ : Int  Int
predℤ (diff x y)   = diff x (suc y)
predℤ (quot m n i) = quot m (suc n) i

The successor of (a,b)(a, b) is (1+a,b)(1 + a, b). Similarly, the predecessor of (a,b)(a, b) is (a,1+b)(a, 1 + b). By the generating equality quot, we have that predecessor and successor are inverses, since applying both (in either order) takes (a,b)(a, b) to (1+a,1+b)(1 + a, 1 + b).

pred-sucℤ : (x : Int)  predℤ (sucℤ x) ≡ x
pred-sucℤ (diff x y)     = sym (quot x y)
pred-sucℤ (quot m n i) j = quot-diamond m n i (~ j)

suc-predℤ : (x : Int)  sucℤ (predℤ x) ≡ x
suc-predℤ (diff x y)     = sym (quot x y)
suc-predℤ (quot m n i) j = quot-diamond m n i (~ j)

sucℤ-is-equiv : is-equiv sucℤ
sucℤ-is-equiv = is-iso→is-equiv (iso predℤ suc-predℤ pred-sucℤ)

predℤ-is-equiv : is-equiv predℤ
predℤ-is-equiv = is-iso→is-equiv (iso sucℤ pred-sucℤ suc-predℤ)


_+ℤ_ : Int  Int  Int
diff a b +ℤ diff c d = diff (a + c) (b + d)
diff x y +ℤ quot m n i =
  (quot (x + m) (y + n) ∙ sym (ap₂ diff (+-sucr x m) (+-sucr y n))) i
quot m n i +ℤ diff x y = quot (m + x) (n + y) i
quot m n i +ℤ quot m' n' j =
  is-set→squarep  i j  hlevel 2)
     j  quot (m + m') (n + n') j)
    (quot (m + m') (n + n') ∙ sym (ap₂ diff (+-sucr m m') (+-sucr n n')))
    ( quot (suc (m + m')) (suc (n + n'))
    ∙ sym (ap₂ diff (ap suc (+-sucr m m')) (ap suc (+-sucr n n'))))
     j  quot (m + suc m') (n + suc n') j)
    i j

Since addition of integers is (essentially!) addition of pairs of naturals, the algebraic properties of + on the natural numbers automatically lift to properties about _+ℤ_, using the recursion helpers for props (Int-elim-prop) and the fact that equality of integers is a proposition.

+ℤ-associative : (x y z : Int)  x +ℤ (y +ℤ z)(x +ℤ y) +ℤ z
+ℤ-zerol       : (x : Int)      0 +ℤ x ≡ x
+ℤ-zeror       : (x : Int)      x +ℤ 0 ≡ x
+ℤ-commutative : (x y : Int)    x +ℤ y ≡ y +ℤ x
See the proofs here
  +ℤ-associative =
       x y z  hlevel 1)
       a b c d e f  ap₂ diff (+-associative a c e) (+-associative b d f))
  +ℤ-zerol = Int-elim-prop  x  hlevel 1)  a b  refl)
  +ℤ-zeror =
    Int-elim-prop  x  hlevel 1)  a b  ap₂ diff (+-zeror a) (+-zeror b))
  +ℤ-commutative =
    Int-elim₂-prop  x y  hlevel 1)
       a b c d  ap₂ diff (+-commutative a c) (+-commutative b d))


Every integer xx has an additive inverse, denoted x-x, which is obtained by swapping the components of the pair. Since the definition of negate is very simple, it can be written conveniently without using Int-rec:

negate : Int  Int
negate (diff x y) = diff y x
negate (quot m n i) = quot n m i

The proof that x-x is an additive inverse to xx follows, essentially, from commutativity of addition on natural numbers, and the fact that all zeroes are identified.

  +ℤ-inverser : (x : Int)  x +ℤ negate x ≡ 0
  +ℤ-inverser =
    Int-elim-prop  _  hlevel 1) λ where
      a b  diff (a + b) ⌜ b + a ⌝ ≡⟨ ap! (+-commutative b a)
            diff (a + b) (a + b)   ≡⟨ sym (zeroes (a + b))
            diff 0 0

  +ℤ-inversel : (x : Int)  negate x +ℤ x ≡ 0
  +ℤ-inversel =
    Int-elim-prop  _  hlevel 1) λ where
      a b  diff ⌜ b + a ⌝ (a + b) ≡⟨ ap! (+-commutative b a)
            diff (a + b) (a + b)   ≡⟨ sym (zeroes (a + b))
            diff 0 0

Since negate is precisely what’s missing for Nat to be a group, we can turn the integers into a group. Subtraction is defined as addition with the inverse, rather than directly on diff:

_-ℤ_ : Int  Int  Int
x -ℤ y = x +ℤ negate y


We now prove that the integers are a ring, i.e. that there is a multiplication operation xyx*y with 1 as a left/right identity, which is associative, and additionally distributes over addition on both the left and the right. It’s also commutative — so Z\mathbb{Z} is a commutative ring.

The definition of multiplication is slightly tricky: We use the binomial theorem. Pretend that xyxy is really (ab)(cd)(a-b)(c-d), and expand that to (ac+bd)(ad+bc)(ac+bd) - (ad+bc): that’s our product. It remains to show that this respects the defining equation quot, which involves some nasty equations (you can see them in the types of l₁ and l₂ below) — but this can be done with the semiring solver.

  _*ℤ_ : Int  Int  Int
  diff a b *ℤ diff c d = diff (a * c + b * d) (a * d + b * c)
  diff x y *ℤ quot m n i = rhs₁ x y m n i
  quot m n i *ℤ diff x y = rhs₂ x y m n i
  quot m n i *ℤ quot x y j = is-set→squarep  i j  hlevel 2)
    (rhs₂ x y m n) (rhs₁ m n x y)
    (rhs₁ (suc m) (suc n) x y) (rhs₂ (suc x) (suc y) m n) i j

We omit the proofs of the arithmetic identities below since they are essentially induction + calling the semiring solver.

  *ℤ-associative :  x y z  x *ℤ (y *ℤ z)(x *ℤ y) *ℤ z
  *ℤ-commutative :  x y  x *ℤ y ≡ y *ℤ x
  *ℤ-idl :  x  1 *ℤ x ≡ x
  *ℤ-idr :  x  x *ℤ 1 ≡ x
  *ℤ-distrib-+ℤ-l :  x y z  x *ℤ (y +ℤ z)(x *ℤ y) +ℤ (x *ℤ z)
  *ℤ-distrib-+ℤ-r :  x y z  (y +ℤ z) *ℤ x ≡ (y *ℤ x) +ℤ (z *ℤ x)

  1. In the diagram, we write Sx\mathrm{S}x for suc x.↩︎

  2. keeping in mind that the image of canonicalise is restricted to pairs of the form (0,1+x)(0,1+x), (1+x,0)(1+x,0), or (0,0)(0,0)↩︎